View Full Version : Strong player looking for top 100 only

07-25-2013, 05:40 PM
Looking for a faction who scored under top 100 in Australia.
Stats are 424k attack 541k defense
2.1 mil IPH
I'm not generally a gold user anymore and I can score over 40kWD and 400kBP in FvF
If your interested just give me an invite through MW

07-25-2013, 06:03 PM
Might help if I posted my ID haha 983 832 971 ;)

07-25-2013, 10:31 PM
Bump bump send me an invite in MW or pm me here with requirements and faction bonuses

07-26-2013, 06:04 AM
40k WD who's keen

07-28-2013, 12:46 PM
Sent you PM
💥81 in Australia/66th in Poland💥
💊Health Regeneration💊 26%
💉Casualty Rate💉 19%
👮Infantry Defense👮 30%
🚓Ground Defense🚓 30%
✈Air defense✈ 30%
🚣Sea Defense🚣 30%
🏤Building Defense🏤 30%
💂Infantry Attack💂 30%
🚒Ground attack🚒 25%
🚁Air Attack🚁 20%
🚤Sea Attack🚤 15%
🏢Building Output🏢 30%
👳Guild Member👳 +34p
We are a strong and dedicated crew. We treat each other like family. We are kind and respectful to each other. Everyone here has a say. We make war fun. Not too many factions do that. The minimum is 250k att/def, and 50k WD points. If you want to be on a winning team contact me with your stats and estimated points for war. Must be on GroupMe and have snap shots of last 3 WD points. The faction code is 836842342.