View Full Version : Huge Kudos To DK - Who is Really #1 on Android?

10-11-2013, 12:16 AM
First off, as Forsaken guild we want to give huge Kudos to DK for an amazing coordinated effort in racking up epic points to start the guild war. We really mean it. That is simply Bad Azz!! You are handing it to the android guilds.

This brings up a question and curiosity. I understand the strategy in Majestic and DK "trading" off epic+ guild wars. Both are super coordinated guilds. So who is the better guild? After seeing what happened first 8 battles of this war, it is clear to me that DK is #1 on Android and could even run with top IOS guilds. Question is, can Majestic pull out that kind of firepower? As good as they are, I am not a believer...yet.

Sure, there is strategy in this post. But in reality, most you have all epics already and many have multiple epic +. So at what point do you see who is really top dog? For now, DK has shown that in less than 12 hours, they got close to what Majestic did in a 3 day war. Until these 2 guilds actually battle for #1, DK easily has that spot until proven otherwise.

And yes, we get the whole point in saving "gems" between epic wars and alternating. But...MEH...there cannot be 2 Number 1 guilds. Again, great job so far to DK...hats off to Grant for his leadership.

Kudos to Gree for fixing the server crash quickly but get your crap together with the lame rewards for ranks 11+. Best of luck to all guilds fighting for top 10!

10-11-2013, 12:32 AM
Seems a tad early
Long war and it's easy for a top guild to round up over 1 mil in points in 2 battles.

The best hope they have the gems to stay the course, nothing worse than premature egemulation

But congrats on a good first 8 hours

10-11-2013, 01:13 AM
I just love DK! Theyre a really great guild and legit at that!

Obvious post is obvious though Ink, and you are right there is no way two #1 guilds can exist at the same time. Good thing FSK is that #1 guild right? Although frankly im not a believer...yet.

10-11-2013, 02:14 AM
Tldr: someone from forsaken is jelly that two guilds can work together and is trying to start drama

10-11-2013, 03:46 AM
So if you know they decided to take turns being first place to save gems, why try to stir Majestic up into taking a run for first place?

We heard it too and knew what was going to happen, so no big surprise. If you arent #1 might as well shoot for top ten because the non epic armor is the same for place 2 to 10. Thats all we are trying to do.

With the war being a extra day, we are not going to go all out this early either. Save your gems for a big finish if you need to hold within top ten.

10-11-2013, 05:02 AM
That post inkjets seemd like it's made to troll

10-11-2013, 05:48 AM
[Insert generic spending / crummy prize whine] because every war related thread needs one

10-11-2013, 06:34 AM
Jeeeeeeeeeeez. DK is undefeated! I'm happy for them :]
Also, it hasn't even been 24 hours, yet. Gosh.. This is going to be a looooooong war.
Good luck and have fun, all!

10-11-2013, 06:35 AM
I don't understand the benefit of more than doubling the second place guild. Seems like a foolish waste of reasons for a meaningless point of pride.

First place I get, doing far more than necessary to secure first place I don't.

10-11-2013, 06:38 AM
Still a long way to go. Someone could easily pass them if they made a push over the next 3 days. They are just securing it. Still 1/4 only done. Long ways to go.

10-11-2013, 06:51 AM
Nah please do not start trolling/flaming from any guilds keep it peaceful.

I can shed some light on this concept and maybe everyone can learn something. The question is to really see who has the bigger wallet for the 3 or 4 days and who can really play those days straight up non stop. If you think about it, to be first place is a matter of sheer numbers farming the crap out of other guilds with as many people as possible on. So after knowing these facts, anyone can see that the dk and majestic are depriving good old GreeD of money. The reasons for this: removing epic fusing, killed off our bluestack alts, being greedy whatever, etc. Why in the world do we want to measure who's wallet is bigger each month? Good God hell no that's insanity. This is what GreeD wants, but a lot of our guild members from both sides are in revolt and say "NO". In order to cater to the mass and show the world that guilds can coordinate and "share something" is a million times better than asking who's wallet is bigger each month. Hell its still too expensive to be honest and our roster's are changing faster than GreeD can spend all our hard earned money. So we will never know who is number 1, just because our roster has changed by almost 30% before this war. After this war, it maybe 50% who knows.

So after really understanding this concept and the motivation behind it, to share something in this world is a beautiful thing and its easier on our pocket books. To share with everyone else, well there's our recruitment pages.

10-11-2013, 06:53 AM
+1 to Vader's comment. Beautifully written!

10-11-2013, 07:09 AM
Vader said everything I was looking to say. I am very, very glad we could work this out.

10-11-2013, 07:23 AM
TLDR; he REAL victory is making sure Gree doesnt get the money they hope for from a head to head battel for 1st place.

10-11-2013, 07:30 AM
I like that idea of switching off winning though... That's just brilliant. I wish my guild was that coordinated. Because it isn't, we have some major reconstructuring to do after the war. For only having about half our members on, 30th place isn't bad.

10-11-2013, 08:53 AM
Nah please do not start trolling/flaming from any guilds keep it peaceful.

I can shed some light on this concept and maybe everyone can learn something. The question is to really see who has the bigger wallet for the 3 or 4 days and who can really play those days straight up non stop. If you think about it, to be first place is a matter of sheer numbers farming the crap out of other guilds with as many people as possible on. So after knowing these facts, anyone can see that the dk and majestic are depriving good old GreeD of money. The reasons for this: removing epic fusing, killed off our bluestack alts, being greedy whatever, etc. Why in the world do we want to measure who's wallet is bigger each month? Good God hell no that's insanity. This is what GreeD wants, but a lot of our guild members from both sides are in revolt and say "NO". In order to cater to the mass and show the world that guilds can coordinate and "share something" is a million times better than asking who's wallet is bigger each month. Hell its still too expensive to be honest and our roster's are changing faster than GreeD can spend all our hard earned money. So we will never know who is number 1, just because our roster has changed by almost 30% before this war. After this war, it maybe 50% who knows.

So after really understanding this concept and the motivation behind it, to share something in this world is a beautiful thing and its easier on our pocket books. To share with everyone else, well there's our recruitment pages.

This is encouraging. Let us know when you want US to take a turn guys! Thanks!

Joking aside, Unicorn Stampede loves finding ways to give Gree less while still winning. Let's put our heads (horns?) together! We got a forum if needed where we players can organize away from the sinister eyes of Gree.

DK Shady
10-11-2013, 08:57 AM
Nah please do not start trolling/flaming from any guilds keep it peaceful.

I can shed some light on this concept and maybe everyone can learn something. The question is to really see who has the bigger wallet for the 3 or 4 days and who can really play those days straight up non stop. If you think about it, to be first place is a matter of sheer numbers farming the crap out of other guilds with as many people as possible on. So after knowing these facts, anyone can see that the dk and majestic are depriving good old GreeD of money. The reasons for this: removing epic fusing, killed off our bluestack alts, being greedy whatever, etc. Why in the world do we want to measure who's wallet is bigger each month? Good God hell no that's insanity. This is what GreeD wants, but a lot of our guild members from both sides are in revolt and say "NO". In order to cater to the mass and show the world that guilds can coordinate and "share something" is a million times better than asking who's wallet is bigger each month. Hell its still too expensive to be honest and our roster's are changing faster than GreeD can spend all our hard earned money. So we will never know who is number 1, just because our roster has changed by almost 30% before this war. After this war, it maybe 50% who knows.

So after really understanding this concept and the motivation behind it, to share something in this world is a beautiful thing and its easier on our pocket books. To share with everyone else, well there's our recruitment pages.

It's called the Coalition Against Cheaters

10-11-2013, 10:52 AM
This thread has become all I hoped it could be and then some =D

10-11-2013, 11:10 AM
This is encouraging. Let us know when you want US to take a turn guys! Thanks!

Joking aside, Unicorn Stampede loves finding ways to give Gree less while still winning. Let's put our heads (horns?) together! We got a forum if needed where we players can organize away from the sinister eyes of Gree.

I wonder what Gree would do if we all agreed to have no one spend money on the war, and go simply off our skills? LOL!

10-11-2013, 11:43 AM
I wonder what Gree would do if we all agreed to have no one spend money on the war, and go simply off our skills? LOL!

That would be awesome. But I doubt everyone would comply with that.

10-11-2013, 12:11 PM
It would be really fun actually. Not so much the legit battle. But imagining grees faces while the amount of gems bought stayed at 0. Be the cheapest most priceless win I could imagine.

DK Shady
10-11-2013, 12:21 PM
It would be really fun actually. Not so much the legit battle. But imagining grees faces while the amount of gems bought stayed at 0. Be the cheapest most priceless win I could imagine.

And the game would be immediately cancelled as soong as the war ended lol.

10-11-2013, 12:34 PM
That would be awesome. But I doubt everyone would comply with that.

If we could somehow pull it off though.... That would be really funny. But we don't really have representatives from every guild on here, I'm sure. So that would be pretty tough.

10-11-2013, 01:02 PM
So DK #1, and Majestic #2. Gree 0. Got it. Thanks for the clarification :)

10-11-2013, 01:05 PM
Android vs Gree 2-0
iOS vs Gree 0-3


10-11-2013, 01:09 PM
So DK #1, and Majestic #2. Gree 0. Got it. Thanks for the clarification :)
Apparently you are trying to drive this topic to a direction, with every contributor going exactly in the opposite one. I don't envy your leadership skills.

10-11-2013, 01:13 PM
Painfully obvious trollling via taunts to coerce the top Guilds into spending money for the sake of pride? You on the wrong operating system sir.

10-11-2013, 01:19 PM
Please lets avoid starting any "drama".

10-11-2013, 01:29 PM
So let me get this straight. And I totally understand where Majestic and DK are coming from. I find it humorous how some guild members always assume the worst. Trolling only really works if people respond out of anger or frustration validating the troller by the way. I legitimately was curious what was going on. Many here have been polite in their responses showing good leadership.

So in order to keep Gree from making more money, Majestic and DK guilds are satisfied in 30-50% attrition (only Vader stated that so cant speak for DK) and it is more about making Gree lose than truly knowing who the better guild would be if you ever did go head to head? And yah, I get that would be an insane amount of gems. So the purpose of guild wars for the DK and Majestic is to:

Make Gree lose ( I like t his reason by the way) Perhaps DK and Majestic are the same guild then in a sense.

Will the 2 of you ever go head to head?

10-11-2013, 01:57 PM
Will the 2 of you ever go head to head?

my wallet hurts already...

10-11-2013, 03:19 PM
Switching off I get. First place I get. Beating second place by a comfortable margin I get. More than doubling second place I don't. Unless its a primitive display of power to ensure the agreement stands?

10-11-2013, 05:43 PM
The more I read the more I think that Forsaken is a Gree-sponsored or Gree employee filled Guild. Jeez.

10-11-2013, 06:01 PM
Forsaken your trolling has no power here

10-11-2013, 07:47 PM
Switching off I get. First place I get. Beating second place by a comfortable margin I get. More than doubling second place I don't. Unless its a primitive display of power to ensure the agreement stands?

When you can get 800k in a battle, the bigger the buffer the more demoralizing it is. Which might mean more gems SAVED on thenlast day

DK Shady
10-11-2013, 10:41 PM
Switching off I get. First place I get. Beating second place by a comfortable margin I get. More than doubling second place I don't. Unless its a primitive display of power to ensure the agreement stands?

It's a loooong war, nice to have a buffer. You can only ask the members of this guild to slow it down so many times before you just give up trying.

The only primitive display of power has been the two match-ups so far with Forsaken. Other than that, we have just been cruising along.

10-12-2013, 02:01 AM

Guild wars:
#1 : Majestic / DK

every single war, every single time.

The rest can go for #2.

10-12-2013, 08:52 PM

Guild wars:
#1 : Majestic / DK

every single war, every single time.

The rest can go for #2.

This^ ty bye

10-13-2013, 03:04 AM

Gree employees will get a christmas bonus

10-13-2013, 05:52 AM

Gree CEO will get a christmas bonus
fixed that for you. According to another post, Gree is kicking people at the bottom. No need for many employees to create the limited weekly new content for games such as KnD... ;)

10-13-2013, 08:10 AM
Switching off I get. First place I get. Beating second place by a comfortable margin I get. More than doubling second place I don't. Unless its a primitive display of power to ensure the agreement stands?

If you guys really think that the leading guild of Android is ridiculous, check out the drama at the IOS platform. It's beyond ridiculous.


10-13-2013, 08:36 AM
If you guys really think that the leading guild of Android is ridiculous, check out the drama at the IOS platform. It's beyond ridiculous.


I've been following that... its ridiculous..

10-13-2013, 09:23 PM
Gratz to DK, gratz also to Gree :P.

Anyone know who DKs once loss was to?

10-13-2013, 11:13 PM
I've been following that... its ridiculous..

Why you guys gotta hate? :(

10-13-2013, 11:37 PM
I've been following that... its ridiculous..

I got bored last night.

Idle hands and what not

10-13-2013, 11:38 PM
I have my Android player as well, but at level 23 he is not much use in a guild war.

...soon tho

10-14-2013, 04:07 AM
Why you guys gotta hate? :(

I think you misinterpreted what I said. its ridiculous in a positive way. considering RR racked up 20 mil +

10-14-2013, 06:29 AM
I have my Android player as well, but at level 23 he is not much use in a guild war.

...soon tho
- chip away at the sentinel: 5 or 6 hits from a level 23 and he's down!
- kick that gate! (I still want to know if it's possible to actually destroy the gate if it's hit a few dozen times... ;) )

DK Memorial
10-14-2013, 11:02 AM
Gratz to DK, gratz also to Gree :P.

Anyone know who DKs once loss was to?

Fsk...we didnt have enough people online and got beatem by 1k points -.-

10-14-2013, 01:02 PM
yeah it was really the most intense battle i've ever had.
we put some effort on ruining your flawless victory :P
but seriously big kudos for you guys, you played well and deserve it.

10-14-2013, 02:19 PM
My guild came in around 400. I felt pretty good about that for being non-spenders with only about 4 really active members.