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View Full Version : Advice on quitting Crime city?

10-09-2013, 01:44 PM
I've been playing since the beginning of the year. My syndicate fell apart and I didn't feel like starting over with a new one. The time came where the game started to become a full time job. My weekends will now be more productive. It's going to feel strange not checking my phone on a constant basis. It will take some time getting used to.

10-09-2013, 01:46 PM
~ First ~

Not looking at or posting threads on this forum might help.

panty sniffer
10-09-2013, 01:47 PM
Seems your chances of quitting increase greatly cold turkey style.. Put the game down and never look back.. All winners that I know of have done it this way.

Butt Futter
10-09-2013, 01:53 PM
It's easy. I uninstalled game and that was that.

10-09-2013, 02:05 PM
Seems your chances of quitting increase greatly cold turkey style.. Put the game down and never look back.. All winners that I know of have done it this way.

Yeah, going to have to second the "uninstall" advice. Don't talk to your old syndicate mates either. >_>

10-09-2013, 02:09 PM
And send a ticket to Gree asking to delete your account.

10-09-2013, 03:16 PM
And send a ticket to Gree asking to delete your account.Or just give it to me ;)

10-09-2013, 08:20 PM
That's exactly how I quit MW and MQ. I didn't post in the forum and have a good bye thread. In the are of MW I sold all and donated to faction. MQ I sold all hit a bigger player than me to give a link and left a message on his/her board I was leaving. Oh and with KA I did post I was leaving the game, but as I didn't have a faction I left it to who ever messaged me on the forum. So I just joined dumped the gold and deleted.

When I leave this game there will no good byes because I'll be done. Just sell, donate, delete.

10-09-2013, 08:29 PM
1. Sell all buildings
2. Donate $$ to random syndicate
3. Uninstall app
4. Downgrade phone so you can't reinstall app
5. Have fun in your real life so you don't think about CC

panty sniffer
10-09-2013, 10:09 PM
My2cents had a good idea and you can go a step further. Create a Funzio user/pass and set your account to transfer out. Leave the Funzio user/pass on your wall and someone will take it from you.. if your account is any good. (Android)

If you can't put the crack pipe down, someone might help and take it from you.

Mistress Nikita
10-09-2013, 10:29 PM
And send a ticket to Gree asking to delete your account.

Will they really do that?

Captain Torgue
10-10-2013, 12:42 AM
Just find another addiction to replace this one. I've started smoking crack. It is awesome, you should really give it a go.

10-10-2013, 02:43 AM
I bet u cant leave it for the fact you are seeking advice here

10-10-2013, 04:53 AM
And send a ticket to Gree asking to delete your account.

Do I get back the money I spent on gold buildings? I think I'll keep my account. I worked really hard on my hood.

Captain Torgue
10-10-2013, 05:01 AM
Do I get back the money I spent on gold buildings?

Gree giving you back your gold, that will be the day. You will have a better chance convincing a crack head to hand over their drugs.

10-10-2013, 06:13 AM
Gree giving you back your gold, that will be the day. You will have a better chance convincing a crack head to hand over their drugs.

Isn't that where al their gold money is going to anyway?

10-10-2013, 07:35 AM
If you can stay away for 6 weeks, your stats will be so low in comparison to everyone else that your syndicate won't want you back and you won't want to continue playing!

40 days in the desert, should take care of it...


10-10-2013, 07:38 AM
I've been playing since the beginning of the year. My syndicate fell apart and I didn't feel like starting over with a new one. The time came where the game started to become a full time job. My weekends will now be more productive. It's going to feel strange not checking my phone on a constant basis. It will take some time getting used to.

Dont do it.... you have to be 100% sure... if you come back your stat will be not good...

10-10-2013, 07:40 AM
Yeah, going to have to second the "uninstall" advice. Don't talk to your old syndicate mates either. >_>

I have to learn to stop checking my chat app. I've met a great group of people while paying this game. The social aspect of the game is why I stayed for so long. I would have quit ages ago if it weren't for my syndicate.

10-10-2013, 07:44 AM
I have to learn to stop checking my chat app. I've met a great group of people while paying this game. The social aspect of the game is why I stayed for so long. I would have quit ages ago if it weren't for my syndicate.

Understood but how many real life friends could you have made if you weren't stuck looking at your phone/tablet? The number of times I've taken my phone out to collect on buildings when out with friends or at work makes me ashamed.

10-10-2013, 12:13 PM
You are not allowed to talk about quitting any more or make post saying you quit!
It's bad for Gree's business. What they want is 5000 post saying "hello i'm new here"

Anyway in defense of Gree I can't understand all the post about quitting and the gold bonus programme.
If players a stupid enough to spend more money than they feel comfortable and wake up one day and think OMG I cant pay the power bill. Then they only have themselves to blame.

It seems to be that only the high end gold users are realising they have spent a crap load of their money and all of a sudden want to blame Gree for it..... no one made you buy it!
It also amazes me they appear they cant handle playing for free.

Anyway congrats to those that do win the game. Just don't blame gree for your own spending.

PS Gree are running a buisness to make a profit, it is up to them how they run their model.

10-10-2013, 12:38 PM
Delete the app and pick up a new hobby... Like knitting.

10-10-2013, 12:47 PM
You are not allowed to talk about quitting any more or make post saying you quit!
It's bad for Gree's business. What they want is 5000 post saying "hello i'm new here"

Anyway in defense of Gree I can't understand all the post about quitting and the gold bonus programme.
If players a stupid enough to spend more money than they feel comfortable and wake up one day and think OMG I cant pay the power bill. Then they only have themselves to blame.

It seems to be that only the high end gold users are realising they have spent a crap load of their money and all of a sudden want to blame Gree for it..... no one made you buy it!
It also amazes me they appear they cant handle playing for free.

Anyway congrats to those that do win the game. Just don't blame gree for your own spending.

PS Gree are running a buisness to make a profit, it is up to them how they run their model.


10-10-2013, 12:49 PM
I've been playing since the beginning of the year. My syndicate fell apart and I didn't feel like starting over with a new one. The time came where the game started to become a full time job. My weekends will now be more productive. It's going to feel strange not checking my phone on a constant basis. It will take some time getting used to.

its tough $ hit is like a legal drug addiction. Especially considering u can just reinstall the game at any point best bet is 2 sell everything. Someone said u can ask gree 2 close your account I didnt know u could do that would guess it would take twice as long as a transfer tho and by that time u would want to play again for sure

You are not allowed to talk about quitting any more or make post saying you quit!
It's bad for Gree's business.

Yeaaaa well since this entire post is about quitting and were all still posting I think its safe to say we can. Maybe its frowned upon, like j-walking

Dennis B
01-01-2014, 02:21 AM
Anyone who sold all their buildings and got them back? Just sent in a ticket that I want back in after 2-3 months away. Had around 8m IPH when I quit back then. My Att/Def stats sucks, but would be nice to have my buildings back.
It's a long shot though :)

01-01-2014, 03:32 AM
Anyone who sold all their buildings and got them back? Just sent in a ticket that I want back in after 2-3 months away. Had around 8m IPH when I quit back then. My Att/Def stats sucks, but would be nice to have my buildings back.
It's a long shot though :)


01-01-2014, 04:29 AM
You are not allowed to talk about quitting any more or make post saying you quit!
It's bad for Gree's business. What they want is 5000 post saying "hello i'm new here"
hello i'm new here .. can i get any advice on buying gold? i got about a million dollar spare to burn .. how much gold can i buy with it?

01-01-2014, 05:07 AM
Just started yesterday, best game ever, NEVER gonna quit.

how do you buy henchmen? how much?

bravo 6 vk
01-01-2014, 05:16 AM
Holy Necro :eek:

01-01-2014, 05:16 AM
yea i also wish to know how to buy henchmen .. and i need advice on buying and upgrading my laundros .. best building, hands down!

01-01-2014, 05:19 AM
Well swap out the game i am having much fun playing Knights and dragon it might look like a kids game but it's fun but like all Gree games it does try to make you spend money espically for arena pvp you can't achieve more than 5 wins unless you willing to spend money.

Don't let characters annoy you before every goal the character speak to you like your important which makes me feel appreciated LOL .

Dennis B
01-01-2014, 06:10 AM

Yes, I miss this awesome game. If they wont replace them I just build them back up again. Should be fun :)

01-01-2014, 06:19 AM
Lets face it. Gree games are only for the rich now. The fun has gone out of free play and even light gem/gold users as my self.

01-01-2014, 12:53 PM
And send a ticket to Gree asking to delete your account.

Naw - sell all your buildings and give the cash to a little syndicate, then leave their syndicate - your empty hood will infuriate the runts looking for robs.

Alternatively - keep all your high income buildings - once robbed the runts will keep visiting your hood, wasting lots of their time and nothing will ever be ready.

01-01-2014, 12:54 PM
Just find another addiction to replace this one. I've started smoking crack. It is awesome, you should really give it a go.
Tried that, now I just stay up 5-6 days on end too paranoid that I will get robbed if I sleep.

dribblin todger
01-01-2014, 01:11 PM
Go and commit a real crime, rob a bank, smash up a few cars, heck even go into a bar and start foaming at the mouth and punching people.. Once the jury has deliberated and the judge has passed a sentence duly fitting your crimes then you can be carted off to a dirty stinking jail without your device (unless you hide it where the sun don't shine), think of the fun you could have in the showers with other ex-crime city junkies... and not a dime to spend on gold to complete some ridiculously unobtainable quest without resorting to spending $200 and/or smashing up poor little Carmen.

In no way am i inciting the OP or other readers of this thread to go out and commit real crimes, however should you feel that this is the way you need to go to be free of your addiction to CC, then i would suggest taking along on your real life crime spree a sharp knife, shotgun, broken bottle, a set of dusters, a few kilo of TNT, kevlar body armour, protective head gear and a garrot

01-01-2014, 01:25 PM
It is quite fun that threads like this are allowed to exist now - adds weight to the theory that Gree don't give 2 hoots about the app now.

01-01-2014, 02:44 PM
I'd be interested in your account if u do want to give up. A sure way to ensuring there's no return!Thx.

01-01-2014, 03:06 PM
Go and commit a real crime, rob a bank, smash up a few cars, heck even go into a bar and start foaming at the mouth and punching people.. Once the jury has deliberated and the judge has passed a sentence duly fitting your crimes then you can be carted off to a dirty stinking jail without your device (unless you hide it where the sun don't shine), think of the fun you could have in the showers with other ex-crime city junkies... and not a dime to spend on gold to complete some ridiculously unobtainable quest without resorting to spending $200 and/or smashing up poor little Carmen.

missed out one important point...

don't forget to blame GREE during your Trial, for your total relapse & subsequent descent into madness & totally psychotic behaviour...

who knows, the subsequent lawsuits, from all the money grabbing ambulance chasers, might actually cause GREE to sit up and take notice of the sh*t their giving their customers...

one man gang
01-02-2014, 01:59 AM
Just delete the game. Pretty easy! The only thing saving CC is people's loyalty to their syndicate.

It's just a game! No matter how much money you have spent!