View Full Version : Data for the Rest of Us: IOS Guilds, what is your projected war performance?

10-15-2013, 08:16 AM

I've started a thread tracking the point gains of the top guilds (up to Ribbon A) for the recent war. It can be found here:


While the performance of the top guilds are entertaining, alas.. their reality does not apply to the most of us. Unfortunately the vast majority of us are casual gamers who may or may not purchase a moderate amount of gems for the war, although we may still harbor that competitive streak, and want to do our best. So what did the last guild war teach us in terms of how we should perform in the future wars?

Look no further, look here:


I have tracked the scores of the guilds at the top of their ribbon (11th place guild for Ribbon A, 26th place guild for ribbon B, 51st place for Ribbon C, 101st place for Ribbon D, 251st place for Ribbon E, and 501st place for Ribbon F) to get a sense of how quickly a guild must accumulate points to stay within a projected range of overall guild placement.

Here are some interesting patterns:

For most guilds, the activities are elevated during the first 12 hours and the last 8 hours of the. For the most part, the points for each ribbon gain follows a fairly constant slope.

You can use the values of these guilds to back track how well your guild should perform to stay on top your projected placement range. For example, just planning to win every battles isn't enough to project where your placement standing will be, because you can win a battle with mere 2000 points earned in one hour and slip below your goal rankings, while a different guild may lose a battle yet still score 10000 points in that battle to rise up in the ranks.

Here's an example:

Let's say that you want to be within top 100th place (ribbon C or better, or above the ribbon D line). This means that at any given point, your point accumulation rate should exceed the rising slope for the ribbon D line. Excluding the elevated activity during the first and last hours that I mentioned previously, the ribbon D generally follows a slope of approximately 140000 pts/day, or 5833 pts/hour.

If your guild declares a war every 90 minutes on average, this means that your average score per battle should be 5833 pts/hour x 1.5 hours = 8750 points. By the way, you can figure out the rate of your guild's war declaration by looking up the war results for this previous guild wars and finding the total number of battles your guild has participated. Now compute: 96 hours / (# of battles your guild participated in) to find the rate of your guild's war declaration.

But back to my example... If you don't have any gem spenders in your guild, and if each of your guild member scores 1000 pts on average in a war (again, you should have an idea of what this average point is for your own guild which totally depends on the levels and the armors of your guild mates), this would meant that you need an average of 9 active players per battle. See how simple this is?

Of course, I'm making a big assumption that the point gain rate will be constant for all wars. I do believe that the numbers you can pull out from my chart will be fairly relevant for future wars, because while the cut-throat competition between the medal contending guilds have become more and more intense for each successive guild war, the general activity of the ribbon-ranked guilds have remained fairly constant in my observation.

Anyway, I hope that this chart will be useful to you, and maybe it will give you a clearer estimate of what you need to expect from your teammates to achieve your respective goals.


10-15-2013, 08:29 AM
You forgot to make it shared to anyone that has the link

10-15-2013, 08:31 AM
sorry about that, try again!

10-15-2013, 08:49 AM
There is NO "your guild" or "my guild", dude!

Everyone seriously play this game, will jump as soon as the war is over to a better guild.

The Pale Rider
10-15-2013, 12:38 PM
There is NO "your guild" or "my guild", dude!

Everyone seriously play this game, will jump as soon as the war is over to a better guild.

We have about 10% turnover and they are usually the last ones to join (bad fit) or too inactive (sick of the game). Your decription applies to a tiny percentage of players but it may be more typical for those desperate to get better rewards. I could care less about the rewards in this GW.