View Full Version : Toxic Metropolis Has Openings - #170 in France

09-23-2013, 12:51 PM
Toxic Metropolis is purchasing additional guild slots to make a run at Top 100 in Mexico. We added several recruits for this war and got a GREAT balanced performance. EASILY finishing at #178 and not pushing harder due to terrible rewards.

War ended with us on 10/10 of Faction LTQ & 7/9 Prestige

If you would like to join a friendly, fun-loving crew with great bonuses and ability donate $500 million a day routinely... PM me or reply to this thread.

Minimum contribution of 30k WD is asked. 400k+ stats recommended if you want to have a chance at finding targets.

Bonus Points: Preference given to light/heavy Gold users (we have several), and players residing in Pacific timezone USA

09-23-2013, 01:54 PM
Slots purchased. Meeting with applicants now. PM me if interested!

09-23-2013, 02:58 PM
MEXICO Faction LTQ Prestige Mode Completed.

Yes, we are that talented.

'MAU' Mirsad-Ra
09-23-2013, 04:41 PM
We placed 35th, If you have 6-8 guys interested to move over and push for top 25 in Mexico. 80k WP minimum. Send me a PM. Cheers

09-23-2013, 08:14 PM
We placed 35th, If you have 6-8 guys interested to move over and push for top 25 in Mexico. 80k WP minimum. Send me a PM. Cheers

Thanks, while we certainly have 8 80k members, not interested in leaving behind an excellent start to boost someone elses faction. We are still rapidly climbing with relatively few players. Only way to go is up.

Best of luck to you.

09-24-2013, 07:25 AM
Very limited spots. Please hurry with your apps.

09-24-2013, 12:47 PM
Now 1 spot remaining. Are you going to be the one to fill it?