View Full Version : End Game Content

09-19-2013, 11:55 AM
So we've all battled our way through the Dark Princes evil monsters and fought and killed the Dark Prince himself. What I'd like to point out is the prince is just a prince. He's got to have en evil dad somewhere who is likely more cruel and viscious with bigger armies and stronger monsters than his boy prince does. What I propose is to expand on the story line that most of us have already played our way through. New quests, new craftable armors new levels (maybe a new element like lightning! =O )

In addition to new advancing story lines for those players who have alreaady conquered all of the Dark princes shenanigans I would like to also propose a grandios storyline quest epic armor. I'm not talking about a 5-quest quest line that can easily be achieved by anyone who spent 2 hours playing this game a day. But make it a challenge, make it so you have to spend gold, kill everything, craft everything, level it all as well. I think it would get the people who have the "Pay to play is so not fair for me who doesn't want to pay" mentality to apply themselves in game and actually achieve something that others have paid to get instead of demanding to get free epics by combining epic boss armors. PS I do buy gems so don't take this the wrong way.

Well this is just an idea, feel free to expand on this if you'd like.

09-19-2013, 12:12 PM
I vote this best thread today... now back to the flaming/whining threads the other majestic peeps are piling on...

09-19-2013, 12:13 PM
I've been thinking I would like to see some more end game content added. I think it's perfect for the mean old dad to come in with some new monster bosses and levels and tough stuff 100+ players could wrap their armies around.

+1 for the epic armor quest string too. Don't make it easy, but make it possible. That would be... epic. haha.

The thing is, the longer GREE waits to do something like this (if they are planning on doing it at all) the more some players will be set up to whip through it... but such is the nature of large expansions to the game.


09-19-2013, 12:20 PM
I feel like I would have a big sense of achievement if I earned an epoc rather than payong for it.

09-19-2013, 12:40 PM
This has been proposed probably 20-30 times on this forum. The quest for the epic armor is new, but otherwise everything you've come up with has already been floating around since the first person beat the main quest. Gree doesn't appear to want to expand the main questline

US GanjaBoy
09-19-2013, 01:08 PM
Good idea! Gree might also add a trading armors/items system between players (or just between guild

mates), a global chat (paying something to write to avoid spam or not...everyone loves spamming!),

a shop for buying-selling armors or items (paying with gold or gems), all this without any lag or freeze..

but above all they should ban hackers and cheaters from the arena, from the game, from the world!

but we all know nothing will change

09-19-2013, 01:23 PM
About a new element... you cant just throw a single element there as it would break the cycle ( water > fire > spirit > earth > air > water )

An alternative for this would be, the new element beats 2 elements and loses to two aswell, so, analazing lightning:

Beats spirit and water
Loses to earth and fire (maybe air insted of fire)
Neutral to air (or fire)

But again this is similar to a 2 element armor, so if you plan on implementing these new elements they shouldnt be able to get along with any other elements. They would have to be monos only. And they would need a cycle among themselves.

Id suggest Ice :

Beats air and earth (maybe fire instead of air)
Loses to fire and water (maybe air instead of fire)
Neutral to spirit
Loses to lightning

And last one, we would need to add a new element that would lose to only 1 and beat only 1 to fullfill a cycle, that would have to be magic or faith or even something called steel / Adamantinum / Mithril :

Beats fire (or air)
Loses to air (or fire)
Neutral to earth, water and spirit

Beats lightning and loses to ice

edit: to clarify why the last element can only beat one and lose one: This way all current elements would be beaten by one of these new elements but would beat one aswell, thus keeping the balance of the game.

An alternative to this would be adding 5 new elements where they would beat 2 elements and lose to 2 elements, but there is a risk one of these elements would ed up like the one above: It is nothing but water (beats fire, loses to air) so it would have to be worked out better. I added the parenthesis to make up a solution for this, but it wouldnt make some sense ''thinking of the real world''. This is content for an expansion imo... not sure GREE would be interested on this

As it doesnt make too much sense it needs to be better worked so I will leave this here if someone comes with better ideas

09-19-2013, 01:27 PM
I feel like I would have a big sense of achievement if I earned an epoc rather than payong for it.

You would at first, just like at first a 3 star armor was great. Then you would realize it's just a story line armor, and it would be worth the same as all other story line armors.

09-19-2013, 01:36 PM
Trading, even within guilds would just breed guilds to become trading posts. Imagine something like this:
"Rainbow Room selling guild spot for trading... Come buy last GW epics cheap"... I see that going over well...
They would have to have a minimum length of membership to prevent the above.

And the element changes: that hurt my head. I'll have to read that again later.

Sol Invictus
09-19-2013, 01:45 PM
If you go straight to the Evil King...what about the Evil Princess and Evil Queen?
Don't forget the Evil Bard and the Evil Groom of the Stool.

Don't know what a Groom of the Stool is?
Heh. Read up.

09-19-2013, 02:00 PM
If you really want to go as far as implementing the entire evil royal family I uppose you could do sometjing like the current dark castle and have the family in series as their own boss of each section

09-19-2013, 02:18 PM
Hate to break it to u but this is gree were talking about they dont care about enhancing storyline unless it makes them more money. The only thing u will see is a way to enhance your gem spending to the point that u start to hate gree if u dont already

09-19-2013, 02:18 PM
About a new element... you cant just throw a single element there as it would break the cycle ( water > fire > spirit > earth > air > water )

What's wrong with breaking the cycle? I considered this a few weeks ago, and while it would make arranging your guys in order to fight someone a little different, and wouldn't actually upset the balance of the game in any way.

09-19-2013, 02:43 PM
What's wrong with breaking the cycle? I considered this a few weeks ago, and while it would make arranging your guys in order to fight someone a little different, and wouldn't actually upset the balance of the game in any way.

It would certainly affect the balance of the game in the short run. Unless they released multiple different armors with the new element upon release, there would be one element that was not weak against many armors in the game, and one element that was not strong against many armors in the game. For example, if you added the element "steel" into the game where earth>steel>fire, then all existing earth armors would become a lot better and all existing fire armors would become a lot worse. Unless Gree introduces several steel armors simultaneously.

09-19-2013, 03:48 PM
Hate to break it to u but this is gree were talking about they dont care about enhancing storyline unless it makes them more money. The only thing u will see is a way to enhance your gem spending to the point that u start to hate gree if u dont already

I don't know why everyone is so keen to hate on GREE. Implimenting something like what we're talking about here (new bosses, stages, etc.) is a lot of work! and would take a significant amount of investment of time energy and money on their part. Of course they wouldn't do it if they didn't think it would make them more money... that is the point of creating a game like this. Not just for kicks... for money. Nothing wrong with that.

I think it would be cool to see a new element, but it would require some seriuos thinking and balancing on the part of the game designers... that's a tough one. Quest for an epic on the other hand. Bring it on!

Bride of Eunuchorn
09-19-2013, 04:48 PM
Heroic Mode
Same maps
3x enemy HP
2x enemy damage
2x xp gain
Gold keys instead of silver
Only unlocks when all quests completed

This would be stupid easy to implement & give their fast growing post-100 player base something to do.

09-19-2013, 07:01 PM
Heroic Mode
Same maps
3x enemy HP
2x enemy damage
2x xp gain
Gold keys instead of silver
Only unlocks when all quests completed

This would be stupid easy to implement & give their fast growing post-100 player base something to do.

Yeah, this would definitely be easy to implement. Copy the data over and tweak the variables.

09-20-2013, 07:34 AM
I like it, they should hire you lol

09-20-2013, 08:57 AM
Heroic Mode
Same maps
3x enemy HP
2x enemy damage
2x xp gain
Gold keys instead of silver
Only unlocks when all quests completed

This would be stupid easy to implement & give their fast growing post-100 player base something to do.

xp is basically worthless at 100+. Reward with gold, even a small amount, and this would be a fantastic addition.

Bride of Eunuchorn
09-20-2013, 10:49 AM
There's a fairly elite player base currently grinding levels. 300 is the new 100 dontcha know?

09-20-2013, 10:53 AM
Frankly, anything that isn't running snakeskins would be a welcome addition.

I run KoD epic quite a bit. It's not gold efficient (hydras are more expensive than snakes, and 3 stars aren't gold efficient at all for fusing), but it gives you a large amount of materials in very little time. Yeah, it chews up more hp than getting the same amount of materials from earlier levels, but it isn't nearly as tedious.

So, 2 things I'd like to see:

1) Some harder stages that drop more stuff. Similar to KoD where I'm going to chew through a lot of HP, but get a lot of materials. This keeps people from burnout.

2) More levels like Guardians Crossing and Zephyr Plataeu where there are monsters that drop Mono Element materials (mystic cloths and the steel blocks). I think there should be atleast one stage like this for each element. There is for Spirit and Air, and I think Sunken Carrack may have guys who drop coral pieces, but there's really nothing for Fire or Earth, which is a shame.

Tj lol
09-20-2013, 10:56 AM
they should just give me a better way to earn some fusion stones :D

i think elements are fine, just add ways to achieve epics again without spending gems(fusion or the quest thing would be nice too)

and to come down to the thread introduction, theres really nothing to do past 100 then farming ss/fuson stones or speed lvl for keys and gems, something less monoton would be nice.

09-20-2013, 11:21 AM
I don't know why everyone is so keen to hate on GREE. Implimenting something like what we're talking about here (new bosses, stages, etc.) is a lot of work! and would take a significant amount of investment of time energy and money on their part. Of course they wouldn't do it if they didn't think it would make them more money... that is the point of creating a game like this. Not just for kicks... for money. Nothing wrong with that.
GREE can set an access fee for that new stuff, like 50 gems (something a f2p can afford with a bit of economy and time), and create an alternative way to get the whole new storyline cleaned up faster spending gems, so gem buyers can pay to get the new unique armors sooner than the other players. Just some ideas.

About the epic quest, i love it.

I would also add some quest/way to enhance low rarity armor experience. I think it's a pity to level up 1star or 2stars armor just to throw them away late game. It would be nice to add some kind of "only once enhancement" process (for example sacrificing a capped 2-stars-or-more armor) that increases a single 1-star armor levels by 10 or 20 (without modifying the bonus/level), and that is not reapeatable for others 1-star armors. Maybe adding something similar for 3 stars armors too, with increased cost. Ofc there should be a gem cost, but nothing unaffordable to f2p in a discrete amount of time.
Another idea is allowing to change the appearance of armors (but that will probably affect pvp and GW as well), like adding the possibility to assign the appearance of one armor you like aestethically (maybe capped) to another one (usually stronger), provided that they both share at least one element (flowstones, flowstones everywhere).

Bride of Eunuchorn
09-20-2013, 11:41 AM
Try farming the first boss, maybe 2, of each dark prince stage, depending on your armors. Fusion stones, keys, & XP galore. The 159xp bonus for clearing a whole stage isn't worth the amount of knight HP it takes for full clears. Just go back & forth.

09-20-2013, 11:45 AM
Gree will listen, after the ladder freeze, when the same guilds are the only ones spending for top ten. And the games moderate spenders start to leave in droves. But yeah some.more.content would be nice. And for those who whine that gree needs the money I call bull. Other games with p2p regularly release content well beyond a weekly event to keep people long term. Whether or not gree is smart enough not to alienate their own customer base remains to be seen.

09-20-2013, 11:49 AM
Gree will listen, after the ladder freeze, when the same guilds are the only ones spending for top ten. And the games moderate spenders start to leave in droves. But yeah some.more.content would be nice. And for those who whine that gree needs the money I call bull. Other games with p2p regularly release content well beyond a weekly event to keep people long term. Whether or not gree is smart enough not to alienate their own customer base remains to be seen.
I aGREE with you, creating more content will keep players playing, and can even lure others (old ones who left or completely new players), which means more chance someone will pay for gems.
Having the stuff well done will increase the income, weather you pay more attenction to cuddle gem buyers or not (i'd guess they don't need more care, since they paid for the game and so they are more reluctant to leave).

09-20-2013, 06:15 PM
Gree will listen, after the ladder freeze, when the same guilds are the only ones spending for top ten. And the games moderate spenders start to leave in droves. But yeah some.more.content would be nice. And for those who whine that gree needs the money I call bull. Other games with p2p regularly release content well beyond a weekly event to keep people long term. Whether or not gree is smart enough not to alienate their own customer base remains to be seen.

Ladder freeze? Saying the top guilds will eventually all end up at the top? Cause there aren't 100's more examples of the exact same thing happening in other games that continue to flourish. There will never be a "no one else will spend money on this game" point. As long as there are new players, there will always be more people available that can spend money.