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View Full Version : Should This Guy Be Able To Beat Me?

out of names
08-17-2013, 09:40 PM
My def is 125k and his attack is 87k, Doesn't seem like his attack is high enough to be able to rob me successfully, much less win attacks on me

08-17-2013, 09:43 PM
I know that he'd be able to rob you successfully, but I don't think an attack should win.

08-17-2013, 10:11 PM
125/87 = 1.437, or 43.7% stronger defense than his attack. He can rob you, but can't win a fight. 30% is a safe margin for fights, and I'm not sure where the rob threshold is, but it's at least 50%.

out of names
08-17-2013, 10:37 PM
Well then idk why i cant win any robs to ppl 135k+ def with my 110k attack

08-17-2013, 11:07 PM
You most certainly can if you don't find failing a few robs in between.

08-18-2013, 03:35 AM
Yes u can, some might fail but I win robberies against people with 130k def with 110k attack.
The more defense buildings the opponent has the more successful ur robberies will be...

Captain Torgue
08-18-2013, 03:38 AM
The more defense buildings the opponent has the more successful ur robberies will be...

Actually its the other way around, the more defence buildings they have the less successful your robberies will be.

Nasty Thorben
08-18-2013, 04:23 AM
I robbed a guy with 230k def, and i had 170k att. So i think it's possible :-(

08-18-2013, 06:34 AM
Hes prolly tried one counter-attack and then posted this.
I've robbed people up to 167% of my total Atk but the higher you go the more losses you will incure. Attacking wise even if your 10% above or below the person your attacking it can still be 50/50 depending on alot of other factors.
As bigmoney has said a good marker is 125%-130% if you want to maximize not getting any losses and if you want a gaurantee 100% win then get double their defence.

08-18-2013, 11:26 AM
As bigmoney has said a good marker is 125%-130% if you want to maximize not getting any losses and if you want a gaurantee 100% win then get double their defence.

At least 30% higher. I lose 25% all the time. I've even lost 31.7% once, but I generally regard over 30% as safe.

08-19-2013, 12:36 PM
I read somewhere there is an unexplained factor into the stats/chance of winning/loosing. The attack/defense skill points add into the equations but Gree will not release the formula. That sort of explains the 30% margin of safety people account for to make sure they win fights.

08-19-2013, 12:47 PM
Actually its the other way around, the more defence buildings they have the less successful your robberies will be.

That depends if they are mid to high level the actual defense is lower which I have found to result in more wins

08-19-2013, 12:50 PM
I've robbed people with almost 100k higher than me so its possible as lng as you don't mind retaliation

08-19-2013, 02:09 PM
He can easily rob you and with a decent success rate.

08-19-2013, 03:30 PM
I've robbed people with almost 100k higher than me so its possible as lng as you don't mind retaliation

Saying i have 100k higher than the defence of the person means nothing if you dont include a % of what your own atk is.
If someone had 1 mil and you had 900k atk its easily near 100% sucessful rob whereas 200atk over 300 is heavily in favour of the person you're robbing. Prolly get in 1 in every 2nd or 3rd rob.

08-19-2013, 03:35 PM
Saying i have 100k higher than the defence of the person means nothing if you dont include a % of what your own atk is.
If someone had 1 mil and you had 900k atk its easily near 100% sucessful rob whereas 200atk over 300 is heavily in favour of the person you're robbing. Prolly get in 1 in every 2nd or 3rd rob.

Yeah that was my bad. My attack is 160 and the other player was about 245 or so and yeah it was about 1/4 success rate. Sorry about that

08-19-2013, 04:14 PM
im at 384k defense, this punk robs me daily and is 227k attack ( i know he takes loses but apparently at 169%+ higher defense to his attack means jack squat in Gree's algorithms) not only that but when I ask my attacker to report back my defense that they see they report seeing about 20-30% less then what my profile shows me...WTF is that about? someone told me its because I have high level defense buildings and Gree shows me 900 defense for each building but only uses a smaller percentage of that number... Why the Eff would they do that? anyway, i'm waiting on a ticket regarding these anomalies but since this thread exists here some more fuel for the fire to bump this thread back to the top.

Butt Futter
08-20-2013, 03:58 AM
im at 384k defense, this punk robs me daily and is 227k attack ( i know he takes loses but apparently at 169%+ higher defense to his attack means jack squat in Gree's algorithms) not only that but when I ask my attacker to report back my defense that they see they report seeing about 20-30% less then what my profile shows me...WTF is that about? someone told me its because I have high level defense buildings and Gree shows me 900 defense for each building but only uses a smaller percentage of that number... Why the Eff would they do that? anyway, i'm waiting on a ticket regarding these anomalies but since this thread exists here some more fuel for the fire to bump this thread back to the top.

Getting robbed is a lot easier then losing a fight.

08-20-2013, 04:16 AM
im at 384k defense, this punk robs me daily and is 227k attack ( i know he takes loses but apparently at 169%+ higher defense to his attack means jack squat in Gree's algorithms) not only that but when I ask my attacker to report back my defense that they see they report seeing about 20-30% less then what my profile shows me...WTF is that about? someone told me its because I have high level defense buildings and Gree shows me 900 defense for each building but only uses a smaller percentage of that number... Why the Eff would they do that? anyway, i'm waiting on a ticket regarding these anomalies but since this thread exists here some more fuel for the fire to bump this thread back to the top.

If people wouldn't send in tickets for stuff like this, maybe support could spend more time on solving real problems. The stuff about the buildings has been known for ages and should thus be treated as an element of the game; you seriously can't expect them to suddenly change that all of a sudden.

I like the fact that you can be robbed by players with way lower ratings than yours. For all the complaining that the game is about spending, this is one part of the game that helps non spenders (and even helps people who played the game 'wrong' and have low stats for their level).

You call this robber a 'punk', but apparently he was friendly enough to report to you your defensive stats, which isn't very punkly. Now, being called a punk in a game called crime city can be a compliment, but it doesn't like you handed it out like that. Hopefully he robs you for millions a day.

The real cosmo
08-20-2013, 04:53 AM
Well then idk why i cant win any robs to ppl 135k+ def with my 110k attack

Well, that makes this statement kind of a laugher doesn't it.

Tell me if he did, ill go after him:)