View Full Version : Lost Accounts and Account Transfers. What you need to know!!!!

10-09-2013, 02:17 PM
If you love yourself, please read this very thoroughly. Bookmark this thread. Engrave it on your very soul

How to recover and/or transfer your account!

What information do I need to transfer or recover a lost account?

1. Main knight's name and level
2. Names of other knights (3 other knights is enough)
3. Friend code of the account you are trying to recover
4. Guild information (if you were in a guild at any point)
5. Armor your main knight is wearing.
6. How many gems you have on your old account.
7. Friend code on the NEW device or on your new knight.
8. ANDROID users : receipts or transactions if applicable

Why do I need all this information?

A. Because when you email us, the account of the device you are contacting us from appears, not your old one.
B. In addition to finding your account, we also need to verify that you actually OWN the account!!! Due to account theft, we must verify all of this information as it is easy for anyone to submit an account transfer with simply a friend code or a knight's name and level and steal someone's account. You MUST verify ownership or you will not have the account transferred to you!!!!!!!!!!

How do I prevent account theft/hacking?

Don't share your account information unless its with your parents!

Don't share any information that only YOU would know. (other knights, amount of gems, purchase history, blah blah blah)

Don't share your account! For example: You lend your account to your friend because you have band camp for the summer and your friend wants to play on your account because you miraculously got an epic. After band camp, your friend decides they don't want to be friends with you anymore for whatever reason. Or vice versa. But now they have all of your account information. Guess what? You've been robbed and there isn't anything we can do about it!

How do I get my account back in time for war? My guildies need me!! Hurry up!!

1. Contact customer support from within the game. Please include as much of the above information as possible. If more information is needed, you will receive a request. Providing all of the necessary information on first contact is a good way to get it done the first time instead of going back and forth.

2. When you receive a reply that your account swap was made, IOS users, please temporarily disable iCloud while you re-install the app

Why doesn't my account transfer when I get a new device?

A. Your account is tied to the specific device you are using. It isn't tied to your Apple Id/Google Wallet. Only your account purchases are tied to your Google Wallet and Apple IDs.

Why did my account disappear when I upgraded my OS?! GREE, why you thief me?

A. Its an issue for some. We're aware of it. We promise, we didn't purposely thief you or hack you.

I had my account transferred and then it disappeared??

A. Someone else may have tried to claim your account. Or there may be something buggy going on. In these cases we research what's going on.

What about the stuff on my new account? Can I keep it?

A. No. When your account is transferred, your old save game is copied over the new one. It isn't possible. Sorry.

I had an Android and just switched to Apple. Can I transfer my account?

A. No. This is a TOS violation and not possible. Sorry!

Can I have my account on 2 devices? I like playing on my iPad sometimes instead of my phone.

A. Nope! As stated before, your account is tied to your specific device and not a cloud system.

Love yourself. Keep this information written down, save it in an email to yourself, desktop on a notepad, photoshop, etc.


10-09-2013, 02:55 PM
I don't care what other people might whine about this but this is very well explained. Nice job Elita! :D

10-09-2013, 03:00 PM
so who do I contact for transfer request?

10-09-2013, 03:17 PM
Thank you for finally giving us an outline to use.

10-09-2013, 03:49 PM
Also how long is the waiting time for account to be transfer for Android user? also is the process same as ios that we will receive a mail and say that our transfer has been complete? And a last question, while our account is waiting to be transfer can we carry on play KND on old or new account or isit advisable that we dont do or play any of the account (main acc & new acc) till the transfer process been complete?

Btw I referring to Android system.

10-09-2013, 03:52 PM
Better love story than Twilight.

10-09-2013, 03:55 PM
Also how long is the waiting time for account to be transfer for Android user? also is the process same as ios that we will receive a mail and say that our transfer has been complete? And a last question, while our account is waiting to be transfer can we carry on play KND on old or new account or isit advisable that we dont do or play any of the account (main acc & new acc) till the transfer process been complete?

Btw I referring to Android system.

I think it varies, one of my guild mates it took almost 2 weeks to complete and a friend of mine got it done in 3 days.

10-09-2013, 04:10 PM
My friends got it around 1 week but end up the account been corrupted and after he send back ticket his issue is been totally ingore. So wanna ask more details like what we can or cannot do while in the transferring process.

10-09-2013, 04:22 PM
Also how long is the waiting time for account to be transfer for Android user? also is the process same as ios that we will receive a mail and say that our transfer has been complete? And a last question, while our account is waiting to be transfer can we carry on play KND on old or new account or isit advisable that we dont do or play any of the account (main acc & new acc) till the transfer process been complete?

Btw I referring to Android system.

Processing times vary based on how many tickets Customer Support has at the time. These times also vary due to other factors such as amount of verifiable information given or whether 2 people keep writing in attempting to claim the same account.

10-09-2013, 05:37 PM
This is very good. Finally a information that i need to know.
Well done Elita 👍

10-09-2013, 06:13 PM
Should we bother with giving information in the opening ticket? The rep that finally solved my problem asked me a list of questions (not the ones in this thread) all of which were given in the opening ticket. The rep obviously didn't read the ticket.

I must say, this is a step in the right direction. Thank you.

10-10-2013, 09:21 AM
Should we bother with giving information in the opening ticket? The rep that finally solved my problem asked me a list of questions (not the ones in this thread) all of which were given in the opening ticket. The rep obviously didn't read the ticket.

I must say, this is a step in the right direction. Thank you.

YES. The list of questions has recently changed. We do review and change things from time to time.
The rep may have asked you the questions because you submitted multiple tickets and was responding to one that didn't have the information or because it was simply a mistake. Customer service reads literally hundreds of tickets every day. Believe it or not, the machines have not taken over yet and real people read and answer your tickets.

10-10-2013, 06:00 PM
YES. The list of questions has recently changed. We do review and change things from time to time.
The rep may have asked you the questions because you submitted multiple tickets and was responding to one that didn't have the information or because it was simply a mistake. Customer service reads literally hundreds of tickets every day. Believe it or not, the machines have not taken over yet and real people read and answer your tickets.

10-11-2013, 08:16 AM
Ive opened up multiple tickets over 10 days now. Not one response wtf?

Asgeir BoW
10-12-2013, 06:47 PM
Elita, please, I have been locked out of making ANY purchased for 4 days now because Google Wallet "detected suspicious activity" despite me verifying all my info. I have missed 2 sales because of this & GREE has missed out on hundreds of dollars. I would VERY much like to buy gems before war is over. The only quick fix was for me to create a new Google Wallet account, but how do I get K&D to recognize this?? A quick response & fix would be greatly appreciated.

10-13-2013, 02:21 AM
The only quick fix was for me to create a new Google Wallet account, but how do I get K&D to recognize this?? A quick response & fix would be greatly appreciated.
Google Wallet -> Google Play Store -> K&D I guess, so you probably need to somehow link the wallet to your play store account. AKA: nothing Gree can help you with.

10-13-2013, 07:14 AM
got it thanks