View Full Version : Top 150 Team Recruiting

08-12-2013, 12:44 PM
Hi all, leader of the Rudedudes.
We finished 135 in Canada. We finished 77 in the last faction vs faction tournament. We placed 138 in Australia, 192 in Poland, 234 in Madagascar, 230 in Columbia, 209 in Ireland and finished 233 in China. As you can see, we are moving up. We have a few medium to heavy gold players, quite few light gold players and a lot of nonspending players. Two million per day minimum donation, but most give way more than that. We all work as a team and give what we can. 25k min wd points, but most score way above that. We are looking for strong level 100+ active daily players. If you are not a level 100 player but have very strong attack/defense scores, that's even better. We are very organized and run wars by the book. We have an active forum and have a lot of fun(its a game, you should have fun). We also use a alternate forum. We have a great group from North America, Europe and Australia. If you wish to join us...

Rudedudes 655-452-543

health regen 26% max
ground attack 10%
air attack 10%
infantry attack 15%
sea attack 5%
infantry defense 30%max
ground defense 30%max
air defense 25%
sea defense 15%
building defense 30%max
building output 20%
guild increase 32

Pm me if you have any questions

08-12-2013, 01:36 PM
Bump it back to the front

08-12-2013, 04:59 PM
Bump back to the front

08-13-2013, 06:08 AM
It's official, 135 in Canada