View Full Version : Donegal Brawlers...first battle 501...help us at 250...1 spot left.

08-14-2013, 01:46 PM
I want a person that rips it up in battles with 100+k atk/def. Lazy leeches need not apply. Easily offended need not apply. Rated R for riot, so join me in the pub.

HISTORY: Roughly one month ago my former syndicate self destructed due to egomanics running the show and treating this game like an end all to everything. My buddy, the alternate leader was wronged terribly so I quit. 5 members followed within a week. Ten more people joined, all former friends from various syndicates from 150-750 that I trust with my life. We now have the most dynamic, dirty and destructive forum in the game. And this is where you fit in. Be one of a select outsiders to join us and you get to experience crime cities dirty little secret.

1) Have fun. Life first, game second.
2)Donate what and when you can. Bonuses benefit all, but your player fights the fights.
3) No fighting. We are adults, perverted ones, so sexual, mental and possible physical harassment will occur though. No babies or uber-religious. I start and finish fights.

Fun loving criminals with thick skin and the drive to hit 20k ip a battle weekend. If you don’t show let me know, and no problems. We have no leeches so I won’t start today.
We also need guys that drink and tell dirty jokes and share cocktail recipes. Oh, we need more girls to whip us boys into shape.

566 827 245

08-15-2013, 06:40 AM
I must stress...easily offended need not apply...we are a bunch of perverted, loudmouthed, drinking buddies n Bettie's. Yes, we are not p.c. We may even be considered xxx...consider this a warning...Donegal Brawlers.

08-15-2013, 09:35 AM
Heyyyyyyy...join the cool old people club. We play drunk so our systems are killer simple. And they work. Shooting to be the highest ranked forum only team.

08-15-2013, 12:37 PM

08-15-2013, 02:10 PM
Adults only swinger time

08-16-2013, 01:39 PM
I will expand for the right people.

08-17-2013, 11:33 PM
One more guy or gal