View Full Version : Gree has officially lost it...

10-09-2013, 05:28 PM
So not only was it bad enough that the new war epic is yet ANOTHER spirit armor, now they release an epic chest the same time of the war that counters the war epic and has better elements? Is this seriously a joke.... I cant believe so many people actually try to defend this company. They basically left people with 2 options: Open the chest or get top 10 in the war. Almost everyone in this game cant afford to do both and this is coming from a person that spends hundreds a month... Why even bother joining a guild at this point, nice going.

I said this before in a different thread, but i seriously mean it this time. GREE has absolutely no clue what they are doing. Is it so difficult to make good decisions in an ipad game? I congratulate them for screwing everybody over. Even though you know as well as i know that i am correct when it comes to the stupidity of this company, some people will most likely still try and defend them, but whatever.

LISTEN TO THE ****ING PLAYERS GREE. The majority of the guys posting on these forums know ALOT more about how to handle this game than you do. If just 1 more bad decision is made, im gonna stop spending money entirely(aka quit) along with most of my guild. Oh and im ready for my forum account to be banned now.

EDIT: Btw if you want to watch a quick 9 second youtube clip, this is basically my reaction to this crap: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fhbmiKIz9Sk

10-09-2013, 05:31 PM
You're aware they released Mael, a counter to the prize of the last guild war, at the same time? They've lost it a long time ago.

I don't think I can play this game much longer with the way Gree handles this game. You want to play competitively as a guild and win and yet your prize gets countered by a chest epic each guild war. What's the point of even playing this game and waiting for guild war anymore?

10-09-2013, 05:56 PM
ugghhhhhh I don't even know what to say

Street Shark
10-09-2013, 05:58 PM
No entitlement here...but really I know many players would rather have the chest epic than the war epic based on the elements...GREE has seriously spit in our faces on this one. I'm saving my gems for war.The fact they countered an armor that we are DamneD to compete for four days for really takes away incentive. But theres 100% chance for the epic in war and <1% for the chest epic. Fool me once shame you, fool me 2x...shame on...shame on me.

10-09-2013, 06:02 PM
DPA = Delusional Players Anonymous?

It's called game balance. Try critical thinking & applied psychology some time, it might hurt at first but you'll be ok.

10-09-2013, 06:04 PM
Did u seriously just mention game balance? Go back and re-read the ****ing post until u understand it. You troll almost as hard as I do sometimes o.O

10-09-2013, 06:05 PM
I'd be happy with either epic.

10-09-2013, 06:29 PM
DPA = Delusional Players Anonymous?

It's called game balance. Try critical thinking & applied psychology some time, it might hurt at first but you'll be ok.

I'm seriously lost for words about this rather pointless and stupid post...

When you say Game Balance, this is a generalized term. In this case the game balance only affects the players who are willing to fork out their money on a simple iPhone app game. Therefore releasing this new chest epic and a war at the same time; would be class a a game balance "with reference to rich players only".

If gree wants to truly balance the game they would stop releasing epics like this for players that don't want to spend real money on the game. With saying this they need a way of making money and I see why they do it. But in all fairness to all players that don't want to spend money if makes the game so unbalanced towards them. There are players that don't want to spend money on the game and Grees tactics are making the game unfair to them. Now you should try critical thinking & applied psychology some time, it might hurt at first but you'll be okay.

10-09-2013, 06:41 PM
Unuchorn don't care because he Prolly get two of the new ones out of the chest after a few hundred bucks and he will get the epic from war. Best of both worlds. And he will then buy extra gold for upgrading :-)

10-09-2013, 07:45 PM
By releasing an epic that counters the war epic, it gives the non-hardcore players the perception that they have a shot at an epic that's worthwhile. That I think is what Eunuchorn is saying.

So Gree has shifted its money making to (I) milk the top guilds for their large income, (ii) let more casual players spend a lesser amount on the chance of a better epic than the war epic and (iii) leftover income from the top spenders that will spend on the chest as well as war.

Kinda makes sense if you think about it.

10-09-2013, 08:24 PM
(ii) let more casual players spend a lesser amount on the chance of a better epic than the war epic

Kinda makes sense if you think about it.

im sorry if i misunderstood u but there is a problem with that.. on average per player, the chests actually cost MORE than if u were to join a top guild and participate by spending gems for that war epic. Alot of top 10 guilds will have open arms for people that spend 800 gems, meanwhile there are people spending thousands on the chests and getting absolute ****. That brings me back to what i said a while ago that the chest system in this game is completely broken, but its not like gree will fix it so oh well.

10-09-2013, 08:54 PM
im sorry if i misunderstood u but there is a problem with that.. on average per player, the chests actually cost MORE than if u were to join a top guild and participate by spending gems for that war epic. Alot of top 10 guilds will have open arms for people that spend 800 gems, meanwhile there are people spending thousands on the chests and getting absolute ****. That brings me back to what i said a while ago that the chest system in this game is completely broken, but its not like gree will fix it so oh well.

DPA isn't going to take in any random scrub that promises to spend 800 gems right? If that person doesn't have decent gear, he's not going to help you get to top 10 and is going to be farmed for points when you're up against the bigger guilds. You wanna invite someone into DPA to spend 800 gems on attacking the wall?

Plus you assume that all players read this forum. I'm guessing most of the players are non forum-readers and will look at the new chests and go "ooh.... shiny" and spend some on those chests. Not a lot but a little from a lot of players can still add up.

The distinction is (I) the "top" players/guilds who know they need to spend on a war for a guaranteed epic and (ii) the non-"top" players/guilds who don't know better.

10-09-2013, 08:55 PM
I'm seriously lost for words about this rather pointless and stupid post...

When you say Game Balance, this is a generalized term. In this case the game balance only affects the players who are willing to fork out their money on a simple iPhone app game. Therefore releasing this new chest epic and a war at the same time; would be class a a game balance "with reference to rich players only".

If gree wants to truly balance the game they would stop releasing epics like this for players that don't want to spend real money on the game. With saying this they need a way of making money and I see why they do it. But in all fairness to all players that don't want to spend money if makes the game so unbalanced towards them. There are players that don't want to spend money on the game and Grees tactics are making the game unfair to them. Now you should try critical thinking & applied psychology some time, it might hurt at first but you'll be okay.

He says prior to erecting two paragraphs on the subject, and I imagine like most things you erect, it will be ignored by everyone but you.