View Full Version : Time to increase the level cap?

Dogs Pizza
09-24-2013, 08:14 AM
Modern War is increasing the level cap to 300 and also increasing the total number of units you take to battle from 2000 to 3000, I think as we see more and more people stacking up at level 200 its time for KA to increase max level to 250. The issue of raising the number of units we take to battle is a different subject and someone else can start a thread if they want to, but what are peoples thoughts on increasing the level cap?

out of the first 14 posts on this thread there are 11 for 1 against and 2 that did not vote. Seems a high percentage of players want the level cap increased.

09-24-2013, 08:26 AM
should have been done already!!!!

09-24-2013, 09:24 AM
yes please

09-24-2013, 10:18 AM
Do I think it should be raised? Heck ya!!

All those players at 200 will suddenly shoot up to 220+ and I can go back to getting higher CPs during wartime. :D

If you posted a reply in the affirmative to this thread and did NOT yet send a ticket request to GREE - shame on you. :p
Get 'er done.

09-24-2013, 10:37 AM
C'mon Gree you take good care of MW players & why not KA players. You need to increase the level cap to 250 or 300 why not, so that those Lv 200 can go away from my radar..:cool::D:p

09-24-2013, 10:38 AM
I suport increase of level..It whould be more fair for lots of players and people whil have more chance to go for upgrade of manors and other 48h buildings

09-24-2013, 10:48 AM
What is the point of increasing the level cap?

The only advantage I see is for those people who are not yet at level 200, and are worried about their CP going down as they get closer. I am already at level 200, and I just don't see how raising it will benefit the high level players.

09-24-2013, 10:59 AM
@E-I: You can get more skill points.

Also, a higher energy cap, should that type of thing matter to you.

Dexter Morgan
09-24-2013, 11:12 AM
I agree this should have already happened

09-24-2013, 12:07 PM
Yes, please GREE increase the level cap!

09-24-2013, 12:08 PM
Increase top level. Not sure why it's capped in the first place.

One thing I can see that would be a bit tricky...

Does one still collect exp at level 200, just not level up?

If so, then that an issue as someone who's been there for awhile and done every event, etc without care of exp, would suddenly rocket up the levels.

Unless you flatline all level 200 players exp to one number, they're going to be penalized, conversely, you can't go and reduce anyone's exp either.

Tough call but I'm still in favor. Sometimes, you've got to stop throwing good money after bad and just make the move. Make the move now, get the pain over with and either make the levels open ended, or make the cap high enough that players won't hit it as soon as you implement the action.

Can also, make the amount to level up much wider beyond 200, therefore leveling would take longer...

Just some thoughts. But in favor of raising.

09-24-2013, 12:09 PM
Increase should have happened already some time...

09-24-2013, 12:16 PM
Increase top level. Not sure why it's capped in the first place.

One thing I can see that would be a bit tricky...

Does one still collect exp at level 200, just not level up?

If so, then that an issue as someone who's been there for awhile and done every event, etc without care of exp, would suddenly rocket up the levels.

Unless you flatline all level 200 players exp to one number, they're going to be penalized, conversely, you can't go and reduce anyone's exp either.

Tough call but I'm still in favor. Sometimes, you've got to stop throwing good money after bad and just make the move. Make the move now, get the pain over with and either make the levels open ended, or make the cap high enough that players won't hit it as soon as you implement the action.

Can also, make the amount to level up much wider beyond 200, therefore leveling would take longer...

Just some thoughts. But in favor of raising.

No, your xp stays fixed once you hit L200.

09-24-2013, 12:21 PM
Thx LD, appreciate the info...
(Obviously I'm not there) :/

09-24-2013, 01:19 PM
Can we wait till I get to level 200 for just a bit so I'm not worried about xp ? Hahahaha😳😜

09-24-2013, 05:53 PM
YEAH ! increase it now before i get ...otherwise there will be trouble and hell to pay when i do get there, i have stalled at the moment to let those with Mega stats move on!, i anint no piggy bank for them, its bad enough now !

09-24-2013, 08:28 PM
No, your xp stays fixed once you hit L200.
OH, that's good then. So let's get crackin' on this, Gree! If I say I am now a member of FUN, will that work? lol

09-25-2013, 12:37 AM
Come Gree make your players happy for a change and extend the levels to 300 please.

It's all a dream
09-25-2013, 12:41 AM
Come Gree make your players happy for a change and extend the levels to 300 please.

maybe give a nice big unit for reaching new level cap within a month :p

09-25-2013, 02:06 AM
+1 agree, should have been done already"


09-25-2013, 04:41 AM
@E-I: You can get more skill points.

Also, a higher energy cap, should that type of thing matter to you.

I guess. I don't have trouble finishing current LTQs, and you can add skill points through maps. Neither of those seem like benefits compared to the massive disadvantage you get during wars. Until that is changed, I would rather see a ton of people bunched up at 200 also scoring the same low CP.

09-25-2013, 07:49 AM
Would they raise the cap without adding more maps or individual quests? it would seem those that have been LVL 200 a long time would greatly benefit as many have already cleared out as much side stuff to do as possible . Cuase right now since im at 200 i could care less about earning more EXP (because i dont) so i just plow through whatever quest comes along guilt free. Its a big advantage for the quests (higher energy bar, most of my points to hero) but yeah i get screwed during war so instead use my LLP for that.

09-25-2013, 08:13 AM
mu-ss7.com MU SS7 Với nhiều tính năng mới nhất từ trước tới nay đă chính thức OPEN Cụm máy chủ mới HỒNG LONG Với nhiều ưu đăi và sự kiện cực lớn chưa từng có . Ví dụ : Sự kiện add ních YH nhận Gcoin , Treo AVT Yh không cần online cũng nhận Gcoin ... . Đặc biệt hơn nữa sự kiện đua tốp OPEN Giá trị giải thưởng cực lớn . Các bạn xem chi tiết tại đây nhé : http://diendan.mu-ss7.com/showthread.php?1055-%C4%90ua-Top-Tu%E1%BA%A7n-(-T%E1%BB%90P-OPEN-%C4%90%E1%BA%A6U-TI%C3%8AN-)-(-C%E1%BB%A4M-M%C3%81Y-CH%E1%BB%A6-H%E1%BB%92NG-LONG-)&p=4600#post4600 . ( Sorry spam )

Master Stormzs
09-25-2013, 09:19 AM
Agree, why is this not already done Gree? MW & CC got it awhile ago...why are you not following suite w KA?? Given that KA is practicality your beta platform to test new money making events....

09-25-2013, 11:05 AM
There needs to be more incentive to move pass lv 200. Maybe make skill pts and hero pts matter more or even more allies

Officer Overlord
09-25-2013, 02:19 PM
They wont raise level because level 200 stat players are scoring low cp like the rest of us, hence they have to drop gems to get more cp--follow the money

09-25-2013, 03:15 PM
In MW Gree made moving from L200 to 250 a race against the clock with some unit as a prize. That way it will be a balance between future CP scores and unit values.

09-25-2013, 05:47 PM
In MW Gree made moving from L200 to 250 a race against the clock with some unit as a prize. That way it will be a balance between future CP scores and unit values.

True but that unit is most definitely obsolete now. But if they put boosts attached to reaching level 250 I could get on board w/that. I.e. +10% alliance attack and defense!

09-26-2013, 02:01 PM
What is the point of increasing the level cap?

The only advantage I see is for those people who are not yet at level 200, and are worried about their CP going down as they get closer. I am already at level 200, and I just don't see how raising it will benefit the high level players.

The game in some ways already favors the higher level players - I think being at that cap is a handicap to the level 200 players - At 200, high att/def, your only real "value" during war is attacking the guild guardians. Attacking lower level players yields lower CP, so if there are those that are higher than 200, you could possibly see an increase in CP during wars.

On the flip side, most level 200 players are experienced enough to know that leveling isn't the best thing to be doing. So at the same time, I doubt removing the cap would make much difference and potentially become a detriment for the level 200 players that have low stats and are trying to catch-up.

Call me a coin-flip on this one, as the pros and cons seem to be a wash out.

** I am in NO way slighting the level 200 players when I say "value" - Of course you're valuable, but beyond taking out a guardian, you're a potential massive CP bank for lower level players with equal/better stats.

09-26-2013, 02:57 PM
Increase cap. At max level add new boost building for +1-10% alliance attack

09-26-2013, 03:30 PM
I think the people who benefit the most are those who are close to 200, who are seeing their CP scores go down and hope that this will give them an opportunity to raise them. Unless there is going to be some big advantage to raising the cap, I can't get behind it. I would rather see everyone else scoring sucky CP at level 200 then continue to give people then take the slight energy and and skill point increase.

09-26-2013, 03:32 PM
Also... Skill points are starting to become very unimportant. (Besides for maybe stamina, which can save you gems.) The rampant inflation of stats mean A/D has little impact, and hero strength is an ever shrinking factor as Gree gives out stronger LTQ equipment each event.