View Full Version : Dispicible Us recruiting Ranked 887 in the last Battle

09-18-2013, 08:51 AM
Hi all.

I'm looking to fill my remaining 3 spaces, and i'm looking for any type of player with any type of stats all i want is activity.

We have improved every battle todate (1004) last Battle now 887 with another 62k battle point increase.
I have removed a few Leeches and i'm looking to replace them as soon as possible.

I'm won't even reply to a merge were i have to leave my current Syndicate.

We don't use annoying chat apps or require daily donations.

We also don't meddle in how you play your game, you wont get messages from me asking you to increase your mafia etc.

We got to lvl 17 on the last SLTQ, but i have a few new higher level players, so hopefully we could improve a bit more again.

We don't take the PVP seriously so this will be an optional event.

Wall hitters and PA people more than welcome.

The main body of my group are Uk/Euro players, tho i do have a few Americans that keep us going through the night.

If you want to join us pm me. or 347 201 164 is our syn code

Thanks leeroy 104 034 161 if you would like to talk to me in the game

09-18-2013, 12:43 PM
Bump i'm almost on Page three

09-19-2013, 08:17 AM
Accepting people for the boss events, were on lvl 224, you dont have to stay just help out