View Full Version : Father and Commander: KnD Dads

07-28-2013, 09:41 PM
So another thread revealed that a few of us are new (ish) dads, and someone suggested starting a thread. This is on topic because my little cub's feedings at all hours have been my secret weapon for optimally using epic energy.

07-29-2013, 08:41 AM
If you can't tell by my handle, I'm a dad too. Nice to meet you!

My son recommended I get into the game. I took one look at it and thought "not for me", but installed it so he could get the referral bonus. Since then, I haven't stopped berating him for getting me addicted (mostly kidding), and he hasn't stopped being jealous of my progress and all the boss armors I'm getting.

07-29-2013, 09:26 AM
My son plays too! Mostly by trying to get my party to flee in Arena as he stomps his foot, but hey!

The big question is - does Flip pull in daddy for the reward level boss fights?

My own dad is my real life hero, I think the experience would be great to carry forward.

07-29-2013, 09:54 AM
What about KnD Moms? As a few know, I am a mom and play with my daughter, Cami.

07-29-2013, 10:57 AM
The big question is - does Flip pull in daddy for the reward level boss fights?

He does. It feels good to get pulled in for the big guys.

He also created a guild and had me join. The guild isn't doing me any favors as it's mostly his friends and lower level people, but I pass through advice that I got on these forums. So they look up to me for that and also b/c I'm their soccer coach :)

That's funny about your son. Maybe he'll pass you some day.

Epon, yes! Moms are just as welcome IMO.

07-29-2013, 11:19 AM
Thank you, thank you, thank you :) I am expecting #2 in a couple months, and I was not at all looking forward to waking up at all hours of the night again for feedings, until I saw your post. Being able to use epic energy, my healed up knights and harvest my monster nests in the middle of the night will help :)

Just hit level 50!

07-29-2013, 12:10 PM
I'm a new father as well. I actually built up more Monster Nests than TF to start since I was up all hours and able to collect from them pretty consistently. Now that my girl sleeps more than a few hours at a time I've actually replaced them with Training Fields. It was handy bringing in all that gold for the short time I had the nests at least

07-29-2013, 04:33 PM
Great idea here Bearsuo! Mine are too old at this point (2&4) for EE maximization. But my 2 year old loves watching me kill monsters. My favorite is when he rawrs at them and high fives me when they die!

QuantumP 86
07-29-2013, 06:26 PM
So another thread revealed that a few of us are new (ish) dads, and someone suggested starting a thread. This is on topic because my little cub's feedings at all hours have been my secret weapon for optimally using epic energy.

Haha! This is how I was able to level so quickly (38 levels in 5 days) 👍 never lose any hp or epic energy :)

07-29-2013, 06:37 PM
Very unoriginal thread:) but glad to see im not the only one. I to also have 2(3rd on the way) children. Finally we have the advantage on a game! lol pretty easy to quickly collect money/craft armour in the middle of the night.

07-29-2013, 08:58 PM
Stay-at-Home Dad to a 16mo son. The older he gets the more interesting looking after him becomes, and I don't miss the days of sleep/poop/milk/sleep.

I have plenty of time on weekdays to play, very little money to throw at the game, and at weekends I like to spend time with my wife and friends.

07-29-2013, 09:43 PM
Been pulling the stay at home dad gig for 4 years now, since my son was born, added a daughter to the mix after 2 years. Welcome to the party, fellow parents

07-31-2013, 07:47 AM
Wow, thread killer yet again...
Sorry if my posting doomed your thread, bearsuo
(And yes, before anyone comments - i'm caught red-handed - shameless bump in an attempt to avoid being the actual killer of this thread)

07-31-2013, 10:02 AM
Wow, thread killer yet again...
Sorry if my posting doomed your thread, bearsuo
(And yes, before anyone comments - i'm caught red-handed - shameless bump in an attempt to avoid being the actual killer of this thread)

My main foruming is when my son keeps me up nights. The silence may be indicative - as in my case - of actual sleep!

07-31-2013, 09:20 PM
Great idea here Bearsuo! Mine are too old at this point (2&4) for EE maximization. But my 2 year old loves watching me kill monsters. My favorite is when he rawrs at them and high fives me when they die!

Okay, that sounds super awesome. Now I know I get to look forward to this with my cub. Did you see the Epic Parenting picture where the dad has two kids, each with controllers in hand, and the caption - "I don't tell them their controllers aren't plugged in..."

08-01-2013, 03:50 PM
Okay, that sounds super awesome. Now I know I get to look forward to this with my cub. Did you see the Epic Parenting picture where the dad has two kids, each with controllers in hand, and the caption - "I don't tell them their controllers aren't plugged in..."

That how we play Rock band!

08-02-2013, 09:19 PM
Im a current Step-Father haha if that counts! It is good to see other parents making time to play :D
My little one is only two though, so he dosent play quite yet!

08-05-2013, 03:47 AM
My favorite is when he rawrs at them and high fives me when they die!

Aion Gold (http://www.aionkinahgold.com/)