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View Full Version : Completing Collect 10 Events using CASH ONLY (Tips + My Personal Strategy)

King Dante!
07-29-2013, 07:36 PM
Let me begin by saying, this is NOT an exact science. My advice will not certify that you will collect all 10 items in these type of events. This threads only purpose is to potentially help people who struggle to successfully complete these events using only cash opens. The steps I use have worked for all 3 of the Collect 10 events that I've participated in (including the most recent Canadian Map Case Event). But just because they work for me, they may not work for you.

So, first off, the screenshots. (I'm missing the Tempest Destroyer screenshot)

http://i860.photobucket.com/albums/ab162/soulnmysole/2013-06-05_19-10-07_zps8be3d589.png (http://s860.photobucket.com/user/soulnmysole/media/2013-06-05_19-10-07_zps8be3d589.png.html)

http://i860.photobucket.com/albums/ab162/soulnmysole/dec7c83c-16f3-4b62-a2ac-06e4bab44289_zps3c5cd427.jpg (http://s860.photobucket.com/user/soulnmysole/media/dec7c83c-16f3-4b62-a2ac-06e4bab44289_zps3c5cd427.jpg.html)

Now if you look at the screenshots, I will point out 4 things:

1) My level. From my experience, these events have been noticeably easier at lower levels. It may just be my imagination, but it seems my success rate when using cash opens lowers as my level increases. I dont have any statistical evidence to prove this, but I can say the Tempest Destroyer was easier to obtain than the Coastal Siege Ship, and the Coastal Siege Ship was easier to obtain than the Shrike Superiority Fighter.

2) The number of Boxes/Cases in my inventory (2 and 3). During the course of these events the number of cases in my inventory has never exceeded 8. Most of the reason being is that I camp and don't want to frivolously obtain XP by doing a bunch of PvE and PvP just to collect cases. All of my cases come from raiding Supply Depots and Command Centers. Now, while the drop rate is much lower when raiding Supply Depots (around 10-15% from my experience) I have yet to gain over 1000xp when doing these events... which is most important for my play style. Now, I cant say for sure whether it matters if you have 100 cases when doing cash opens or only a few, but from my experience, having fewer cases works just fine. Not to mention, if you're only doing cash opens, you can only open 1 per hour. So all those extra cases are somewhat unnecessary.

3) Yes, I have gold. But I guarantee none of it was spent opening cases. I had a bad experience in Crime City during one of these events, and vowed to not use gold on them because I thought they were a scam... and although my opinion of these events has changed immensely, I still stick to my "No Gold" strategy :-)

4) Acquired the 10th item with less than 48hrs remaining. In both the above screen shots you'll notice I finished both events during the last 24-44hrs of their end time. This is important because it seems that there is a popular misconception that your relative odds of receiving event items (ie maps, jems) decreases the longer you wait to complete it. Now, of course event items become more scarce the more of them you collect, that is, the 10th is harder to get than the 9th and the 9th is harder than the 8th, etc. But I personally DO NOT believe that the longer you take to complete the event affects your chances of success. It is clearly doable even on the last day using only cash opens.

Below is the complete list of all 98 of my cash open attempts from the Canadian Map Case event, followed by my analysis.

Map #1
Map #2
10 Concrete
Map #3
Map #4
Tank Eliminator
Map #5
Map #6
Vector Warship
Map #7
300 Valor
Tank Eliminator
Tank Eliminator
300 Valor
Map #8
Vector Warship
10 Concrete
Tank Eliminator
Vector Warship
300 Valor
T90 Tank
300 Valor
T90 Tank
10 Concrete
300 Valor
T90 Tank
Map #9
10 Concrete
Tank Eliminator
Vector Warship
10 Concrete
300 Valor
300 Valor
10 Concrete
300 Valor
T90 Tank
T90 Tank
T90 Tank
Vector Warship
Vector Warship
10 Concrete
Map #10

Some important things to note about this list:

1) 98 Attempts. I was able to squeeze 98 attempts into a 119 hour window. So out of the possible 119 cash attempts possible, I opened 98. Which only leaves about 21 hours for sleep over the course of 5 days. I was definitely dedicated. A lot more dedicated than in previous collect 10 events. Notice in the screenshots that the previous event I finished 19 hours sooner than the current one. That is not because I opened more boxes, I actually opened far less that event. It was just simply.. I was luckier. Possibly because I was a lower level? Hmmmmm...

2) 15 Seconds or less. This may just be me being superstitious, but I try to make a conscious effort to perform my cash opens very soon after the timer resets. Usually within about 15 seconds or less.

3) You NEVER expect #10. Personally, every time I get the 10th item during these events, it surprises the hell out of me. Either I'm half sleep just gong through the motions or I'm on the phone talking with somebody, not ever thinking, "this could be #10". So what I'm trying to say is, dont get down when you get 5 or 6... or even 10 BLNT's in a row. Just stick to your guns and be positive.

Now for a little number crunching..

-48% Open Rate Out of my 98 cash open attempts, 47 were successful.
-21% Item Rate Of the 47 successful opens, 10 were maps.

These numbers are important when pointing out the difficulty when trying to get items #9 and #10 (which are clearly the hardest). Even though my Open Rate pretty much stayed the same while chasing 9 and 10... my Item Rate dropped off drastically.

My Item Rate through the 1st 8 items was 50%. While my item rate for items 9 and 10 was only about 6%. So it goes to show, the item rate drops off significantly after #8.

Now I recognize that these numbers are from a very small sample size, and some people may experience much lower rates, and some much higher. But my goal with this thread is just to share my experience and hopefully have others share theirs, so we can all take something away from this thread collectively.

So what I'm asking you guys to do, is share you advice, opinions, experiences... whatever on these type of events. I will continue to update this thread as more Collect 10 event occur.

07-29-2013, 07:50 PM
21 hours over 5 days, that takes dedication man
If i dont get at least 7-8 hours im dead the next day

There are many other theories floating around, like rushing to 8-9, only opening @ .15 .30 .45 or .00 and your strategy
To be honest, the only way to guarantee you have the best shot is to open the most cases throughout the event. No matter what mumbo jumbo gree does, someone opening 100 crates throughout the event is a lot more likely to win than someone who opened 50

07-29-2013, 08:05 PM
Just gonna say first that I simultaneously admire and worry about your dedication and superstition.

I got all 10 maps with a little over 48 hours left as well, using only cash opens and no gold at all, but I didn't try anything special - I just tried to open the game at least once every hour or two while I was awake and try to open a case. It's just a game of probability. The game most likely uses a pseudorandom number generator and a system of weights/balances depending on what you used to open the case. If it's a clock-based PRNG, then that does lend some credence to the theory that every 15 minutes your chances are better, but I'm still not sure I believe that. It's just probability and "luck".

07-29-2013, 08:09 PM
Interesting findings... I always get stuck at 9. Not sure if I want to sacrifice sleep for that last one.

07-29-2013, 08:13 PM
I think its just pure luck, and determined by how many times you try. For me, I got nothing but BLNT for the first 2 days, then a whole bunch of maps came one after another.

General Soviet
07-29-2013, 08:38 PM
My personal strategy is mashing the cash open option and seeing what happens. Total wins using the tactic: 1.

Blade of 3
07-29-2013, 09:05 PM
Interesting theory about the level effecting the rate, but I don't think it matters. I have two accounts and my higher level account got to 10 maps much easier than my lower level account. Could just be luck, but who knows.

07-29-2013, 11:15 PM
i open all hours on MD or CC, i have always many box maybe 1000 or more.

i got the 10/10 many and many time for free, sometime with less box lik u sometime with 3000 box more like the last on CC.

that just luck i think, u need to ope, all hours for max chance. i got for free on lvl 14 camper, on main stuck at 9/10, on wait... i hve only 15 gold for try one time and succes.. lol.. i wait... hope i have this item///

Thunder Child
07-29-2013, 11:26 PM
You put some effort into this write-up, King Dante, but as someone who also finished the event without an ounce of gold, I'd like to highlight that exactly the opposite 'helped' me in the four areas you detail:

1. Level - got it at L193
2. No. of boxes - I had over 200 boxes when the maps really started dropping, and over 250 for no. 10
3. Gold - I had no gold in my accout
4. Last 48 hrs - finished mine before this

Not taking anything away from what you wrote, just underscoring the other point you made that this is all far from an exact science.

07-29-2013, 11:55 PM
I got 10 at my HLP account & use gold after 5 maps cause i'm afraid i will not get it at all. Like i had a bad experience on that Dragon Viper back in the days. i did the Mcdoc strategy & got 9 the first day & didn't get the 10 after the last 4 days.:( I got the Coastal Siege Ship all cash open the last time. I only go for gold if i like the bonus or an Air unit.

My LLP got it back-to-back 10 for cash only all the way cause its a free account. My simple strategy is a NON-STOP open every hour except during i sleep at night.

07-30-2013, 12:09 AM
Great effort and writeup, however we need a larger sample size to discern any real patterns. N=1 over and over just produces arguments...

Have opened the 10th item with hundreds of boxes-in overtime. I don't believe there is a connection b/w number of boxes or lateness in game. It's just a reinforced theory, the more you hear it-the more ya believe it, while ignoring the proof contrary.

Getting the jump on openning boxes has been shown effective, whether or not the odds are changed as time goes by. Simple matter of opening more boxes raises chances of success there though.