View Full Version : Worst war ever!!

Eddard KFF
08-17-2013, 09:29 AM
Had to start a new thread since the war problems one was closed.
We started this war with a disabled personal scoreboard.
Then my guild had a "you win" message and yet, that same battle was counted as a loss.
Then I got only 3 hits per refill and now I'm getting kicked out of the game every single time I attack.
And not to mention the dull new way of fight a war: "lets play possum for 50 min. and gem the last 10 just enough to get a win"
Really guys, Im not gemming any more, but God forgive me, I do want to keep playing the game and you're making it almost impossible.

08-17-2013, 09:38 AM
One man's trash is another man's treasure.

08-17-2013, 10:10 AM
Express YO SELF
I think the new wins quest adds a lot more strategy and psychology to the game. You just don't like it because it's different and has forced you to change up your strategy (and have clearly been on the losing end). So you call it "dull" but YOU Lord Stark.. Are the dull one.. Dull of spirit.. Dull of mind. But I guess I shouldn't be surprised being that you are a member of Knights For Feelings. I was in you PAL group and all you guys were talking about was how your moms never loved you and how it's ok for a "Knight" to cry. I believe when I left you were planning a camping trip to Manhug and Crywalk through the forest.

08-17-2013, 10:12 AM
Express YO SELF
I think the new wins quest adds a lot more strategy and psychology to the game. You just don't like it because it's different and has forced you to change up your strategy (and have clearly been on the losing end). So you call it "dull" but YOU Lord Stark.. Are the dull one.. Dull of spirit.. Dull of mind. But I guess I shouldn't be surprised being that you are a member of Knights For Feelings. I was in you PAL group and all you guys were talking about was how your moms never loved you and how it's ok for a "Knight" to cry. I believe when I left you were planning a camping trip to Manhug and Crywalk through the forest.

Don't hold back....just tell him how you really feel Cosmic.

08-17-2013, 10:19 AM
i wonder if the crows are enjoying this war

08-17-2013, 11:13 AM
"Corn Corn Corn"

08-17-2013, 11:20 AM
i wonder if the crows are enjoying this war

Can't talk now, I'm eating.

08-17-2013, 11:22 AM
Did you feast on that last battle Crow?

08-17-2013, 11:35 AM
Did you feast on that last battle Crow?

It was not as tasty as our earlier encounter. Something was missing, a little tough and chewy, not enough cadaverine maybe. So we sent it back to the kitchen and will take another look at the menu.

08-17-2013, 12:15 PM
Dark wings dark words

Eddard KFF
08-17-2013, 12:38 PM
Express YO SELF
I think the new wins quest adds a lot more strategy and psychology to the game. You just don't like it because it's different and has forced you to change up your strategy (and have clearly been on the losing end). So you call it "dull" but YOU Lord Stark.. Are the dull one.. Dull of spirit.. Dull of mind. But I guess I shouldn't be surprised being that you are a member of Knights For Feelings. I was in you PAL group and all you guys were talking about was how your moms never loved you and how it's ok for a "Knight" to cry. I believe when I left you were planning a camping trip to Manhug and Crywalk through the forest.

Hahaha!! My mom loves me very much, but yeah, maybe Im the dull one, Im a headless guy after all. And knights for feelings is done for, I think; we left time ago, not enough hugs in there! LOL.

08-17-2013, 12:52 PM
Lol! Good to know you've got a sense of humor!

Mr T Perfect
08-17-2013, 07:41 PM
Damn Cosmic - we gotta listen to your ramblings on here too as well as our ingame forum and pal group....

08-17-2013, 08:08 PM
Delete and reinstall the app. You won't lose any data.

08-17-2013, 08:19 PM
Am I the only one who feels like this war is a lot less fun then the last few? Originally I liked the 45 win addition, but with 50 being more of a stretch it seems like everyone becomes so fixated on this goal. Every war is do-or-die, which is great when Gree starts counting gem sales, but starts to take a toll on your nerves. :D :p That, plus the heroic quest is a joke. We all know that there is only one guild that is going to get it.

Also, match times are still absolutely awful, but that's nothing new. It is just more evident and more irritating now that we are all trying to rush to 50 wins.

Eddard KFF
08-17-2013, 09:02 PM
Am I the only one who feels like this war is a lot less fun then the last few? Originally I liked the 45 win addition, but with 50 being more of a stretch it seems like everyone becomes so fixated on this goal. Every war is do-or-die, which is great when Gree starts counting gem sales, but starts to take a toll on your nerves. :D :p That, plus the heroic quest is a joke. We all know that there is only one guild that is going to get it.

Also, match times are still absolutely awful, but that's nothing new. It is just more evident and more irritating now that we are all trying to rush to 50 wins.

No, you're not the only one. Im not fond of this game style either.

08-18-2013, 02:40 AM
after almost 2 days of this it has become a game of cat and mouse. we just battled a guild approx same strength as us and as we added a few K points they did too. they pause... then add & see them add, etc, etc - its a different battle now and frankly more fun that "hey so and so is lvl 200 but weak; blast gems at him/her!" yeah we out spent them - i think this is better

08-18-2013, 08:21 AM
after almost 2 days of this it has become a game of cat and mouse. we just battled a guild approx same strength as us and as we added a few K points they did too. they pause... then add & see them add, etc, etc - its a different battle now and frankly more fun that "hey so and so is lvl 200 but weak; blast gems at him/her!" yeah we out spent them - i think this is better

I can guarantee you that all of the top guilds are still using the blast gems at him/her strategy. No matter how gree tries to disguise it the game has become all about who is willing to spend the most amount of gems. Sad really as I have seen several other great games go down because of this. In the other games ultimately entire groups of people left because they decided it wasn't worth it because they would never spend enough money to compete and people never came back to replace those people who left. Ultimately the game shut down because there were not enough people to keep it going.

08-18-2013, 08:54 AM
I can guarantee you that all of the top guilds are still using the blast gems at him/her strategy. No matter how gree tries to disguise it the game has become all about who is willing to spend the most amount of gems. Sad really as I have seen several other great games go down because of this. In the other games ultimately entire groups of people left because they decided it wasn't worth it because they would never spend enough money to compete and people never came back to replace those people who left. Ultimately the game shut down because there were not enough people to keep it going.
A guy in another thread posted a pic of his guild and a 35-0 record. They had only scored 250k~ CP (compared to millions for those in the top 100 at the time). Sure, this makes the top guilds spend more in spurts, but it gives a lot of the free players something to shoot for as well.

I'm having fun with the challenge. Still don't know if we have any hope for making it, but it's been fun trying.

08-18-2013, 08:57 AM
Sad really as I have seen several other great games go down because of this. In the other games ultimately entire groups of people left because they decided it wasn't worth it because they would never spend enough money to compete and people never came back to replace those people who left. Ultimately the game shut down because there were not enough people to keep it going.

That is exactly what is going to happen here too. The game is just too top-heavy due to all of the bonuses the top few guilds receive. It gets to the point where there will be a few hundred insanely strong players, and it really isn't any fun for anyone else. Battles are already extremely repetitive and dull between the top 10-12 guilds.

Valid or
08-18-2013, 09:04 AM
As a low gem spender I like this format with guild quests a lot more than the older wars. With spending a low amount of gems, I now use my gems to keep me active for each battle, instead of find a duck, blast it till I am out of gems,then do the best I can when I can. I am more active useing this strategy and feel by being active in more battles is helping out more than just blasting the duck.
These quests are great.

08-18-2013, 09:33 AM
That is exactly what is going to happen here too. The game is just too top-heavy due to all of the bonuses the top few guilds receive. It gets to the point where there will be a few hundred insanely strong players, and it really isn't any fun for anyone else. Battles are already extremely repetitive and dull between the top 10-12 guilds.

And when the insanely strong players are done chewing each other, you'll start to see more empty grassland kingdoms.

wars are still ok, but very gem heavy. The message seems to be, if you don't have mountains, then you're less of a player. What happened to strategy and comradeship? I see myself looking for a let's-just-play guild to retire with. Soon.

08-18-2013, 12:47 PM
wars are still ok, but very gem heavy. The message seems to be, if you don't have mountains, then you're less of a player. What happened to strategy and comradeship? I see myself looking for a let's-just-play guild to retire with. Soon.

This was the worst war by far. My guild has scored better so far then any prior war, and yet it still isn't fun. We play the same three of four teams over and over. Who wants to tap on the same four or five people all day long?

And I think everybody has figured out by now that raiding boost buildings is no longer an option. I'm not surprised Gree did this... It takes away from time that you would otherwise be spending tapping the attack button. But it also means that you may spend an hour tapping on someone who gives you low CP as opposed to hunting boost and helping a team mate. It kills the strategy and eliminates the excitement of the hunt.

08-18-2013, 12:49 PM
agree with you

08-18-2013, 02:13 PM
The mechanics in computing hit value has changed I'm pretty sure either on purpose or by accident something has been introduced in this war.

What I mean is that now I'm loosing to people sometimes 1.2million less in difference from my attack to their defence. Often the other person doesn't have as decent armor or weapons too.
Quite often I chose a target on average 500k less in difference. It feels like I win 1/4 times.

I've participated in all wars so far and I can honestly say thing one is very different, very frustrating. The mechanics are all over the place and seem more random in calculation than anything.

To top it off can't even hit boost buildings *known issue*

Terrible, uneven and unfair...

08-18-2013, 03:09 PM
The mechanics in computing hit value has changed I'm pretty sure either on purpose or by accident something has been introduced in this war.

What I mean is that now I'm loosing to people sometimes 1.2million less in difference from my attack to their defence. Often the other person doesn't have as decent armor or weapons too.
Quite often I chose a target on average 500k less in difference. It feels like I win 1/4

Terrible, uneven and unfair...
This happened tome frequently in the last war. Was losing to opponents with 20% less defence than my attack.

Eddard KFF
08-18-2013, 04:23 PM
We at JAG are actually starting to have fun, we decided we wont be chashing the wins rewards. We're keeping it free to light gemmed and still using the "old" strategy of scouting and exploiting the weak links. We know we will be pushed into gem spending, but 50 wins makes push come to shove, so thanks but no thanks, we'll keep playing just for fun.

08-18-2013, 06:06 PM
1.2m is the most extreme I heard so far, but I've also lost to people 600k inferior, or run 50% win streaks against people with 300k less defense.

08-19-2013, 12:37 AM
I Think the war had its moments with fun exitement, when strategy changes. But wars are still to much same old, same old.

It would be fun with a random factor. Not every battle but once and a while. Like getting matched in a wider span, getting a message that five random warriors in your Guild will not be able to battle for the first 30 min, you got help from a dragon and get 10K bonus CP or a Mighty sorcererer gives every fighter in the guild four bonus attacks. Something like that to bring more variation to the battles.

08-19-2013, 12:43 AM
I Think the war had its moments with fun exitement, when strategy changes. But wars are still to much same old, same old.

It would be fun with a random factor. Not every battle but once and a while. Like getting matched in a wider span, getting a message that five random warriors in your Guild will not be able to battle for the first 30 min, you got help from a dragon and get 10K bonus CP or a Mighty sorcererer gives every fighter in the guild four bonus attacks. Something like that to bring more variation to the battles.

LOL the extra dragon does sound fun!

08-19-2013, 12:59 AM
Haha, it would be fun indeed!

08-19-2013, 01:24 AM
Could be like a Daily scratcher after declaring. Do you feel lucky today - press the button! Lol

08-19-2013, 07:24 AM
We at JAG are actually starting to have fun, we decided we wont be chashing the wins rewards. We're keeping it free to light gemmed and still using the "old" strategy of scouting and exploiting the weak links. We know we will be pushed into gem spending, but 50 wins makes push come to shove, so thanks but no thanks, we'll keep playing just for fun.

That's the best and healthiest attitude to have, I'd say your head's screwed on right but...

Murderer of Bunnies
08-19-2013, 11:48 AM
Our pairings were far worse than usual, both good and bad I think at one point we fought a top 1000 guild and a few wars latter top 50. Terrible terrible terrible.

Vile Lynn
08-19-2013, 12:13 PM
"lets play possum for 50 min. and gem the last 10 just enough to get a win"

lol, yeah... we saw this a lot!

08-19-2013, 12:30 PM
I Think the war had its moments with fun exitement, when strategy changes. But wars are still to much same old, same old.

It would be fun with a random factor. Not every battle but once and a while. Like getting matched in a wider span, getting a message that five random warriors in your Guild will not be able to battle for the first 30 min, you got help from a dragon and get 10K bonus CP or a Mighty sorcererer gives every fighter in the guild four bonus attacks. Something like that to bring more variation to the battles.

Now this is an idea!! One I like.

Julius Wheezer
08-19-2013, 02:12 PM
And not to mention the dull new way of fight a war: "lets play possum for 50 min. and gem the last 10 just enough to get a win"

If that's the only tactic you can come up with, then no wonder you're not enjoying it.

Try thinking.

08-19-2013, 02:33 PM
I Think the war had its moments with fun exitement, when strategy changes. But wars are still to much same old, same old.

It would be fun with a random factor. Not every battle but once and a while. Like getting matched in a wider span, getting a message that five random warriors in your Guild will not be able to battle for the first 30 min, you got help from a dragon and get 10K bonus CP or a Mighty sorcererer gives every fighter in the guild four bonus attacks. Something like that to bring more variation to the battles.

That would definitely make it more interesting. Maybe during LTQs you could earn one-time bonuses for use in the upcoming war?

In either case, this war was extremely dull. We had four guilds that we played four or more times. Most of the other guilds we played 2-3 times. Same opponents over and over and over. And you had to wait 20-30 minutes to even match up with them. It killed the fun. Plus, since you can raid boost buildings any more, you are literally monotonously tapping the attack button for an hour straight against the same few people. Very lame.

08-19-2013, 02:43 PM
If that's the only tactic you can come up with, then no wonder you're not enjoying it.

Try thinking.

Several top ten teams use this approach as well.

Eddard KFF
08-19-2013, 06:53 PM
If that's the only tactic you can come up with, then no wonder you're not enjoying it.

Try thinking.

Thats the tactict guilds we fought were using.

Try reading.