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View Full Version : Would you rather take a hack or a fool?

08-08-2013, 09:07 AM
Posting on my wall.
"Well in the end of the day I would rather have a hack in my house then an ignorant fool" - Mrs BO o GoTTi
I'd rather take the fool but neither would be in my syndicate!

Butt Futter
08-08-2013, 09:40 AM
Not shocked a gotti posted that.

08-08-2013, 10:00 AM
I was going to say I was surprised but anything they do just cant surprise me anymore...

Posting on my wall.
"Well in the end of the day I would rather have a hack in my house then an ignorant fool" - Mrs BO o GoTTi
I'd rather take the fool but neither would be in my syndicate!

08-08-2013, 12:06 PM
And in the mean time GREE does nothing about his!!!! Oh wait the count their money :-)

08-08-2013, 12:50 PM
And in the mean time GREE does nothing about his!!!!

About his what?

08-08-2013, 01:09 PM
Lol dippy his =this

08-08-2013, 02:58 PM
To answer the OP title, GREE accepts both for customers, in my experience.

I accept neither in our syndicate.

out of names
08-08-2013, 03:34 PM
Would you rather take a hack or a fool?
Neither, I'll take the FoCk, or the HaOl

08-09-2013, 10:33 AM
Gree hasn't still taken action against the GoTTis or their syndicates. Disgusting.

08-09-2013, 10:55 AM
Gree hasn't still taken action against the GoTTis or their syndicates. Disgusting.
their real name Hack GoTTi lol

08-09-2013, 11:14 AM
Not sure thats entirely true. Big Money said 6 of them have been banned. I'm not discussing who or anything like that because I dont feel like getting banned myself. But just had to clarify a bit...

Gree hasn't still taken action against the GoTTis or their syndicates. Disgusting.

08-09-2013, 11:29 AM
6 down....but there are many more in the game.

bald zeemer
08-09-2013, 11:52 AM
I think you guys are being harsh here. They have, thus far, recruited foolish hackers. They're looking to improve, and thus eliminate either the fools or the hacks.

It's oh-so-easy to peer down from ones ivory tower, but just imagine if you were one of the little people!

08-09-2013, 12:04 PM
hmmmmm, how about both?

Senator McCarthy
08-09-2013, 12:19 PM
I posted this on the other thread but there should be a Gree lexicon for the word "Gotti."

Gotti = getting away with cheating by spending money

Ex: I pulled a Gotti and bought my wife a car because she caught me with another woman.

08-09-2013, 12:31 PM
I'll start using that from now on. See if it catches on...

I posted this on the other thread but there should be a Gree lexicon for the word "Gotti."

Gotti = getting away with cheating by spending money

Ex: I pulled a Gotti and bought my wife a car because she caught me with another woman.

08-09-2013, 01:34 PM
I'll start using that from now on. See if it catches on...

Me as well ...

08-09-2013, 04:11 PM
How interesting..

08-09-2013, 05:14 PM
In my opinion, it would be really helpful to their public image if GREE would let the community know when/if hackers have been removed. I know quite a few people that would be much more likely to spend (more) money on gold if they were at least under the impression that something was being done about it.

It's good to at least hear rumors that some cheats and hackers have been banned.

one man gang
08-10-2013, 03:17 AM
Lol phantom faced gotti is still making me laugh with his racist posts on my wall.

The guy/girl is a lil pyscho. It's so funny. It's not my fault I can't compete with the weapons he/she wins in syn v syn as gree allow gottis to cheat! No doubt he will be in my wall soon in response to this post the lil nut job.

Grow some balls GREE an ban hackers before 90% start doing it.

09-01-2013, 04:51 PM
Oh hooray. You came back.


09-01-2013, 05:03 PM
seriously, is it just healthy rival banter or do you really think our family is cheating? I am not offended because it doesn't surprise that rivals feel the need to talk s-h-I-t - but, I don't think Gree would tolerate cheating and I don't think cheating would be hard to detect, personally, I wouldn't know how to cheat on here because I a, not a techie.

It's cool if you wanna talk s-h-I-t about a rival but usually it's just a sigh of jealously - however, it's kinda old and is not that interesting. It seems like you could come up with something better -and even if it might be interesting it doesn't mean you don't have to talk about it,

For example, i am not talking about banging your mom all night or how much your sister likes being a slut for me. unfortunately I am not allowed to posts pics of your mom slobbing on my nob - though, - the better pic would be the one of your dad wearing panties watching me do your mom hoping he's next. But alas, forum rules.

I guess all GoTTis should be flattered by your seeming obsession with em as evidenced by the fact that you create dedicated threads about em and talk about em ad nauseum - maybe it's time for a GoTTi reality tv show since there is so much interest.

Well it's good to get the word out. Most of you are so terrible I wouldn't have looked twice. Good thing someone did.

09-01-2013, 05:08 PM
seriously, is it just healthy rival banter or do you really think our family is cheating? I am not offended because it doesn't surprise that rivals feel the need to talk s-h-I-t - but, I don't think Gree would tolerate cheating and I don't think cheating would be hard to detect, personally, I wouldn't know how to cheat on here because I a, not a techie.

It's cool if you wanna talk s-h-I-t about a rival but usually it's just a sigh of jealously - however, it's kinda old and is not that interesting. It seems like you could come up with something better -and even if it might be interesting it doesn't mean you don't have to talk about it,

For example, i am not talking about banging your mom all night or how much your sister likes being a slut for me. unfortunately I am not allowed to posts pics of your mom slobbing on my nob - though, - the better pic would be the one of your dad wearing panties watching me do your mom hoping he's next. But alas, forum rules.

I guess all GoTTis should be flattered by your seeming obsession with em as evidenced by the fact that you create dedicated threads about em and talk about em ad nauseum - maybe it's time for a GoTTi reality tv show since there is so much interest.

Yeah, it's a sign of jealousy, as surely I'm jealous that the majority of your syndicate members have less than half my stats.

The reason that most people think your syndicate is cheating is the fact that you've now had multiple members banned for really, really blatantly obvious cheating.

I also find it amusing how many GoTTis rely on GREE's inaction in dealing with cheaters as if that's somehow convincing evidence that you don't have cheaters in your syndicate. You know, Mr B O_o GoTTi wrote the exact same thing on my wall, i.e. "GREE already investigated our syndicate and we didn't get banned, therefore we aren't cheaters"-- you know, shortly before he got his level 180 account banned for cheating. He actually went much farther than that and grossly overstated GREE's propensity for actively seeking out and banning cheaters. GREE doesn't do anything about cheaters until they are reported. That's probably why you feel so uncomfortable having each of your syndicate member's inventory items and hoods constantly scrutinized.

By the way, I also find it amusing the number of GoTTis who have posted on my wall to brag about getting me banned for a week on the forums, as if that's in any way equitable to getting permanently banned from the game, as many of your members have been. I would take a forum ban any day of the week to expose a syndicate with such widespread cheating. The fact is that many of your legitimate members are leaving your syndicate, because they are tired of being constantly targeted, attacked, and robbed by almost everyone-- people who wouldn't have otherwise known that you were a syndicate that has had obvious cheaters help you to tainted Top 25 finishes. Your members are hit far more than any other tagged syndicate, save for perhaps MWWM-- though I suspect many of your members are used to that by now.

Lastly, I find it amusing that this disgusting post came from the same person who claimed to be a lawyer and threatened to sue me for "possible defamation," apparently oblivious to any sort of law regarding defamation whatsoever:


09-01-2013, 05:12 PM
Ill defend you, munny. I just got certified to practice in Internet court, and ill work for popcorn.

09-01-2013, 05:29 PM
seriously, is it just healthy rival banter or do you really think our family is cheating? I am not offended because it doesn't surprise that rivals feel the need to talk s-h-I-t - but, I don't think Gree would tolerate cheating and I don't think cheating would be hard to detect, personally, I wouldn't know how to cheat on here because I a, not a techie.

It's cool if you wanna talk s-h-I-t about a rival but usually it's just a sigh of jealously - however, it's kinda old and is not that interesting. It seems like you could come up with something better -and even if it might be interesting it doesn't mean you don't have to talk about it,

For example, i am not talking about banging your mom all night or how much your sister likes being a slut for me. unfortunately I am not allowed to posts pics of your mom slobbing on my nob - though, - the better pic would be the one of your dad wearing panties watching me do your mom hoping he's next. But alas, forum rules.

I guess all GoTTis should be flattered by your seeming obsession with em as evidenced by the fact that you create dedicated threads about em and talk about em ad nauseum - maybe it's time for a GoTTi reality tv show since there is so much interest.

You're an idiot. Why still GoTTi bashing?? This thread was dead. the last post was on Aug 10th! until you decided to re-post TONIGHT!! What an obvious troll lol

09-01-2013, 05:29 PM
Enjoy your ban, cheater!

09-01-2013, 05:32 PM
seriously, is it just healthy rival banter or do you really think our family is cheating? I am not offended because it doesn't surprise that rivals feel the need to talk s-h-I-t - but, I don't think Gree would tolerate cheating and I don't think cheating would be hard to detect, personally, I wouldn't know how to cheat on here because I a, not a techie.

It's cool if you wanna talk s-h-I-t about a rival but usually it's just a sigh of jealously - however, it's kinda old and is not that interesting. It seems like you could come up with something better -and even if it might be interesting it doesn't mean you don't have to talk about it,

For example, i am not talking about banging your mom all night or how much your sister likes being a slut for me. unfortunately I am not allowed to posts pics of your mom slobbing on my nob - though, - the better pic would be the one of your dad wearing panties watching me do your mom hoping he's next. But alas, forum rules.

I guess all GoTTis should be flattered by your seeming obsession with em as evidenced by the fact that you create dedicated threads about em and talk about em ad nauseum - maybe it's time for a GoTTi reality tv show since there is so much interest.how is it jealousy? Check some of your guys hoods, stats (IPH,atk,def) and inventories. You mjst have failed math.

cave man kid
09-01-2013, 05:33 PM
Am I the only one who laughed at sPeeDX talking about forum rules after everything he posted

09-01-2013, 05:33 PM
First, I neither feel threatened nor does it make me feel uncomfortable to have anyone look at my inventory items - they can certainly view them in "results" if they choose to attack me and then lose.

Second, perhaps my prior communication was somehow nuanced, but you should learn to carefully read things lest you want come off as an idiot. To be clear, I never threatened to bring a suit against you.

And I personally don't think you are entirely an idiot. You appear to be talented with number crunching and I appreciate your informative posts on stats and numbers related to some of the in game challenges.

Moreover, I heard you were suspended from the forum - and sorry to hear that...I do believe that you came close to crossing a line that went from competitive banter to potentially damaging remarks - and from my standpoint, for someone to make accusations of cheating when I have logged more hours on here than some mental health professionals might think is healthy and i have purchased more gold on here than I care to want to know at this point that I was taken aback at the traction your comments made received. F-u-c-k yeah - all cheaters should be banned even those on my team - I doubt Gree is as complacent as some on here may posit with respect to cheating -but reasonable minds can agree to disagree - anyway I look forward to battling u one day in the game u smelly f-u-c-k-I-I-n-g douch bagPlease note the forum guidelines.

09-01-2013, 05:34 PM
I'm shocked at this obvious trolling. ppl, look at when the last post was before this tool posted "why still GoTTi bashing", it was AUGUST 10TH!! that's like a lifetime in this forum. He should be banned for necroing a thread lol.
Why on earth would someone respond to a thread which last post was AUGUST 10TH with the title "why still GoTTi bashing"???!! LMAO hahahaha sounds like a narsasist (or however you spell it)

09-01-2013, 05:36 PM
First, I neither feel threatened nor does it make me feel uncomfortable to have anyone look at my inventory items - they can certainly view them in "results" if they choose to attack me and then lose.

Second, perhaps my prior communication was somehow nuanced, but you should learn to carefully read things lest you want come off as an idiot. To be clear, I never threatened to bring a suit against you.

And I personally don't think you are entirely an idiot. You appear to be talented with number crunching and I appreciate your informative posts on stats and numbers related to some of the in game challenges.

Moreover, I heard you were suspended from the forum - and sorry to hear that...I do believe that you came close to crossing a line that went from competitive banter to potentially damaging remarks - and from my standpoint, for someone to make accusations of cheating when I have logged more hours on here than some mental health professionals might think is healthy and i have purchased more gold on here than I care to want to know at this point that I was taken aback at the traction your comments made received. F-u-c-k yeah - all cheaters should be banned even those on my team - I doubt Gree is as complacent as some on here may posit with respect to cheating -but reasonable minds can agree to disagree - anyway I look forward to battling u one day in the game u smelly f-u-c-k-I-I-n-g douch bagWho said, from looking at your inventory, means the rest of the GoTTi's are cheaters?

09-01-2013, 05:37 PM
I'm shocked at this obvious trolling. ppl, look at when the last post was before this tool posted "why still GoTTi bashing", it was AUGUST 10TH!! that's like a lifetime in this forum. He should be banned for necroing a thread lol.
Why on earth would someone respond to a thread which last post was AUGUST 10TH with the title "why still GoTTi bashing"???!! LMAO hahahaha sounds like a narsasist (or however you spell it)Yes. That is trolling.

09-01-2013, 06:15 PM
F-u-c-k yeah - all cheaters should be banned even those on my team - I doubt Gree is as complacent as some on here may posit with respect to cheating -but reasonable minds can agree to disagree - anyway I look forward to battling u one day in the game u smelly f-u-c-k-I-I-n-g douch bag

Feel free to hit me in war, sPeeDX GoTTi, I could use the free points.

bald zeemer
09-01-2013, 06:41 PM
He posted the whole "you're just jealous" thing. It's clearly his go-to response, because for the life of me I can't figure out what it is we're supposed to be jealous of.

09-01-2013, 07:36 PM
He posted the whole "you're just jealous" thing. It's clearly his go-to response, because for the life of me I can't figure out what it is we're supposed to be jealous of.
Maybe we're supposed to be jealous that they can hack so efficiently that they can't even cover their tracks

09-01-2013, 08:37 PM
seriously, is it just healthy rival banter or do you really think our family is cheating? I am not offended because it doesn't surprise that rivals feel the need to talk s-h-I-t - but, I don't think Gree would tolerate cheating and I don't think cheating would be hard to detect, personally, I wouldn't know how to cheat on here because I a, not a techie.

It's cool if you wanna talk s-h-I-t about a rival but usually it's just a sigh of jealously - however, it's kinda old and is not that interesting. It seems like you could come up with something better -and even if it might be interesting it doesn't mean you don't have to talk about it,

For example, i am not talking about banging your mom all night or how much your sister likes being a slut for me. unfortunately I am not allowed to posts pics of your mom slobbing on my nob - though, - the better pic would be the one of your dad wearing panties watching me do your mom hoping he's next. But alas, forum rules.

I guess all GoTTis should be flattered by your seeming obsession with em as evidenced by the fact that you create dedicated threads about em and talk about em ad nauseum - maybe it's time for a GoTTi reality tv show since there is so much interest.
Oh look, another idiot. Shocker.
Ya know, I'm really jealous about how you guys get ****d 24/7 (that is, the ones who haven't been banned yet, of course). Ya think you'd have room for me? I promise to hack 28,893,903 of every respect item in the game, and 500 sweet vengeances! Oh, I'd even post really retarded comments on people's walls and deny I hack if you want :). Whatdya say?
You can contact me at 1-800-GO-F***-YOURSELF.

The real cosmo
09-01-2013, 09:07 PM
I think you guys are being harsh here. They have, thus far, recruited foolish hackers. They're looking to improve, and thus eliminate either the fools or the hacks.
But would they take a hacking fool?

It's oh-so-easy to peer down from ones ivory tower, but just imagine if you were one of the little people!
Hey! I'm one of the little people!

09-01-2013, 11:55 PM
Yep, he sure did say that.

Really, dude? Do you have stats or any proof whatsoever to back that up or are you just a gas bag pontificating untruths because...???. your cat and you are fighting? you're tired of being overweight and generally angry with the world ? small penis?? I guess the reason behind it could be any number of things that you're unhappy with in your life. Try taking a shower and reading self-help books - I hear that works for some who are similarly situated.

Your insults are neither funny nor clever.

Because I've spoken with many of your members and former members. One syndicate mate of mine was silly enough to add "GoTTi" to his tag to try and troll me, and he got crushed nonstop for the 8 hours he had it in his tag (and some more residual attacks even after he removed it). And his stats are far superior to yours, so I can only imagine the beatings you endure with your big mouth and small stats.

Back hand emus
09-02-2013, 12:43 AM
For the life of me, I still can't believe someone would threaten to sue someone over calling a hacker a hacker. Defamation of character? I kind of hope you really are foolish enough to try and sue someone. May as well spend your 75 dollar court filing fee at a strip club and get a better investment there

bald zeemer
09-02-2013, 12:47 AM
SpeedX, your 8s were up.

Just FYI.

bald zeemer
09-02-2013, 12:48 AM
SpeedX, your 8s were up.

Just FYI.

Captain Torgue
09-02-2013, 02:31 AM
the better pic would be the one of your dad wearing panties

Why do you have a pic of his dad wearing panties? That's just weird mate.

09-02-2013, 03:14 AM
One syndicate mate of mine was silly enough to add "GoTTi" to his tag to try and troll me, and he got crushed nonstop for the 8 hours he had it in his tag (and some more residual attacks even after he removed it).

LOL - that's really funny! To misquote 'Hannibal Smith', don't you just love it when a plan misfires :)

09-02-2013, 03:41 AM
LOL - that's really funny! To misquote 'Hannibal Smith', don't you just love it when a plan misfires :)

Didn't really misfire, because he got me hook, line, and sinker. I even had people messaging me about it. He told me he was glad I noticed when I did, because he was quickly going broke from all the attention on him.

bald zeemer
09-02-2013, 04:00 AM
My 8's are up? Apologies, Bald - but I have no clue what that means.

I have nothing to say - just quoting it so that when you realise how ignorant you sound you can't erase the evidence.

09-02-2013, 04:06 AM
I have nothing to say - just quoting it so that when you realise how ignorant you sound you can't erase the evidence.

He's having trouble finding you in a sea of red, I imagine.

bald zeemer
09-02-2013, 04:12 AM
I should be easy to find, I make up a good portion of that sea. :D