View Full Version : Quick fusion question

08-26-2013, 02:13 PM
Has anyone attempted to fuse a kal armor with something? how does that work? can you fuse a bkal? or if i fused kal with a specific combination does it only keep that combo, or does it run it through all eles?

08-26-2013, 02:42 PM
Has anyone attempted to fuse a kal armor with something? how does that work? can you fuse a bkal? or if i fused kal with a specific combination does it only keep that combo, or does it run it through all eles?

I think this question belongs in the general questions thread.

As for the answer: kaleidoscopic has it's own element, not a combination of elements. Because this element would have no outcomes when fusing with another element (though this implementation would be debatable) nor can be made when combining other elements, it can't be used in or gained from fusion.

08-26-2013, 03:37 PM
gotcha. nem armor dosent work anymore? i mean non plus kal armor isnt even worth it with todays armor but it dosent mean i wouldnt love to try to get my hands on some for aesthetics.