View Full Version : Level 87 with 230k+ stats looking for a new syndicate!

07-29-2013, 12:26 PM
Hey everyone. I'm getting kind of upset with my syndicate and their lack of desire to compete for a top 100 spot, or even a top 150 spot for that matter. That's why I'm looking for a new group.

A few things about myself. I am a free player, and do not use gold in battle. But I will do everything in my power to compete in almost every battle the group does. If your expected IP requirement is anything that can only be achieved using gold, don't bother sending me a PM. (I guarantee I'll still get messages saying they require 100k IP)

My stats right now with my current groups bonuses (they're missing the last 2 gun attack and vehicle attack bonuses) are 232k/245k, so if your group has max bonuses, it will be even higher.

If you're only a top 250 group who is borderline top 150, then I'm not really interested. I play with a bunch of people I know in real life, and wouldn't give that up to be in the exact position I am right now.

I live in the USA, on the east coast so that should give you a general idea of my battle times. I am on vacation this week from work, but I work a sporadic work schedule, but normally manage to check my phone quite a bit there so that should not be an issue.

If you're interested in me and have anymore questions, post here or send me a PM. I'll respond asap, because I want to try and get a group before this next war begins.

C Rebels
07-29-2013, 02:07 PM
If your interested. Would be glad to have you in the Rebels.

07-29-2013, 03:41 PM
Team Travo would like to have you. We're outwardly very aggressive and ambitious, but underneath we're a friendly sociable bunch. We'll be easily in the top 100, ranked 119 last time. We have several players around your strength so we'll find you great targets.
All the info you need is in my signiature.


07-30-2013, 06:25 AM
@Rebels, PM me more info.

@Everyone else who PMed me. I sent PMs out to all of those who I'm interested in. Like I said, I am on vacation so I'm not around my laptop very much (and this WiFi sucks). I look to be making my decision today so I don't keep these groups waiting to fill their spots just a few days before battle.

Just a little last note about myself. As a level 87, I'm still in an epic boss tier I can actually handle 50 times, so I try not to level up very quick. I still do LTQs though, but I do not actively participate in PvP tournaments (this does NOT mean syndicate wars... I actively participate in those).

If anyone else is interested in me, get your PMs out asap so I can consider them. I'm sorry everyone waiting on me.