View Full Version : Who wants to get a Sub today with 58,454 Attack 60,000 Defense and 30% Ground Def B

09-27-2013, 10:00 AM
Now on Level 36 (sixth update) out of 43 on the Faction LTQ Enemy Omega Onslaught

We WILL FINISH in the next 20 hours.

Who wants to get a Sub today with 58,454 Attack 60,000 Defense and 30% Ground Defense bonus and also get several hundred thousand in valor.

We have already do most of the hard work. We just kicked nine freeloaders.

ALL players who join now contribute 30 points on average per hour that you are on WILL get the Sub and loads of VALOR.

You do not need to join our faction we just want to finish the Sub push today.


Join our Faction Longer term for more big wins in Special Events?
- Fully Boosted finished 55th in Ireland and has numerous Top 100 wins
- Fully Boosted has never really been truly "Fully Boosted" but has great bonuses including several Level 7 Bonuses.
- Fully Boosted is now a "Special Operations" faction.

Join us IF...
- If you are NOT a hacker

- If your your K Defense is more than 7 times your level now (e.g. a Level 100 player needs min 700k defense now.)

- Your are willing to spend at least a truckload of gold (650) through each WD event

- You will be very active with us on Groupme chat

- You are a VERY cool and fun person to play with

Then apply via our Groupme Chat.

Register to create an account if you need one:

Click here to sign up for Groupme and the FB Greeting Room & War Rooms:


ALL, I am busy working and playing so please do not PM me on funizo. I will not see your PM.. Please come meet us in the Groupme Greeting room.

09-27-2013, 10:58 AM
Do you still have that opening?

09-27-2013, 11:31 AM
Yes we still have four slots open.

09-27-2013, 01:01 PM
Looks like we will have more slots open soon.. Some of those we added got a nice unit and Valor but have not yet added a single point.. got 45 mins to impress us with their availability and commitment or this is just not the right event for them.

Apply.. have one open spot now.

09-27-2013, 03:23 PM
I just kick three guys who have been with us for hours and not added a single faction point.. I am taking loads of screenshots of messages posted and the scoreboard to prove my kicks fully justified.. Do come if you plan to Freeload..

HAVE THREE SLOTS OPEN .. APPLY NOW It now will take gold to get the targets downs please come planning to spend just as much gold as the others moving forward and Get an awesome UNIT and big stack of Valor!!

09-27-2013, 05:47 PM
My friend and I have been cultivating a new faction and sadly, do not perform well in the fltq's yet. I feel I will fall behind if I do not acquire this unit and am willing to spend for this unit. The same goes for my buddy. Are you still needing stand-ins to finish?