View Full Version : Merger

09-02-2013, 03:06 PM
The Screaming Bald Eagles would also consider a merger of teams that are in the top 1500 or 4000 area and willing to move into our faction as new members help us achieve bigger goals

Offering these bonuses:
Heath Recovery Time: -14%

Infantry Defense: +15%

Ground Defense: +10%

Air Defense: +10%

Sea Defense: +5%

Building Defense: +15%

Guild Member Increase: +2

09-03-2013, 04:16 AM
Going back up!

09-03-2013, 05:01 AM
Added bonuses to post

09-03-2013, 05:19 AM
If interested in merging please have someone apply to join our faction and we can discuss there. I don't check this forum regularly.

No Mercy Faction is Recruiting!
No Mercy Faction - Faction Code 860 586 267

Top 1,000 ranked faction.
Top 1,000 in India.
981 in Canada.
Private Faction Forum here on modernwarforum.com
Committed active leaders, gold players, experienced players, new players.
We are constantly improving and we create FAQs and strategy docs such as an Ally Code list of over 16,000 codes, war strategy guides, building upgrades cost sheets, base optimizer to maximize money output for minimum cost and more.
This faction is about to take it to the next level, join us.

Health Regen Time 20% (4/6) Infantry Defense 25% (5/6)
Building Defense 20% (4/6) Ground Defense 20% (4/6)
Building Output 10% (2/6) Air Defense 15% (3/6)
Guild Increase 18 (9/20) Sea Defense 10% (2/6)

09-03-2013, 07:09 AM
Only interested if you can bring your group to me