View Full Version : Adding Guild Name to your game profile

08-06-2013, 02:20 AM
With the increasing importance of guilds I wonder if it is possible to add our Guild name to the player profile.

Some players already have their guild initials in their player names but if possible it would be very nice to have them by default in the player profile and also in the player lists (ie the attack list).

Best regards

08-06-2013, 03:07 AM
Unlikely GREE would do anything about this, as it's something they currently charge for.

08-06-2013, 04:28 AM
You mean they currently charge to see a guild name? Seriously?

08-06-2013, 04:39 AM
You mean they currently charge to see a guild name? Seriously?

No, they charge to change your name. That's when the people add their Guild letters to it. No free option and I wouldn't anticipate one either. And, currently there isn't any other way to see someones guild affiliation unless you check their wall and it is mentioned there.

08-06-2013, 07:00 AM
50 gems. Fork it over.

08-06-2013, 07:03 AM
I see a ton of those. It happens, but coast 50 gold is a no show.

08-06-2013, 07:11 AM
I've already sent a ticket stating that everyone should be entitled to one free name change as it is standard in all games generally. The response was names can be changed for a small fee.

08-06-2013, 07:57 AM
With the increasing importance of guilds I wonder if it is possible to add our Guild name to the player profile.

I agree. It would be very helpful if, on a player's profile page, the game listed what guild they are in. This is not the same as adding guild initials to a player's name being talked about - this is something that is in a player's profile on the server but just not shown on the screen when you look at a profile. If Gree can change the programming to add our boost information to be visible in our own profiles, they can program it to show the guild when you open another player's.

08-06-2013, 08:56 AM
Examples [BAF]Duncan, [kys]Biff05, [BBS]Jason.

Dogs Pizza
08-06-2013, 09:04 AM
By putting your guild name in your user name you just make it easier for your opponents to scout you before the wars. We had guys in my old guild that would go through their rivals list right before wars and get free intel. I do thank MOC and a few other guilds for making scouting them so easy.

08-06-2013, 10:03 AM
I think the opposition to this idea would be greater than the support. ;)

Darth Randy
08-06-2013, 10:15 AM
As a weaker player, people who have spent 50 gems to change their name represent people usually who are to strong for me to raid, so it's a nice filter on the rivals list from my perspective.

08-06-2013, 11:58 AM
Nice point, Darth Randy, but... I got my name change in a week or two before they started charging for them so your filter's not perfect, and I'm certain there are far more gem-spending players that don't have these tags than players who bothered to get them... not sure you should rely on this method.

There is no reason connected to the game programming that should prevent users from changing their names for free. Limit it to once a month, or 4 times a year, but do it so any user can do it without requiring the opening of a technical support ticket. And there is no technical reason why guild membership should not be visible within the user's profile, if not also visible on the battle list. In fact it would be very helpful: there has been a lot of movement over time and you can't always tell that a person wearing a particular guild tag is still with that guild. Sometimes, that matters.

There are a few reasons why changing names should not be allowed frequently. The first is obvious: it would make PvP scouting much more difficult, breaking that part of the game. Once a month will be fine. I enjoy running into guilds where several members have taken the same name, and I get a kick out of players named "Level 150 Atk 950k". There are some fantastic names out there, why stifle this creative outlet? But there is another reason to control name changes that is less obvious: you end up with childish behavior, players changing their names to insult or offend other players... if this boorishness had a name, it would be "The IROC Problem".

08-06-2013, 01:10 PM
As soon as I joined my guild I changed my name when it was still free . I'm a proud member of TTK (The Templar Knights)HONOUR ABOVE ALL

08-06-2013, 01:45 PM
By putting your guild name in your user name you just make it easier for your opponents to scout you before the wars. We had guys in my old guild that would go through their rivals list right before wars and get free intel. I do thank MOC and a few other guilds for making scouting them so easy.

i do this with my raiding and attack. came in very handy in the last war.

08-07-2013, 06:15 AM
By putting your guild name in your user name you just make it easier for your opponents to scout you before the wars. We had guys in my old guild that would go through their rivals list right before wars and get free intel. I do thank MOC and a few other guilds for making scouting them so easy.

Don't care about that really. Not when it takes a minute to bring down a wall and another minute to make 3 to 4 scout attacks to find a very good target.

IMHO is all a question of having pride of the guild where you currently are. Also at the moment I do give more importance to guild than to individuals. One thing is you raidind i.e. lelipot12345 another is you to raid i.e. lelipot12345 [FUN] guild member.

Probably GREE will not allow name changes for free, but IMHO that's to bad. Surely they don't profit a lot from it, why giving players a small RPG extra.

John 3013
08-07-2013, 10:12 AM
As a long time player .. I would NOT want my guild posted on my profile. It would create a whole new purpose to raiding rivals. We are already getting more sophisticated with stat / recon data duing Epic Battles ... imaging being able to start doing recon while war is not on?

Has anyone see this message floating around?

"You've just been scouted by a Recon Specialist from www.ivc-players.com. Are you looking for a competitive advantage during the next Epic Battle. I have one and so should you.

Just my 2 cents

08-08-2013, 04:59 AM
By putting your guild name in your user name you just make it easier for your opponents to scout you before the wars. We had guys in my old guild that would go through their rivals list right before wars and get free intel. I do thank MOC and a few other guilds for making scouting them so easy.

Very true.

I use to search for these kindoms when raiding. They normally has more gold to raid.

08-08-2013, 05:47 AM
As a long time player .. I would NOT want my guild posted on my profile. It would create a whole new purpose to raiding rivals. We are already getting more sophisticated with stat / recon data duing Epic Battles ... imaging being able to start doing recon while war is not on?

Has anyone see this message floating around?

"You've just been scouted by a Recon Specialist from www.ivc-players.com. Are you looking for a competitive advantage during the next Epic Battle. I have one and so should you.

Just my 2 cents

Um.......I already do recon before the guild battles start as many people do.

As for this post.

I THINK EVERYONE SHOULD BE IDENTIFIED WITH A TAG. Most do not change their names because it cost 50 gem to do so. For a free player thats not really fair ...but its the GREE way.

My questions are simple....Why would you not want to put your guild tag to show?? Are you scared to let people know what guild you are in?? Are you embarrassed of the guild your in?? Do you have pride for the guild you are in?? I am MOC all the way...i dont hide it...I am proud of my guild.

I also think it could add another element to the game......such as a friendly guild rivalry ...just for fun.....like IROC vs MOC a couple months ago....It was fun!!

PLEASE GREE....make an attachment with the tag for EVERYONE!!!!!!!

08-08-2013, 06:11 AM
At least let players choose if they want guild name tag or not.

And without charge.

08-08-2013, 07:37 AM
By putting your guild name in your user name you just make it easier for your opponents to scout you before the wars. We had guys in my old guild that would go through their rivals list right before wars and get free intel. I do thank MOC and a few other guilds for making scouting them so easy.

In the time it takes for you to pull up your spreadsheet, filter it by guild, scan it for your between-war scouting reports, start looking for targets, and discover that your scouting info is already out of date and some of those you thought were in the guild you are facing turned out not to be, while there are also new names there, your wall will be down, your guild guardian will be defeated, and your current biggest payout targets will have been identified. You can spend the next couple of minutes updating your spreadsheet with new scouting information if you like. There's plenty of things you can do in an hour.

Jean marc
08-09-2013, 11:25 AM
Seems like a full time job to me

08-10-2013, 11:51 AM
If you see [VFF]John or something like that, you should know instinctively not to attack that person on your rivals list.