View Full Version : Money on the Epic Chest

White Avenger
10-07-2013, 06:40 AM
The problem is spending a lot of money on Epic chests and getting no Epics. It's not fun and it gets you mad. There comes a point in time where we want to quit because there is NO return for the money spent. No ROI. Let's get real - people are not spending money because they want 3 - 5 fusion boosts.

Fast forward to the guild wars. Why do you think people are joining the big guilds for a guild war because you know if you spend GEMS (money). There will be a return on your investment. I will get an epic.

So where does that leave the people that don't have the time to play a game all weekend but have spent 500 dollars plus on a "free game". Unfortunatly for Gree they will eventually leave the game because it's no longer fun to get beat all the time by others that got lucky while you spent the money but still come up short.

So what's the fix?

Have a calculator that keeps track of all the gems that you have spent and when you hit 1000 gems. You get to spin a slot machine that generates 3 epics and you get to pick one of the 3. So you are happy because you know for the money spent you are going to eventually get a return on your "investment"...

The polls that I make is to get the developers to see what we want. To get them to see things from another point of view. Believe me they are reading the forums - especially any hot topic. Let them hear from you...


10-07-2013, 06:50 AM
So essentially you want Gree to sell epics for 1000 gems?

10-07-2013, 06:52 AM
That is not likly because then 1000 gems = guaranteed epic
that would reduce gem spending after a week

10-07-2013, 06:57 AM
GREE will never set a finite price on the best equipment....period, as nice as it may sound, It's just not good business

10-07-2013, 07:26 AM
Ignore my vote I pressed option 2 instead of 3

10-07-2013, 08:09 AM
Ya its a great idea for players. For gree, not so much. Many many people spend waaaay more than 1000 to get a n epic. I've herd many people spending 500-1000 PER epic. A company already struggling to get good profits, will not do something to lower their income even more.

10-07-2013, 08:47 AM
I completely agree with the OP.

I spent 1200 gems for an opportunity at an Epic and got nothing. Including the Beast Chest I have opened 60+ chests with the "4X Chance" and received nothing worth mentioning. 1200 gems and 60+ chests is zilch compared to what others have opened. I took a chance, understood that I might get nothing worthwhile, and did it anyway. I'm OK with the result. Having said that, I will never buy another chest unless something changes.

Now, introduce a guaranteed Epic at even 2500 gems and I'll start buying them again knowing that eventually I'll be guaranteed an Epic. Even if I open a couple and get nothing, I still know that eventually I'll hit that magic number of gems and I'll get an Epic.

It gives me an incentive to continue opening chests, whereas right now, I have none. My current perception is that the odds are set so low that my odds of getting an Epic are not even remotely worth the money spent to buy gems.

The only question that remains is if there are more people like me that have given up on chests or if they stand to gain more money from those that will open an unlimited number of chests until they get what they want regardless of a guarantee. As the OP stated, look at the number of people that conserve gems and join the top guilds to get a guaranteed Epic.

Just my .02 Good Luck All!

10-07-2013, 08:55 AM
#1 reason Gree won't do it. How do you track purchased gems from free gems?

While I agree with the idea, I don't think an epic is really a good idea here. Not for the players either. The top end will just end up decked much harder than they are. (believe it or not there are members of top ten guilds with only war epics, and some who joined later with only the most recent).

My idea would be that after xxx number of chests bought you get a key to a different chest. For exampled: 1000 gems spent on DPC, you get 5 keys to next event chest where epics are.

I think this problem of epic power does, in fact, need to be addressed. However, I don't think that handing out what is already here is the problem. We don't want to nul-set at epic. What would fix this problem is a larger pool of fusable, competitive, legendaries to fill the DPC with. Even a step further, semi-competitive ultra rares that compete with current legendaries.

And as always; my idea of Legendary fuse-only armors that make the idea of fusing away those weekly epic non-pluses seem like an attractive idea.

10-07-2013, 09:09 AM
#1 reason Gree won't do it. How do you track purchased gems from free gems?
It shouldn't matter if they were free to the player or purchased.

Gree generates money from the free offers as well.

10-07-2013, 09:58 AM
the game is becoming broken. with the epic pluses. the gem Idea I don't like but this I like
"I think this problem of epic power does, in fact, need to be addressed. However, I don't think that handing out what is already here is the problem. We don't want to nul-set at epic. What would fix this problem is a larger pool of fusable, competitive, legendaries to fill the DPC with. Even a step further, semi-competitive ultra rares that compete with current legendaries." they also need to stop releasing more epics for a while.

White Avenger
10-07-2013, 10:00 AM
To track the purchased or used gems would be pretty simple to do. I want everyone to look at this from a reasonable customer stand point not if you think Gree will do it or not.

JC Penny's used to have a big coupon they send out for 50% off - almost weekly. A new CEO came along and said "We are not doing that anymore - we are only going to have low savings all the time. Well the low savings all the time really wasn't low enough and it was a blood bath for the bottom line for JC Penny's and the CEO was fired.

If JC Penny's listened to thier customer base - they would have done things different.

Gree is has been letting people go left and right. It's time for them re-evaluate what they are doing. It's time for them to listen to thier customers.

Eventually the mid level spending player base is going to leave. Why - it's not fun playing a game where you lose all the time - because your not in a top 10 guild. The game is unbalanced and they need to right the ship quickly.

If they were smart, they would have at the min, had those beast chests at 300 gems instead of moving it to 350. It tells us alot.... about this company. Would you ever be sucked into another Gree game again knowing how they do business? Of course that could be another good poll.

Regardless, I appreciate everyone's input.

Take care,

10-08-2013, 08:47 PM
GREE will never set a finite price on the best equipment....period, as nice as it may sound, It's just not good business

Not to mention, 1000 gems... Try 3000-10,000 gems

However I completely support what your saying

The Pale Rider
10-09-2013, 08:02 AM
the game is becoming broken. with the epic pluses. the gem Idea I don't like but this I like
"I think this problem of epic power does, in fact, need to be addressed. However, I don't think that handing out what is already here is the problem. We don't want to nul-set at epic. What would fix this problem is a larger pool of fusable, competitive, legendaries to fill the DPC with. Even a step further, semi-competitive ultra rares that compete with current legendaries." they also need to stop releasing more epics for a while.
I think you're right. Before quite recently there were a lot of viable chest and fusion only legendaries that were a good bump up from the boss armors - combustion, aegis, clay, tempered, guardians, sky (in their non-plus forms). Now the boss armors beat everything GREE has ever put out. There's no incentive to fuse or open DP chests any longer. This is genuinely a broken aspect of the game.

The fix is obvious back fill the gap between epics and boss armor. Three ways to do it: (1) Improve stats of existing armor (saves on graphic production costs of a new armor), (2) Make weaker epics fusable and/or in the DP chest (starting to happen, should be accelerated to include Blaze and Tec soon, they're pretty outclassed by all the new epics 300-500 points higher), and (3) Create new chest/fuse only armor (these were being introduced regularly before Epic and then nothing, which tells me Epic is the new chest-only Leg).

I'm not saying it has to change or people will leave, but it's stupid to leave significant parts of your game in a dystfunctional state.

10-09-2013, 06:22 PM
I'd rather they just remove the 2 star armors from the chests. That would make opening a chest worth it imo.

Also, I'd like to see all chests have a key for the chest above them in the rewards.