View Full Version : war number 2- gree help my guild!

09-12-2013, 01:28 PM
Were level 43 and stand a great chance! But our guild leaders phone broke and we have been waiting for days for help transferring him to his nnew phone or changing leader. So frustrating! We can't fill out sentinal role. Or upgrade to the higher rolls Please help us or were screwed for this war to. And at a major disadvantage for ever war followed!!

If it makes you happy, there would be alot of gems bought if we had a proper guild! Seeing how you don't care bout the players them selfs

Name of player that needs help: TA Ryan
Guild: team awesome

09-12-2013, 02:00 PM
Im sorry to hear that for you guys.
But Gree will be to busy with this war so slim change your problem will be solved.
Only thing you can do write more tickets and hopes it helps.

09-12-2013, 02:14 PM
Its been since before the first war was announced. So frustrating. Should be a way to do everything without just 1 guy. 30 of us worked hard for a month to be where we are, just to be stopped because our 1 guy can't access the game on his main knight.

09-12-2013, 02:23 PM
I hate to hijack this thread, but this is my only recourse. Please read....

Can someone, anyone, please create a topic entitled something like: 'Have not received activation email...'
If if existed, those of us who are experiencing the following could reply to it and hopefully get the forum moderators attention...

2 other guys in my guild are experiencing this as well...

I have created a forum account
The activation email never arrived, therefore we can't create any new topics, only respond to existing threads.

Things I have done:
Checked my spam folder - nothing
Requested that the activation email be sent again - nothing
PM'd the forum moderator, "The Wise One" - no response for a week
Submitted a bug via the app - got the standard 'we received your submission' email correctly, but no followup

I even tried creating another account, bound to another email address...nothing.....

Is anyone else experiencing this??? All my attempts to get this resolved has fallen on deaf ears....

09-12-2013, 02:35 PM
I hate to hijack this thread, but this is my only recourse. Please read....

Can someone, anyone, please create a topic entitled something like: 'Have not received activation email...'
If if existed, those of us who are experiencing the following could reply to it and hopefully get the forum moderators attention...

2 other guys in my guild are experiencing this as well...

I have created a forum account
The activation email never arrived, therefore we can't create any new topics, only respond to existing threads.

Things I have done:
Checked my spam folder - nothing
Requested that the activation email be sent again - nothing
PM'd the forum moderator, "The Wise One" - no response for a week
Submitted a bug via the app - got the standard 'we received your submission' email correctly, but no followup

I even tried creating another account, bound to another email address...nothing.....

Is anyone else experiencing this??? All my attempts to get this resolved has fallen on deaf ears....

I had this same issue. I registered with the email provided by my ISP (AT&T). Apparently, my ISP must have been blocking that email. It comes with no "From:" information which can make it seem "fishy". I re-registered using a gmail account and it came through immediately.

09-12-2013, 02:45 PM
Well thats good to know, but I attempted my account creation with a gmail account and another account...

Could you create the thread?

New Jersey Jones
09-12-2013, 03:13 PM

Starting a thread: you can't start a thread until you have a certain number of posts. I don't remember what the exact number it is, might be 10 posts, might be 25 posts, but that's the key to starting a thread.

Activation email: I had the same issue and ended up submitting a help request through the Gree website. Bear in mind I'm not talking about the Forum site or the App, but Gree.net. Bottom of the page has a "Support" link. Then, hit "Submit a request" at the top of the new page. Eventually (took several weeks), they activated my account.

Also, questions like this can be posted in the "Feel free to ask any question..." thread. There are a lot of knowledgeable players who help sort problems like this in there.

Hope this helps,
-NJ Jones

09-12-2013, 03:30 PM

Starting a thread: you can't start a thread until you have a certain number of posts. I don't remember what the exact number it is, might be 10 posts, might be 25 posts, but that's the key to starting a thread.

Activation email: I had the same issue and ended up submitting a help request through the Gree website. Bear in mind I'm not talking about the Forum site or the App, but Gree.net. Bottom of the page has a "Support" link. Then, hit "Submit a request" at the top of the new page. Eventually (took several weeks), they activated my account.

Also, questions like this can be posted in the "Feel free to ask any question..." thread. There are a lot of knowledgeable players who help sort problems like this in there.

Hope this helps,
-NJ Jones

I don't really know about that. When i try to post, it does not say anything about having to have a minimum number of posts. It specifically states that I have to activate my account...

Could someone just post a new topic so we can get this out of this thread rather than trying to solve it in-line

09-12-2013, 04:03 PM
I had the same problem. Just get another email account and re-register. Gree never responded to me and I doubt they will ever respond to you.

09-12-2013, 04:07 PM
I had the same problem. Just get another email account and re-register. Gree never responded to me and I doubt they will ever respond to you.

I did create another account (as I stated in my post).....

Could someone just please create the post. PLEASE. If we want to discuss it, lets do it THERE.

09-12-2013, 04:23 PM
I did create another account (as I stated in my post).....

Could someone just please create the post. PLEASE. If we want to discuss it, lets do it THERE.

You have to have 10 reply's before you can create a post....at this point you still have to answer the lazy dog question as well...that will also go away after 10 replys....

Be patient and reply 3 more times...."you are at 7 per the count currently on my screen"

09-12-2013, 06:05 PM
You have to have 10 reply's before you can create a post....at this point you still have to answer the lazy dog question as well...that will also go away after 10 replys....

Be patient and reply 3 more times...."you are at 7 per the count currently on my screen"

Ok let's try. 8

09-12-2013, 06:06 PM
Here is post 9

09-12-2013, 06:07 PM
Comon' big money....post 10

09-12-2013, 06:07 PM
Ok...lets try 11

09-12-2013, 06:09 PM
Nope...still can't post.

Could someone just please make a new topic for me like I requested.

09-12-2013, 06:12 PM
My guild leader also have encounter the same problem with u. He has been waiting nearly a month n still not yet fixed..
My guild also same problem with u too... good luck pals.

09-12-2013, 06:31 PM
My guild leader also have encounter the same problem with u. He has been waiting nearly a month n still not yet fixed..
My guild also same problem with u too... good luck pals.

Ok I just now created this account (I'm whipviper)....

I created a new gmail account
I registered with this forum
I actually received the activation email.
I followed the activation link.
It said I was "registered and could now start posting"
I tried but still cannot...

Could someone, who can create a new thread, PLEASE CREATE ONE. I've asked now 4 times, and nobody will create it. If other people are having this issue, let's fix it......

Please create the post so it sticks out like a sore thumb, not buried in this post.........

09-12-2013, 08:16 PM
Good luck to your guild, I hope this gets resolved. Is there a help number you could call? This has to be a common issue...

09-12-2013, 11:05 PM
Wow. Gree actually came threw and his account was just transferred. Looks like well be competing after all:)

Rand al Thor
09-13-2013, 06:19 AM
I had an issue trying to transfer to a new device. They told me the device they use was broken.