View Full Version : Oppurtunity to Lead Otto's Army

10-02-2013, 03:46 AM
We recently merged Otto's Army into DSZ and we are looking to have Otto's Army run as a combanion/feeder group to DSZ. When the dust settles we will have 28 of 48 spots available in Otto's Army. Faction shell data is posted below, with over 10K concrete and $250-mil in the bank with a few level 10 fortifications left over from the previous event.

Ultimatly would love for an upcoming Top 1000/4000 group looking for a quick upgrade to faction bonuses move in and take the 28 available spots. No issues considering turning leadership over to an experienced faction leader.

Faction Invite Code: 936350400

742 187 651

Health Regen Time 26%
Ground Attack 10%
Air Attack 10%
Infantry Attack 15%
Infantry Defense 30%
Ground Defense 30%
Air Defense 25%
Sea Defense 20%
Building Defense 30%
Building Output 20%
Member Increase 28

10-02-2013, 08:49 PM
I am interested in taking over ur faction. I have been playing for almost 2 years and know a lot about this game. Let me know when we can chat more