View Full Version : buildings being robbed after collection. ...wtf!!!!

09-02-2013, 07:22 PM
Ever since the update, my buildings are being robbed after I collect them (no signs of being robbed). And the money is taken away from me as well. Anyone else having this issue? This is B.S.

09-02-2013, 07:27 PM
Hasn't happened to me. An issue usually caused by lack of server connection, time zone changes and dst changes.

09-02-2013, 07:27 PM
Do you no bank?
If you collect, and don't do anything to do a server connection, may not be the right phrase there. But no refreshes or don't bank, then it doesn't always tell server side that you have collected. May just be that.

Anyway ask SAS, Montecore would be your best bet. He can hack into your account and see what has happened..

bald zeemer
09-02-2013, 07:29 PM
It happens to me all the time. I think rag is right - I constantly have server connectivity issues which often coincide with it happening.

09-02-2013, 07:32 PM
It happens to me all the time. I think rag is right - I constantly have server connectivity issues which often coincide with it happening.

Can I clarify?
When you say rag is right you mean about the server issues and monte the diplodocus right?

09-02-2013, 07:38 PM
That has been happening to me today as well as CC running slow possible server problems is what I was thinking.

09-02-2013, 07:52 PM
Not happening to me. Have you tried being awesome?

09-02-2013, 07:56 PM
I agree to letting Monte hack your account.

bald zeemer
09-02-2013, 08:26 PM
Rags, I was just clarifying the general principle, rather than referring to a specific incident. ;)

09-02-2013, 08:31 PM
Yeah, it happens to me all the time, especially since I collect wi-fi only devices off of wifi.

When I'm being stalked, I immediately go in the rivals list after collecting and hit refresh. You need a spinning wheel, but new faces is what tells you the server connection was successful. You can also go to syndicate: forum, or syndicate: donate, or deposit $4 in the bank, but rivals: refresh is the fastest.

Good luck.

09-02-2013, 08:36 PM
This is what happens:

I am robbing someone who has higher defense than my attack. I run out of stamina, but the person still has buildings for me to rob, I wait on his hood for a few hours to regenerate some more stamina. In the meantime, the person was like "oh carp and I better collect from my buildings". He collects from the remaining unrobbed buildings, but on my screen, his buildings are not collected yet. I can still rob from his buildings because I haven't left his hood even though he already collected to prevent me from robbing him.

bald zeemer
09-02-2013, 08:52 PM
That is most definitely not what happens.

09-03-2013, 02:49 AM
This is what happens:

I am robbing someone who has higher defense than my attack. I run out of stamina, but the person still has buildings for me to rob, I wait on his hood for a few hours to regenerate some more stamina. In the meantime, the person was like "oh carp and I better collect from my buildings". He collects from the remaining unrobbed buildings, but on my screen, his buildings are not collected yet. I can still rob from his buildings because I haven't left his hood even though he already collected to prevent me from robbing him.

I don't think sooooo!!! This doesn't happen actually, if you had the right connection arizonsweettea yours would actually tell you that you can't loot...

09-03-2013, 03:14 AM
On Android and/or iOS I have experienced for a long time now:

No notification of building having been robbed (amber flag) unless exiting the game and restarting the client. Most annoying in SLTQ pvp when swapping points on laundromats
Massively delayed alerts about being robbed
The ability to bank a full sum despite being robbed (see immediately above). Am OK with this in lieu of a working game
Auto losing robberies and having the loss counted/explosives consumed due to opponent's building not being actually available to rob (subsequent attempts yield "player is too beat up" even though it's a building) - this is Android specific.
Hoods that are full of "available" buildings to rob, none of which can be robbed ... but I get to walk through treacle to the target and watch a slow-mo' robbing progress bar anyway
OP's issue, which I think is just an extended version of my second point with the added benefit of my third point.
Banking, posting (walls/syndicate) works but doesn't always affect/correct the above.

Solution: Accept netcode of clients or DB i/o turn-around or whatever is borked, complain in forum and carry on with the game

bald zeemer
09-03-2013, 03:22 AM
The ability to bank a full sum despite being robbed (see immediately above). Am OK with this in lieu of a working game
The amount will correct itself on a server contact. It is the same idea as the OP - essentially your device is merrily playing along oblivious to the outside world, and not actually having an effect, then server contact brings everything back into line.

09-03-2013, 03:46 AM
Well gosh, zeemer, you're just intent on ruining people's day with your "facts" and shattering their preconceptions and whatnot.

09-03-2013, 04:59 AM
The amount will correct itself on a server contact. It is the same idea as the OP - essentially your device is merrily playing along oblivious to the outside world, and not actually having an effect, then server contact brings everything back into line.

So you'd think but it doesn't always happen that way. It is apparent when banking big/round figures or banking into an empty balance whether it is happening especially if the collection cycle is infrequent. If the system was as tight as some make it out to be there would obviously be no avenue for twidling bits on the client side but as we know from those that endlessly moan about cheating, the manipulation of client side data being sent to the server is trivial and therefore sanity checks are lax.

There are plenty more errant situations of late including ghost balances in the cash on hand. Some may even be aware that by this extra hits on bosses could be scored. I maintain the game is buggy.

09-03-2013, 06:48 AM
Thanks for all of input, sounds like i just need to force a server connection/refresh to fix the issue. Going to try refreshing my rivals lists after collecting. Also, I had the same issue happen again about 15 min ago (collected 8 mil and 5 min after it shows i was robbed for over 3 mil). I'll try and post an update if it works. Thanks again.

09-03-2013, 01:13 PM
One other potential cause that I found out during PVP goes like this:

You get robbed for a large amount just before you collect some high payout buildings. This shows up in your feed that you've been robbed for x amount. Later, they come back to hit your laundromats well after you've collected and you have nothing else up at that time. If no one else has hit you since they robbed you, that $8 you lost on your laundromats gets added to the x amount in your news feed and it looks like you've just been robbed for $x+8, however you really haven't. It was just the combined news feed post that makes it look that way. I asked a friend how she robbed me of a couple million just 15 minutes ago (per my news feed) when the only thing I had up were laundromats. She replied that the only time she took a couple million was a couple of hours before coming back to hit my laundromats just 15 minutes ago. She walked away with $8 and not the couple million that my news feed was showing.

09-03-2013, 05:40 PM
@Riss that would make since but my buildings did not show as being robbed when I had collected them, nor was anything robbed after I "lost" the money. I have been refreshing my rivals list after collections all day today and so far the issue has gone away.

09-09-2013, 06:44 AM
everything robbed

09-09-2013, 12:50 PM
Just yesterday I had a member (who knows to cause a server sync with rival list refresh or syndicate screen) complain that he got robbed before his collections popped up. He was on WiFi. I still occasionally get robbed slightly before my collections come up, or within the 5 seconds of them popping up and me instantly collecting and banking. I'm always on wifi. I still believe that my collections show up for robbery before they show up as collectible for me.

There is something wrong when, over and over, you watch your collections pop-up, collect instantly and deposit instantly, and then only 40% of the money ends up in your bank... There is no way to actually "camp" someone's hood, right? You have to wait until the buildings are collectable before going into their hood. This means that some days I have 10 different people going into my hood trying to rob me Exactly, The Split Second, that my collections are due. And I'm also supposed to believe that they can rob me faster than I can collect and deposit on a device that's not lagging in the slightest? Uh, huh. Sure.

Can we get a 1 minute robbery delay, or something? There has to be a way to get the servers to not show my collections to others before it shows them to me.

09-19-2013, 12:35 PM
Again having money taken away from me after I collected my buildings. they showed as not being robbed, but thirty minutes later when I go back to the game I loose 7+ million....I call BS

09-19-2013, 01:46 PM
That just doesn't seem right.

09-19-2013, 04:37 PM
Just happened to me too! Insanely annoying!

09-24-2013, 02:42 AM
Well happens quite often to me also.

Also other issues as reported above in the list.

I instantly bank the cash i get from robberies but later ig et a message beeing robbed or attacked. I am most on wifi and those stuff happens on wifi. Its server connection issue on grees side because webradio, doing stuff on wifi works always.

Bad handshake which is later syncded half an hour and than you loose cash, even though I collected as early as possible.

Greazy Fingers
09-24-2013, 03:41 AM
I have the same problem (on Android) since the late August update.

So what I do is I shut down the game before I collect, restart it, collect my money, shut it down again and restart it once more (so my game is in sync with the server at all times).

After the last restart I check if my buildings are collected and move on. It not I shut down and restart again untill they do.

Hope this will work for you as well.

09-24-2013, 04:44 AM
if your leaving your game on at night so that u dont loose the money when u get robbed. they fixed that bug with one of the last updates. i used to be able to keep game on my city and collect and keep all money even though i was robbed. nut now i can collete it. and when i deposit it the game takes the part i was robbed from me.