View Full Version : Help the dude without any legendary

10-06-2013, 10:40 AM

due to the rumors that legendaries are fusionable again, I thought I`ll give it a shot. Due to the problem that I didnt find a list where i can check any constellations of armors used (for armors I got), I now want to try if you maybe know something I can do.

List of armors with 3 or more stars:
- Spectral Captains Uniform
- Dark Princes Royal
- Armor of Infernal Lord
- Rocfeather+
- Swamp Shaman
- Boilerplate (using cause of 2nd best atm)
- Guardians Battlegear (using cause of best atm)
- Featherblade Battlegear
- Trollforge Platemail
- Scourchstone Aegis
- Leviathans Platemai
- Swampstone Platemail (FIRST time to reach lvl 43 to get +version, will use this one then)
- Soulshard Raiment

Is there any chance to get one of the good legendaries? Due to the fact that I am falling behind in my guild as a HC cause of no luck (best armors are maxed), I start feeling really bad :/

10-06-2013, 11:21 AM
Only armors that are worth fusing at the moment are:

Moontide Platemail
Combustion Armor

You already have Guardian's Battlegear which is also a good one if you missed Assassin+ and Bear+, and there's no point in fusing for Clayplate Mantle when you have Swamp+

So try Leviathan + Soulshard for a chance at Moontide

Featherblade + Scorchstone for a chance at Combustion

10-06-2013, 12:30 PM
I think you mean Epic, not Legendary. ;) And the only confirmed fusable epic is Moontide.
For which of course the least bad odds are a mono water 4-star and a mono spirit 4-star.
In other words: leviathan and soulshard as Zero already mentioned.
If you are lucky and do get a Moontide, you next problem becomes that maxing it if quite a bit more expensive than leveling boss non-plus to 35 and then maxing boss+ for only a 200 stat point advantage.

10-06-2013, 01:00 PM
Aim for combustion armor as mentioned above, it's my main armor also. You already got Boilerplate, else I would suggest that one too. For moontide just find two armors (4+ else the rate I assume is just so so low) that have the moontide elements in them for fusioning. I use epic bosses for fusionings mostly.

Else aim for 43+ epic bosses armors