View Full Version : Faction Bonuses

10-03-2013, 06:12 AM
Can someone please explain to me how the faction bonuses are applied. For example, if my faction has 6 ground defenses (5% each), do I get a 30% bonus or only 26.5% [100- (100*.95*.95*.95*.95*.95*.95)].

In going through my bonuses, it appears that my ground defense if calculated by just adding all the percentages while my health regen bonus is calculated by the more cumulative method. Did I miss something?

10-03-2013, 06:37 AM
It is the 2nd option. Do not add. There are several detailed threads you can search out.

Nam kcalba
10-03-2013, 07:29 AM
Can someone please explain to me how the faction bonuses are applied. For example, if my faction has 6 ground defenses (5% each), do I get a 30% bonus or only 26.5% [100- (100*.95*.95*.95*.95*.95*.95)].

In going through my bonuses, it appears that my ground defense if calculated by just adding all the percentages while my health regen bonus is calculated by the more cumulative method. Did I miss something?

My list of faction bonuses reads health regen 30% while on my stat screen it says health regen 26%

10-03-2013, 07:47 AM
It was explained once by someone who did the math that the regen bonuses are multiplicative and the atk/def bonuses are additive.

10-03-2013, 08:06 AM
It was explained once by someone who did the math that the regen bonuses are multiplicative and the atk/def bonuses are additive.

That is exactly what I'm seeing when I do the math.

10-03-2013, 08:21 AM
It was explained once by someone who did the math that the regen bonuses are multiplicative and the atk/def bonuses are additive.

You are indeed correct! No better way to explain it without doing the math.

10-03-2013, 09:36 AM
Well, if you have 100% of something, and you're making it grow (atk/def) by percentages, they add the percentages together.

If you have 100% of something, and you're making it shrink (time) by percentages, each percentage multiplies. This is because you can't reduce something by more than 100% in reality.

100 * .95 * .95 * .95 * .95 = .81

10-03-2013, 10:52 AM
Well, if you have 100% of something, and you're making it grow (atk/def) by percentages, they add the percentages together.

If you have 100% of something, and you're making it shrink (time) by percentages, each percentage multiplies. This is because you can't reduce something by more than 100% in reality.

100 * .95 * .95 * .95 * .95 = .81

Right on Sir!

'MAU' Mirsad-Ra
10-03-2013, 01:13 PM
Thanks Kefa. Short and sweet!!!😊😊