View Full Version : So, How long have you been around?

Dirt road Joe
07-22-2013, 08:21 PM
Choose how long you have been playing followed by wether you have spent anything or not. Its always fun to learn a little bit more about the members of the forums/KA. In this thread I would like to know how long you have been playing KA. As well as if you have made an investment of any kind, that could mean $3 or $10,000(just pick the option in the Poll if you want to share actually investment numbers, refer to this thread "How much have you spent?" (http://www.funzio.com/forum/showthread.php?60715-How-much-did-you-spent-on-this-game-so-far)). Share away! Also, how long were you playing before you discovered the forums?

Edit: I'm not sure how long 9 Momths is... but please just vote on it as if it were 9 Months lol

Joe that was SUCH a Freudian slip. It's on 9 months that you misspelled it MOMths? ;)

07-22-2013, 08:48 PM
Joe that was SUCH a Freudian slip. It's on 9 months that you misspelled it MOMths? ;)

I am curious also as to how long between when folks started playing and when they joined the forum. I know it took me like 6 months or so.

07-22-2013, 08:56 PM
Do you remember when is KA apps has started? Cause i've been around after a few months when MW apps had started...

Edit: I probably started around May or June, can't remember...:p

07-22-2013, 09:22 PM
I for some reason left my first ever wall post up with my ally code. Exactly 453 days, time sure does fly!

War Eagle
07-22-2013, 09:30 PM
Started in April 2012. Ahhh the good ol' days. Back when a BD10 run was all the rage. Seems like just yesterday I was attacking an up and coming Zenobia on her run ;)

07-22-2013, 09:51 PM
My 10 yr old daughter found this app and thought I'd like it because of the dragon. Long story, anyways, I got it and looked at the game roughly once a week for a couple, few months. Around November maybe, I started watching the forums. I've posted before about how all the "old" guard got me to finally join so I could post in about February.

I was a 100% free player. On February 11th, I committed to playing this game. At the time, there was still some shred of strategy involved. 2 months ago, I realized that day was gone. I posted a thread asking about LTQ v dragons. That was my conversion from free to $. I knew that the landscape was changing and I had a choice, either get out in front of the change or sit back watch everyone go by. I'm far to competitive to sit by, so $ it was. In the past 2 months I've spent x amount of US dollars, bought another device just for my other kingdom and continue to $.

07-23-2013, 12:16 AM
Well 12 + under the bridge with a short break in between , now in my day it was more like .....BD runs getting your IPH up checking out the BIG Guns Gryphon, The1nONLY, WILD STALLION , and the likes awesome times and trying to ally with them was like the Ultimate ally ! Soooo long ago, so many stories, so many battles , the bloodshed , the buildings raided, the fun times, then the LTQ's started , ohh the changes I have seen, like a revolving door as the old guns leave the peashooters come to the fore! Trying to best us with our dens and more, such a tragic waste! Dragoons ruled the roost back then...Ahhh the famous Dragoon! Such Beauty such Power , the Prowess of owning the Pinnicle of Power.
Yep the good ole days! Back when Kingdom age was a real game and money was optional...nowadays throw your pay packet in and pray you earn more than the next person....tragic downside ....the end of a Great Era!
Back then Stats meant something! No of this being beaten by some one 400K less than you , your stats were your advantage and if you had Dragoons everyone was in Awe, the greatness, the majestic Dragoon forever in our memories, some have them retired out the back just burning the old fire wood from time to time.

07-23-2013, 04:06 AM
I started last August and found the Forum in September.

07-23-2013, 04:11 AM
Started 3 months ago and already was on forums because of cc and mw.
Didnt spent any money on this game.

07-23-2013, 05:11 AM
I found this game whilst looking for something to play along the lines of the old Age of Empires pc game. I remember the day well, sat in a hospital accident and emergency waiting room of all places. No idea how long ago but well over a year. Vowed I would never be a gem spender and I managed to resist for a long long time, then the guilds appeared. That changed the game completely for me. It went from a game I played once a day to now where I might as well design a head piece to have my phone dangling like a carrot in front of my face!! I still resist a lot of unnecessary gem spending but I now have 3 devices, each with a different character and have been known to spend the evening playing all three at the very same time!
Although the game has grown so much it's lost it's way slightly too with regards to strategy. And along with everyone else I wish that Gree would fix the bugs and the glitches and bring more strategy and less of the need to use gems to even stay a contender. But at the end of the day, Gree is a business. My 2c worth and I'll leave it at that!

Loving everyone's stories on here, hope to read more! What a great thread!!

07-23-2013, 07:04 AM
Started in April 2012. Ahhh the good ol' days. Back when a BD10 run was all the rage. Seems like just yesterday I was attacking an up and coming Zenobia on her run ;)

lol - yes, you defintiely were a big part of what made my BD runs so challenging. You got me good... on two of them! Back in the good old days of having to use strategy in the game and put a lot of thought and effort into achieving lofty goal like unlocking a unit with HUGE stats - over 100 attack! lol.

It was deciding I really needed to make the BD runs that caused me to join the forum to see if I could find any advice. Back in December. And lo and behold a couple months later I was a proud dragon mommy. I think I started playing the game in May 2012 but I'm not sure because I played a long time before buying any gems and that is the only way, I think, in iTunes receipts, to find out how old a game on your ipad is.

07-24-2013, 03:26 PM
Started in April of 2012, forums in June. Was great with Ghost and some of the others around at the time. :)

07-24-2013, 03:35 PM
I started in late December 2012, just in time to get some of the old flavor of the forum. I have not spent a penny (other than buying Skype credit for gems), but since I could be getting a nice hourly rate in my profession, I would say that I have way over $50,000 invested. LOL

07-24-2013, 06:02 PM
I don't remember exactly when I started playing KA but I know it's been over a year. For a while at the beginning, I did all of the quests for each map and played through all of the tournament rounds. Like a lot of PC games I had played, I was focused on gaining xp and leveling up... then I happened upon the forum and realized there was a lot I did not know about this game.

However many months later, I have been lurking around the forum regularly and soaking up lots of game wisdom (this is actually my first post). I am still a committed free player and only spend the gems I can get from occasional videos and free app installs. Though I realize I'll never be a top tier player without spending any real money, I feel like I've done pretty well to get where I am (lvl 141, 566k/531k, 11.5k iph)... considering that I had no real strategy to speak of until I found the forum.

07-24-2013, 07:18 PM
Well 12 + under the bridge with a short break in between , now in my day it was more like .....BD runs getting your IPH up checking out the BIG Guns Gryphon, The1nONLY, WILD STALLION , and the likes awesome times and trying to ally with them was like the Ultimate ally ! Soooo long ago, so many stories, so many battles , the bloodshed , the buildings raided, the fun times, then the LTQ's started , ohh the changes I have seen, like a revolving door as the old guns leave the peashooters come to the fore! Trying to best us with our dens and more, such a tragic waste! Dragoons ruled the roost back then...Ahhh the famous Dragoon! Such Beauty such Power , the Prowess of owning the Pinnicle of Power.
Yep the good ole days! Back when Kingdom age was a real game and money was optional...nowadays throw your pay packet in and pray you earn more than the next person....tragic downside ....the end of a Great Era!
Back then Stats meant something! No of this being beaten by some one 400K less than you , your stats were your advantage and if you had Dragoons everyone was in Awe, the greatness, the majestic Dragoon forever in our memories, some have them retired out the back just burning the old fire wood from time to time.

I'm with you Ratma!

Started playing the first day it came out in the UK and I too remember the days of saving up 1.9m for the lvl 10 beast building with only a lowly vault of 330k to unleash the power of the dragon. The restless days, the sweaty palms, the synching of buildings and hoping that some bugger wouldn't find you and take all the money you had saved!

Kids these days don't know the strategies and alliances that had to be forged pre-Guild to save the money and the relief when you finally get a full dragon army. Except for the heavy gem spenders you were invinsible! Shame it all came to an end within 3 months with the stat inflations and LTQs!!

the worst thing is i still have 1400 dragons that barely make it into my army these days - if at all (I haven't bothered checking!)

07-25-2013, 06:23 AM
I started KA in may 2012.
Joined the forums in august 2012; mainly to find out which buildings I should upgrade for the best income.
Ha, what a joke that is nowadays.
Although those Boss hits become rather expensive at high levels :-)

Valid or
07-25-2013, 08:23 AM
Joined the forum about a month after starting playing, needed allies and this seemed the best place to start.

07-25-2013, 09:02 AM
Started Kingdom Age prolly March of 2012.... joined the forum approximately a year later LOL

07-25-2013, 09:52 AM
Unfortunately, I downloaded KA in April 2012, when it was less than a month old.

Had my friend never left the States to visit England for 2 weeks, I'd have kept playing BF3 for those 2 weeks and never got into this stupid mess.


It's a curse.

07-25-2013, 10:01 AM
Unfortunately, I downloaded KA in April 2012, when it was less than a month old.

Had my friend never left the States to visit England for 2 weeks, I'd have kept playing BF3 for those 2 weeks and never got into this stupid mess.


It's a curse.

I see you holding back. Tell us how you really feel.

Dirt road Joe
07-26-2013, 10:39 PM
I figure I could Bump this just once :)

07-27-2013, 05:38 AM
Unfortunately, I downloaded KA in April 2012, when it was less than a month old.

Had my friend never left the States to visit England for 2 weeks, I'd have kept playing BF3 for those 2 weeks and never got into this stupid mess.


It's a curse.

Jonny mate we all hear you there!

I too started playing in April but started spending big in May... somebody wake me up from this dream. Sadly, the only good thing ill take away from this game are the relationships built with the people I've met here and in game. Especially all the FUNny peeps who I've battled alongside along the way.

Don't ask me how much I've spent... I'd like to keep what's left of my sanity.

On an important note, i know i don't voice things much here anymore, there is a season for everything but I wanted to say it's important that players keep a united front here on the forum. It's important so that we/you as customers hold GREE accountable for providing a quality product for what we pay for.
All the best!

07-27-2013, 06:06 AM
I joined in July 2012, lying in a hospital bed. Downloaded it for something to do, and skipped through some of the quests. Then I found the forum and made some friends and found out that I wasn't going to finish this game in a couple of months... Now trapped, locked in my castle overlooking a graveyard of dragons and yetis, reading Steven Erikson looking for a warren out of here.