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War lord
10-05-2013, 09:06 AM
Remember is good ol days when you were lvl 100 with 100k att/de and on top of the world, better be a mill now or ull see wrenches over those big money buildings instead of cash. lol

10-05-2013, 09:07 AM
Yep a year ago I felt like a winner with 150k attack.

Agent Orange
10-05-2013, 09:07 AM
You need more than 1 million. Don't think it is safe anywhere now in the high levels.

10-05-2013, 09:51 AM
the low levels are even worse, with these faction ltq/boss events that they barely need to work for.

smart tiger
10-05-2013, 10:15 AM
until India, I was sitting pretty with 650k A/D at around level 160.. decided to quit my faction and take a break.. and voila.. everyone is now above 1 million and I am at 750k.. hahaha.. yeah, good old days.. :) :p

10-05-2013, 12:49 PM
Those old days
We still have competitive free player like JMC
We still have casualty
We still use sea units as Meat shield
We still save our valor for Super Hornet
We still save our cash for Aircraft carrier
We still under vault
We still sync 24h and 48h for Nano tech.
We still farm mini sub 8/6 in map Emir island
We still play this as a strategy game

10-05-2013, 06:14 PM
Those old days
We still have competitive free player like JMC
We still have casualty
We still use sea units as Meat shield
We still save our valor for Super Hornet
We still save our cash for Aircraft carrier
We still under vault
We still sync 24h and 48h for Nano tech.
We still farm mini sub 8/6 in map Emir island
We still play this as a strategy game

Couldn't agree more. Especially with the farming of the mini sub, Super Hornet and Aircraft Carrier comments.

I can recall my plan of getting to Level 50 and then doing nothing but camp and level my Dry Docks and buy as many Aircraft Carriers as I could. Heck, I can also remember tracking how my stats went up with each unit I bought. Does anyone buy units anymore?

I suppose it's all relative. I love the comradery of my faction and the VFF family, mostly just the banter in the chat rooms, so some things are more fun now.

And absolutely agree with your point about JMC. Folks like him and the man a few posts up, AO, really helped me out in the beginning and made this forum fun.

10-05-2013, 10:20 PM

Remember those old days that people were complaining casualties every single day,lol. Now Gree fixed it by slapping our faces with indestructible units.

10-05-2013, 11:24 PM
You mean you can lose units - LoL

I remember preaching for people to farm Amphibious Troopers - as a meat shield and to keep your casualties controlled to a free unit. At one time I had 1200 Super Hornets and 900 AT's as my main army - and someone said once that I had cheated to get so many Super Hornets - LoL

As far as buying units - my 45th unit has over 5,000 stats - I'm not sure if there is a single unit I could buy at my current rank (Commander) that would even make it into my top 3000 (whenever they open that up) :(

Not bragging - just simply observing that the good ole days were trying to win a 10 Crate item with 300 stats - now they give away 300 stat units for free every day just for logging in. I truly feel sorry for a brand new player who starts an account right now and doesn't have an "in" with a top 250 faction to pick up some faction units and pull ahead of the crowd. Then there are the level 50 players with over 1 million stats who are just someone's LLP - :/

10-06-2013, 09:13 AM
Where do you think the game will go from here? It's like Gree is slowly putting themselves into a corner. I feel bad for all the players that spent huge amounts of money which is now worth nothing.

10-06-2013, 09:40 AM
I remember shooting to have 100k a/d by lvl 100.

Agent Orange
10-06-2013, 03:17 PM
Or Gree is cashing out while they can...... it's not like they don't have a lot of other games in their stable so loosing this one isn't a big deal. In the SW industry this would be called going into maintenance mode.