View Full Version : Calling all factions ranked 150-500

08-20-2013, 07:23 AM
I am trying to formulate a partnership of factions to share intel during battle time. Please read below and pm me if you wish to be a part.

What I am doing is forming a groupme group that is dedicated to the sharing of intel with other factions...ideally we will have only 20-25 factions in this group. Potentially after the first 24 hours of competition we will have intel on 150-200 factions in our target range. Intel will really only be valuable during the course of that battle with the drastic stat influxes with ltq events and the like. A new group will be formed for each country battle.

Upon starting a war, and when scouting occurs, we post in one post the highest value targets we encounter from 0-100k stats, 100-200, 200-300, and 300+. One person writes this intel in a post along with the faction name they are fighting and takes a screen shot of it. That picture is posted to the intel sharing group. Pictures are not deleted from groupme, so this intel can be accessed in the photo area for the duration of the battle. It will save time and resources in scouting for the factions in the group. You are not required to divulge your teams personal stats.

Ideally, we will have two representatives from each faction in this group. That way we can get constant sharing of info. Any members who are not participating in the info sharing process will be kicked from group. A minimum of 10 different factions will need to be posted on first day for faction to be considered active.

Other fine details to be collaborated on, and I am open to suggestions to improve upon this.

08-20-2013, 06:46 PM
Bump it up.

08-20-2013, 06:49 PM
Pretty good, idea. My faction will hopefully reach top 400-500 this war

08-20-2013, 07:13 PM
Interesting , 171 finish

08-29-2013, 07:20 AM
Bump it up! Please shoot me a pm if interested.

09-17-2013, 09:22 PM
Shoot me a pm if interested guys. We are setting up a test run on this with shared google doc or excel. Probably have around 10 factions in it. When looking at the numbers, that's all we need really.

09-18-2013, 04:32 AM
Finalizing today....

10-03-2013, 07:46 PM
Was wondering if this was ever formed if so how did it work?
I'm from a top250-500 faction in all the wars.

10-04-2013, 08:13 AM
MCSO was founded on one principle: We play serious to have fun and make friends, while never breaking the bank. Our expectations of our players have never changed from always being attainable with little or no gold and serious play, while maintaining a strict policy to manage underachievement on all events.
• “Funding Friendly” evolving event expectations that keep us in Top 100!
• Calculated adaptations to our strategies as Gree changes the game
• Active Parlingo and Website with great Intel and game strategy collection/sharing
• 4 factions working closely together creating tiers for all levels of active players
• GREAT social atmosphere – unmatched camaraderie. WE EVEN HAVE A GAME ROOM!
I joined MCSO as my first faction and have never looked back, because of the fun/serious game play and great people that have grown to be some of my best friends. Come see why at 655601216 in game and “mcso5” on Parlingo!


10-20-2013, 12:43 PM
This is a very appealing concept. The U.S. Navy SEALs faction, consistently Top 250 ranked and most recently Top 150, would be very interested in participating in a group like this. We already gather and maintain intelligence on our opponents and would be glad to trade info. Shoot me a PM. Regards, Laura.

Kindred Spirit
02-28-2014, 02:22 PM
Hey, im the leader of a top 850 faction n i think this is a great idea! Pls consider us joining in on this.our faction code is 497 777 776
I already have intel on at least 30 factions