View Full Version : Former Top 50 Faction looking for 24 new recruits!

09-24-2013, 03:51 PM
We are looking for new members! You must be able to:

- Get 30K WD points during war
- Participate in the faction
- Donate 2.5X your IPH
- Use third party chat app for wars <---- This is a must, no negotiations
- Be active!!!! <----- Can't stress that enough!!!
- Gold Users optional

Our faction was a Top 50 faction before France, but due to internal disagreement, the faction was split up. I don't know too much about the history because that was before my time, but there are a great group of people and we are looking to expand on that!

So, if you are tired of being "just a body to fill a slot" and want to rebuild a guild with great stats and be a part of the long-haul, PM me and I will give you our faction code. We are being selective so please only candidates that are comparable to their level need apply. Please give me your name, rank, attack/defense, and ID#

We have most of the bonuses so we aren't looking for people to donate a lot! We only want players that are tired of putting effort into phony factions that only use players and then throw them away for better players.

Here are our bonuses:

Casualty Rate: -14%
Health Regen Time: -26%
Ground attack: +20%
Air Attack: +15%
Infantry Attack: +20%
Sea Attack: +10%
Infantry Defense: +30%
Ground Defense: +30%
Air Defense: +30%
Sea Defense: +30%
Building Defense: +30%
Building Output: +25%
Guild Member Increase +34

09-24-2013, 07:47 PM

09-25-2013, 06:25 AM

09-25-2013, 01:26 PM