View Full Version : Merger/Faction Event Coordination

10-02-2013, 04:43 PM
Death Unlimited is looking for another like minded faction that knows hardcore free to light gold players need to stick together to finish FLTQ's and now FEB (Faction Epic Boss)!

I guess we only have ourselves to blame for the onslaught of events that are being thrown at us. We ask GREE to give us a break and give us more time between WD events and what do they do??? They bombard us with a slew of faction events that coincide with individual events. On top of that, they make Prestige Mode monster units dependent upon finishing the other!!!

But I digress, here we all are still playing their game! So let's play!!!

I'm not looking to absorb a faction but permanent merger opportunities can be entertained. Right now we're looking for factions that know that there is strength in numbers and the only way to stay competitive in the free to light MW world is to finish FLTQ's and FEB's.

GroupMe is the communication method of choice, below is a list of faction bonuses:

Casualty: 5% (Let's face it, EVERYONE is pretty much on their way to a golden Army with the units GREE is coughing up with all these events)

Health Regeneration 35%
Ground Attack 15%
Air Attack 10%
Infantry Attack 20%
Sea Attack 5%
Infantry Defense 30%
Ground Defense 30%
Air Defense 30%
Sea Defense 30%
Building Defense 30%
Building Output 25%
Guild Members....who cares as long as it's enough!!!! But all BS aside, we have room for about 20-25 players (Don't judge us!!! Heavy gold factions are more attractive!!!) But we have a small group of loyal, hardworking players that want these good units GREE is throwing around.

We've finished top 400-750, former top ranking faction but I took a free to light approach. We have 26 wins under our belt (could've been more but we were going for the streak instead of rank with a consecutive win streak to level 5/9.)

Serious Inquiries only!!! If you know you have a faction full of dead beats or occasional players then please do not waste both mine and your time!

I prefer to be contacted by PM because I will be alerted by email immediately. I'm on Eastern US time so give me a reasonable amount of time to respond to any inquiries.

Also taking individual requests!

10-04-2013, 05:59 AM
Still looking....fltq starts today!