View Full Version : #15 BackAlleyNetwork + BAN II Top 250 are recruiting

07-15-2013, 04:52 PM
Top 25 BackAlleyNetwork and BAN II recruiting

Back Alley Network placed 15th in Civic Center Rumble. 19th in redlight district 39th in Docks Event 9th in Chinatown 47th in Packer Heights, 36th in Marketplace event and 65th in midtown .... We have the firepower to be a top ten but are looking to get a more balanced squad before we go all out again.

We are close group of individuals that places a priority on finding cool people to battle with rather than focusing on influence points or stats as the primary focus... Of course this doesnt mean we dont care about influence but we have players that could easily be in the top syndicates and remain with us because of the atmosphere... We have no minimum attack/defense requirements...we can always improve your stats. as far as gold goes we evaluate that based on a number factors ...anything less than a vault we are not interested in. We are only interested in players looking for a home not interested in syndicate hoppers and also have zero tolerance for any ego trips...

BAN II was established for our friends to play without the pressures of being in a high end team and has now become a great tool for us to recruit players into our top 25 team. We have finished top 250 in the last war and are looking for players to help us reach our ultimate goal of top 150... we are looking for active players regardless of their stats ... we are focused on getting our players stronger preference goes to lower level players

Please PM your stats rank and influence

cheaters don't bother we will report you

07-16-2013, 02:18 AM
Bump thread for BAN2 - team will do Top 150 easily.

07-16-2013, 04:41 AM
Bump bump bump

07-16-2013, 08:04 AM
Lets get this back to page 1. Bump

07-16-2013, 01:46 PM
Back on top

07-17-2013, 12:06 AM
Don't miss the opportunity to be part of this great team. Bump

07-17-2013, 09:21 AM
good morning bump

07-17-2013, 11:08 AM
grizzly bump

07-17-2013, 11:24 AM
Send u a pm

panty sniffer
07-17-2013, 12:05 PM
HAd a lot of fun since I joined. Great group, very fun in the chat room! Proud to wear the B'A'N tag.

07-17-2013, 02:28 PM
last 4 spots....

07-17-2013, 06:14 PM
just got home bump

07-17-2013, 06:20 PM
Great teams - I recommend the Top 100/150 bound BAN2 from personal experience. Great team to grow your criminal career with.

just got home bump

07-17-2013, 09:38 PM
grizzly bump

07-17-2013, 09:41 PM
sas bumped us bump

07-17-2013, 09:57 PM
how is wireshark working out for you?

07-18-2013, 12:16 AM
Who you really are bored montey

syndicate truth
07-18-2013, 12:52 AM
bump n grind

syndicate truth
07-18-2013, 12:57 AM
good times at ban

syndicate truth
07-18-2013, 01:00 AM
grizzly bump

syndicate truth
07-18-2013, 01:01 AM

syndicate truth
07-18-2013, 01:02 AM
page 3 bump

07-18-2013, 02:09 AM
If you are a turk or greek don't look at somewhere else....

syndicate truth
07-18-2013, 05:28 AM
baklava bump

07-18-2013, 09:07 AM
OMG, page 3 already bump!

07-18-2013, 11:05 AM
BANp forever!

07-18-2013, 12:06 PM
attempt two for sig

07-18-2013, 02:31 PM
Lunch bump

panty sniffer
07-18-2013, 03:55 PM

07-18-2013, 05:22 PM
up and up and away

07-18-2013, 06:00 PM
Bump for mert.

07-18-2013, 08:36 PM
"Thanks MT" bump

07-19-2013, 01:34 AM
Spots are limited

07-19-2013, 04:50 AM
can i join your syndicate? please

level 17 10k attack 11k def started this week very active and getting better very fast ( MADE 15K IP ON MY FIRST BATTLE )
very active and donating lots of bricks and active all the time
be happy to join you
im learning the game very fast and gets better every day and think i could help you now and even more in the future

know im low level and attack but make good ip

07-19-2013, 06:18 AM
Join now! Don't miss the chance of being part of most feared network of CC!

Tommy Two Toes
07-19-2013, 09:49 AM
how is wireshark working out for you?

Never-mind that. Why are they still letting Joey walk around BAN tag, after Gree caught him cheating, and deleted all his buildings and cash?

Did Joey tell you that he got bored, and wanted to start over from nothing for a challenge--and you all believed he wanted to have $10k IPH at level 92?

Just another syn that will harbor cheaters, as long as they spend a little gold.

panty sniffer
07-19-2013, 11:02 AM
First thing BAN did when I joined was check my hood and stats for legitimacy. Myself and others in BAN are known to report cheaters on sight. We know enough about reporting cheaters that we are aware of the consequences from Gree. And it's not just getting half your buildings taken away like what happened to Joey. Therefore your accusation is non-sensical..

I've seen the message Gree sent to Joey and it has nothing to do with any cheating. Go troll someone elses recruitment thread.

But thanks for the bump.

07-19-2013, 11:12 AM
Pathetic troll attempt joey came into ban with a 5k IPH way after the time traveler glitch as a level 60 ish ....free screwed up and will fix it ... Guess he robbed and your but hurt an crying sorry your stats are so weak that you can't defend yourself ... Funny how the most delightful personalities need to cry when they get beaten over and over again I heard montecores mom is real helpful with listening to kids cry

Tommy Two Toes
07-19-2013, 11:43 AM
Hey JB dumped like 4k gold in last war alone, so I don't blame you for living in denial guys.

The truth hurts--Not as much as riding a bicycle with no seat, but it still hurts.

FACT: BAN harbors cheaters/glitchers like Joey Bananas.

07-19-2013, 11:59 AM
Lol wow Joey scored 200k guess your math and info is all wrong but what would you expect from someone sad enough to cry on the forums after getting robbed maybe you should spend your time improving your stats rather than crying

07-19-2013, 12:02 PM
Tommy park your ass in another place please.

panty sniffer
07-19-2013, 12:06 PM
FACT: BAN harbors cheaters/glitchers like Joey Bananas.

Fact: Gree doesn't delete half your hood if they've determined you are a cheat or glitcher. They make your ENTIRE ACCOUNT go *poof. End of story.

Unless you really think Gree would have the time and concern to delete only specific buildings, give a glitcher a slap on the wrist and then send him on his way...? LOL!

Thanks again for the bump. We know you love us :)

Tommy Two Toes
07-19-2013, 12:34 PM
Fact: Gree doesn't delete half your hood if they've determined you are a cheat or glitcher. They make your ENTIRE ACCOUNT go *poof. End of story.

Fact: your fact is patently false.

Name one good reason why Gree would trash your hood, if it was legit.

Having your buildings sold by Gree must be humiliating, but not as humiliating as deliberately believing a lie, when the truth is so obvious. You are willingly a fool, because you want to believe you aren't in a syndicate that provides refuge to cheaters.

07-19-2013, 01:14 PM
Clearly you forget there are hackers who can access someone else's account and delete them your attempts and trying to tarnish a legitimate syndicate only reveal your lack of aptitude in understanding even the most basic elements of the game ... All you have proven is that you really enjoy riding a bike with no seat guess you truly enjoy that kind of thing

Tommy Two Toes
07-19-2013, 01:46 PM
Clearly you forget there are hackers who can access someone else's account and delete them

Oh, okay. That's the story you are going with then? Then why hasn't the hood been restored yet? Why is he doing it the long way, when Gree would happily resolve a problem like that, especially for someone who has dropped at least $3k on the game in just six months?

Clearly you have no idea how database driven games work. Everything is recoverable. Even if you drunkenly delete all your own buildings.

I don't know what is worse...that you allow cheaters in your syn, or you allow yourself to look too blind and stupid to recognize one when you let him in your syn.

panty sniffer
07-19-2013, 02:07 PM
Name one good reason why Gree would trash your hood, if it was legit.

Gree DIDN'T trash his hood is the point, good sir. Not purposely, anyway.

"pic posted with Joey's permission"


It looks a lot like a Gree screw-up I'd say. No mention of cheating/glitching of any sort. Yes, they CAN fix it but I don't think you've ever dealt with Gree support if you think it's that easy.

Thank you once again for the publicity, Tommy, our recruitment thread has remained in the headlines all day thus far. I truly feel the symbiotic relationship between BAN and Tommy Two Toes is growing since we are giving you the attention you need to remain psychologically healthy.

You have also given us the opportunity to prove the legitimacy of one of our members. This puts our entire syndicate in a positive light and we couldn't have done it without you. We will no doubt recruit more members because of this..... who will also think you are stupid.

07-19-2013, 03:38 PM
Tommy has nothing to say now how sad guess we have to bump our own thread now

Tommy Two Toes
07-19-2013, 04:00 PM
It looks a lot like a Gree screw-up I'd say. No mention of cheating/glitching of any sort. Yes, they CAN fix it but I don't think you've ever dealt with Gree support if you think it's that easy.

I've dealt with Gree support on several issues. I've never found them anything but courteous and very helpful, once they get someone assigned to the ticket.

Since there is no mention of why the buildings were sold, you are free to draw your own conclusion--or just believe Joshua's--after all, why look a gift-horse in the mouth, if it scores IP?

07-19-2013, 04:18 PM
lol so hes a cheater because gree said that he deleted his building.. btw joey never made more than 100k iph .. you sir make us look better by responding every time ...

07-19-2013, 04:23 PM
Just to clear one fact up.
Just because someone calls out a syn or a person as a cheater, that doesn't make them a troll.
I have no idea what happened here, or the legitimacy of either claim. But just because of a claim it does not make a person a troll..

07-19-2013, 04:27 PM
well read through and you will understand why he is a troll ... never has gree deleted buildings of time travelers they are either banned from the game or no action is taken his claims are that of a troll sorry you see otherwise ... to shed more light on this subject this individual gets robbed by joey on a consistent basis so coming on to a forum and making false claims and attempting to instigate a reaction from forum members is the very definition of a troll

** if we had anything to hide we would simply report this troll for breaking TOS of the forums but since we are 100% legitimate group we dont need to hide behind mods

07-19-2013, 04:33 PM
Maybe he truelly believes he is a cheat? Syns have been known to take in cheats before.
I like the fact you will defend yourself as a team and not run and hide behind mods like some of the other syns are doing.
But it still isn't trolling. He is arguing his side of the story, as you are yours. The arguement about gree support won't work cause they are known to favour cheats as long as they buy gold. But also two players in my old syn had all there buildings deleted somehow, and gree reinstated them. One of these players it took over 3 months to get the issue solved.
It's been done as far as it can be on here though so maybe should be taken to pm's.

panty sniffer
07-19-2013, 04:40 PM
Since there is no mention of why the buildings were sold, you are free to draw your own conclusion--or just believe Joshua's--after all, why look a gift-horse in the mouth, if it scores IP?

It's the same reason for any of the other multitude of glitches in the game the number of which could fill a set of encyclopedias. Potentially a UDID hacker but who knows. Joey is still in communication with support to further destroy your already flagrant and misinformed claim of foul play when it gets resolved. Thank you for your concern.


07-19-2013, 04:47 PM
he never attempted to contact us privately he came here with half truths and has been making posts and polls about us non stop ... the person in question got into BAN with an iph of 5k (we all bust on him for that) he built it up over three months to 100k before this unfortunate mistake happened to him ... question is who would really think some one time traveled with a 100k iph and no buildings over a level 4 (i dont think he even knows what a time traveler/ cheater looks like) ...

panty sniffer
07-19-2013, 04:48 PM
The arguement about gree support won't work cause they are known to favour cheats as long as they buy gold.

Good point. And Joey is hardly being favored by Gree.

One of these players it took over 3 months to get the issue solved.

Hope Joey isn't reading this

Tommy Two Toes
07-19-2013, 06:25 PM
Potentially a hacker but who knows.
Somebody has never heard of Occam's Razor.

panty sniffer
07-19-2013, 06:58 PM
I have. Simplest and most logical explanation based upon past evidence is one of the plethora of Gree glitches that all of us experience on nearly a daily basis. I've had half my hood gone before too but have gotten it back after relaunch. Similar to one of the messages in your thread poll. "another love letter"

A violation of occams razor would be Gree selling , not just deleting, half of someones buildings instead of just nuking the account like they do every other time. On top of that receiving accusations of cheating from someone who has been getting robbed repeatedly. I think another "bike with no seat" analogy is in order to describe how you must feel.


Tommy Two Toes
07-19-2013, 08:05 PM
Somebody has never heard of Occam's Razor.

I have. Simplest and most logical explanation

And that's what led you to UDID hacker? Get a clue, pal.

On top of that receiving accusations of cheating from someone who has been getting robbed repeatedly.

Sounds like a case of mistaken identity. All your skiddiot teammates have done to me, is spam my wall. No attacks, or robs.

Tommy Two Toes
07-19-2013, 08:34 PM
to shed more light on this subject this individual gets robbed by joey on a consistent basis

Wait. What? Joey-shua is on level 94. I don't have an account within ten levels of him. How is he robbing me exactly?

panty sniffer
07-19-2013, 09:22 PM
And that's what led you to UDID hacker? Get a clue, pal.

You cited occams razor and I replied. Sorry you got confused.

You are not at Joey's level yet you have all kinds of recent misinformation about him and accuse him of cheating. That's scary. I think you are a secret admirer. Are you digging in his curbside garbage right now for info? Can this obsession with one of our members be attenuated with medication? Maybe I should start a forum poll and ask the audience you've provided for us.

Either way, this matter is obviously concluded and we have not needed your services to bump our thread since I have the Tommy Bump pic. Thank you for your time.



Tommy Two Toes
07-19-2013, 09:39 PM
You are not at Joey's level yet you have all kinds of recent misinformation about him and accuse him of cheating. That's scary. I think you are a secret admirer. Are you digging in his curbside garbage right now for info?

So your contention is now, that if I'm not on his rivals list, there is no possible way to visit his hood? You still haven't addressed any of my points, merely tried to deflect my allegations with random hypotheses and conjecture.

So far, you believe that UDID hackers took control of Joshua's phone, deleted his buildings; and I came out of the woodwork for the sole purpose of pointing out all his buildings were deleted by Gree, because he is robbing me from more than ten levels away, and I'm lurking outside his house.

You can believe all that, but you can't believe a cheat got caught, then lied to his pals to save face?

Maybe next time you're sniffing your boy Josh's panties, you should check to make sure they aren't soaked with ketamine.

Tommy Two Toes
07-19-2013, 09:43 PM
Now recruiting!!!!

Join BAN if you love cheating, hacking, sniffing Josh's panties, and drama in general.


I'm Tommy, and I approve this message!

Tommy Two Toes
07-19-2013, 09:43 PM
Thanks for the cool graphic, Sniffer.

Tommy Two Toes
07-19-2013, 09:51 PM
if we had anything to hide we would simply report this troll for breaking TOS

Funny that your syndicate recognizes the TOS of the forum, but not those of the game. Oh and FYI,I think posting correspondence with Gree might be a violation, too.


I'm Tommy, and I approve this message!

panty sniffer
07-19-2013, 10:12 PM
Thank you for your continued interest in BAN and especially Joey,

There are no points that you have made that I haven't efficiently exterminated. Feel free to re-read this thread to refresh your memory. I think it's best to send a ticket to Gree if you still think that a being a victim of a glitch that wipes out half his buildings constitutes cheating.

As any rationally thinking individual would agree, this matter is concluded. Run along now, little troll. Your posts here are no longer appropriate as your usefulness has expired.

Tommy Two Toes
07-19-2013, 10:51 PM
There are no points that you have made that I haven't efficiently exterminated.

Ah yes. UDID hackers done it. Problem solved.

Go ahead and bump this thread a few more times. It makes for great recruitment. Anyone who buys your load, will make an excellent recruit.

panty sniffer
07-19-2013, 11:07 PM
We can end with your petty strawman tactic. I'm more than ok with that. Good day.

07-20-2013, 06:37 AM
Last 3 spots, world famous joey BANana and DE crew are online 24 hours....

Tommy Two Toes
07-20-2013, 09:41 AM
Last 3 spots, world famous joey BANana and DE crew are online 24 hours....

I was thinking about joining, but I don't know how to glitch or hack. Can I learn those skills, once I'm in?


I'm Tommy, and I approve this message!

The Giver
07-20-2013, 10:00 AM
You Really mean Ban are Cheats......im amazed.

07-20-2013, 10:07 AM
Tommy, I need a wall basher, does it work for u?

07-20-2013, 10:30 AM
If you are a turk or greek don't look at somewhere else....

BAN or BAN2??
Do u know KU?
He could be good at BAN.

07-20-2013, 03:52 PM
Back to bumping again where did my favorite troll go he got us three new 200k+ ip guys

panty sniffer
07-20-2013, 04:00 PM
Back to bumping again where did my favorite troll go he got us three new 200k+ ip guys

I'm on it VC.. Deploying Troll bait.. Everyone stand back. Not sure how safe this is.

A glitch? bad frame rate? Night time in my hood? ... .. Grees handi work? You decide

"Actual pic from a few hours ago minus gold edit"


The Giver
07-20-2013, 04:33 PM
if you cant BANK we can......lol..

The Giver
07-20-2013, 04:35 PM
if you don't bank...thay have a progamme for you

The Giver
07-20-2013, 04:36 PM
its clvever ......a cheat...but what the hell people spend money......cheat syndicate recruiting......frankly...cheats.

panty sniffer
07-20-2013, 04:43 PM
Didn't catch what I was expecting.. Gotta throw ya back Spartacus..

07-20-2013, 04:44 PM
here comes sparty drunk and without a syndicate again ... what happened to SAS heard you scored 1.3 mill and stll got kicked out keep making stories up

panty sniffer
07-20-2013, 04:54 PM
Sorry VC. Never know who were gonna catch in dem there waters. I'm gonna give it another shot see what I can dredge up from the floor of the deep..

* casts reel with different bait


Joey B.A.N.ana's
07-20-2013, 05:14 PM
Ok so here we are in response to tommy I have never cheated as my fellow members have made cldar as they possibly could for two if you wanna make issues come to me in game and talk it out like a man 435 026 348 i will answer any questions you have about me.

In other news hey sparti long time no chat. I'm not quite sure why you continue to talk trash about the BAN i completely think that we parted ways in a peaceful manner and i do wish you wojld just move on brotha.

Tommy Two Toes
07-20-2013, 09:45 PM
I have never cheated

Good enough for me, mate. I'm pretty much bored with your friends, so I'll let you guys begin a new thread to conduct your shady dealings. I don't need your code to visit you, since you added me to your mob ages ago.

May not want to say you don't cheat too loud around your crew, though. If they think you don't really know how to cheat, they might kick you out.

P.S. congrats on your first post ever.

07-20-2013, 11:04 PM
"May not want to say you don't cheat too loud around your crew, though. If they think you don't really know how to cheat, they might kick you out."

So, it's not Joey who's a cheater now, but all of BAN? Make up your mind, will you?

panty sniffer
07-20-2013, 11:32 PM
I got him locked VC!

Prepare for the next wave of recruits.


He's in! Joey, man the fly swatter!

syndicate truth
07-21-2013, 12:02 AM
couldnt be more proud to be BAN bump

07-21-2013, 12:32 AM
Honored to be in BAN2 bump.

07-21-2013, 01:21 AM
Yes tommy is back :)

Tommy you made a poll about us care to share those results :)

If we had something to hide we would have reported you to the mods no need for us to delete our thread ... You have been the best recruiting TOOL (pun intended) ever ... Never have we recruited so many top notch players we truly thank you! Also the GREE forum community is very anti cheating have you seen any other member of any other syndicate attempt to even support you (guess you don't even have any CC friends to help you) ... I know these facts will be lost in you but I really enjoy seeing you make a fool of yourself ...

Your entire arguments are based on logical fallacies (we know you will need to look this up) Never has GREE deleted someone's hood partially for cheating or any other reason yet this is what you have based your entire argument ... As for someone hacking another persons account this has been well documented and is much more plausible then your sad reasoning ... why are you so mad is it because your not in a top 25 let alone top250 syndicate or is it simply because even your mother was incapable of showing any affection to a troll like you.. I know it's hard for you to accept that your stats are sub par borderline horrible considering how much time you devote to visiting everyone's hoods as the sheriff of cheating ... I wish you would learn a better strategy then visiting hoods for a 100 bucks to get stronger seriously with the time you spend shouldn't you have better stats even as a free player ??? I know top 100 teams take free players all the time are you telling me no one wants to associate with you??? It's ok BAN loves you and all the hard work you have done in proving our legitimacy ... Please continue to visit us we always enjoy getting a good laugh

The Giver
07-21-2013, 01:43 AM
So to clear it up...

Ban does not auto Harvest, does not hack......does not carry ponses.........please if your going to cheat ok.....but lests not lie. Everyone knows what you are...

as for recruitment going well......why sit empty......why 3 spots......why are you bottom 20 scoring less than 100k

As for Vito......are you the same Vito from Fight Club, as you live in the same Road......at least you brought 200k points this war.

congrats....free bump. from someone that hates cheats.

The Giver
07-21-2013, 01:46 AM
But I would like this top for a while.

07-21-2013, 03:11 AM
Yes tommy is back :)

Tommy you made a poll about us care to share those results :)

If we had something to hide we would have reported you to the mods no need for us to delete our thread ... You have been the best recruiting TOOL (pun intended) ever ... Never have we recruited so many top notch players we truly thank you! Also the GREE forum community is very anti cheating have you seen any other member of any other syndicate attempt to even support you (guess you don't even have any CC friends to help you) ... I know these facts will be lost in you but I really enjoy seeing you make a fool of yourself ...

Your entire arguments are based on logical fallacies (we know you will need to look this up) Never has GREE deleted someone's hood partially for cheating or any other reason yet this is what you have based your entire argument ... As for someone hacking another persons account this has been well documented and is much more plausible then your sad reasoning ... why are you so mad is it because your not in a top 25 let alone top250 syndicate or is it simply because even your mother was incapable of showing any affection to a troll like you.. I know it's hard for you to accept that your stats are sub par borderline horrible considering how much time you devote to visiting everyone's hoods as the sheriff of cheating ... I wish you would learn a better strategy then visiting hoods for a 100 bucks to get stronger seriously with the time you spend shouldn't you have better stats even as a free player ??? I know top 100 teams take free players all the time are you telling me no one wants to associate with you??? It's ok BAN loves you and all the hard work you have done in proving our legitimacy ... Please continue to visit us we always enjoy getting a good laugh

The gree forum community is no longer anti cheat sadly.
Many of them accept them into there syns.
If you have the front to say anything about this to them they quickly report you to mods for breaking ToS..
Syndicates has changed a lot of people's stances on cheats as it helps them get better prizes.
I'm not saying BAN are cheats. I have no evidence they are of are not. This is just a general observation of the state of the gree forum nowadays.

07-21-2013, 06:04 AM
Sunday Bump!

panty sniffer
07-21-2013, 11:03 AM
I'm not saying BAN are cheats. I have no evidence they are of are not. This is just a general observation of the state of the gree forum nowadays.

You may have no evidence that we are not but the burdon of proof lies upon the one making the claim. If not then anybody could just accuse anyone else of cheating in a flagrant manner like at least one person I know here. Even with this in mind, know that I am 100% willing to put anyone in my mafia who would like to check my hood, stats, and inventory for legitimacy. Just PM me and I'm happy to oblige. I'm sure this is true with the rest of the syndicate as well however the vast majority of us are not active on Funzio Forums.


07-21-2013, 12:06 PM
You may have no evidence that we are not but the burdon of proof lies upon the one making the claim. If not then anybody could just accuse anyone else of cheating in a flagrant manner like at least one person I know here. Even with this in mind, know that I am 100% willing to put anyone in my mafia who would like to check my hood, stats, and inventory for legitimacy. Just PM me and I'm happy to oblige. I'm sure this is true with the rest of the syndicate as well however the vast majority of us are not active on Funzio Forums.


I never accused anyone in this syn of cheating at any point. That was someone else.

Though I may come at you cause I like your little turtle thingy

panty sniffer
07-21-2013, 12:34 PM
I wasn't referring to you in particular. Not directed at you though I quoted your text. I know my message could have been interpreted that way. Glad you likey teh turtle.

07-21-2013, 01:17 PM
The gree forum community is no longer anti cheat sadly.
Many of them accept them into there syns.
If you have the front to say anything about this to them they quickly report you to mods for breaking ToS..
Syndicates has changed a lot of people's stances on cheats as it helps them get better prizes.
I'm not saying BAN are cheats. I have no evidence they are of are not. This is just a general observation of the state of the gree forum nowadays.

If you remember a couple wars back there was a top 10 harboring a weapon hacker the community was very quick to act upon that ... we dont hide behind forum tos we dont need to report false accusations ... there are some very respectable groups like HTC that will find ways of posting on all cheating syndicate threads and I truly appreciate them for their vigilance ... unfortunately you are right the mods have become much more strict with reporting cheaters ... BAN will never hide behind silly mods we have nothing to hide

07-21-2013, 01:34 PM
If you remember a couple wars back there was a top 10 harboring a weapon hacker the community was very quick to act upon that ... we dont hide behind forum tos we dont need to report false accusations ... there are some very respectable groups like HTC that will find ways of posting on all cheating syndicate threads and I truly appreciate them for their vigilance ... unfortunately you are right the mods have become much more strict with reporting cheaters ... BAN will never hide behind silly mods we have nothing to hide

When I was in Htc I was one of the main ones calling people out. But now the minute you mention it a lot of syns straight away press the report button. And mods are quick to hand out bans. But this is the only thing they seem intent on doing it for. The last two syns I've reported a cheater to, one the original cc gang and the other now affiliated with them, have refused to act and have reported me. I know now I've said this theyll do it again and get me banned again.

panty sniffer
07-21-2013, 01:46 PM
We can't report Tommy. Our recruitment rate would drop by 94.7% according to my calculations.

As much as we'd like to have many more BAN members than our spaces allow. WE are now forced to be much more selective this time around. There's 1 spot left! PM VC today with your stats and see the famous Joey Nanner hood!

07-21-2013, 06:49 PM
Lol meth you are too funny been a slow day without tommy

Tommy Two Toes
07-21-2013, 09:33 PM
"May not want to say you don't cheat too loud around your crew, though. If they think you don't really know how to cheat, they might kick you out."

So, it's not Joey who's a cheater now, but all of BAN? Make up your mind, will you?

Well, I was going to stay out of this thread, but several of you have invited me back, and I hate to disappoint a crowd. Guess while I'm here, I can explain this--BAN embraces a cheater who got his comeuppance, ergo, BAN is a cheater syn.

Didn't think it was too terribly difficult to understand.

I guess judging by the number of people who have now jumped into this thread to agree with me, it's pretty obvious to anyone with more than half-a-brain who cares about cheaters. Those of you with less, can continue to speculate about UDID hacks, chip implants, and other conspiracy theories.

Oh and as to the vote thread you were curious about, "someone cloned your account, and sold all your buildings" received only a single vote. The rest assumed you were a cheater, stupid, or somehow thought that if you restart your game a couple of times, all the buildings would come back since it's a temporary glitch.

I'm sure the lone vote for the conspiracy theory was the dude sniffing all the dudes in BAN's panties, since he came up with the notion, in the first place.

I'm Tommy, and I approve this message!

syndicate truth
07-21-2013, 10:04 PM
grizzly bump

panty sniffer
07-21-2013, 10:34 PM
The number of people agreeing with you on the forum can now be more personified and linked to the voices in your head. Spectacular news.

What exactly happened to Joey's account we may never truly know. One thing I've found that I can agree with you about is that I'm using conjecture as I can only speculate what might have gone wrong. As is everybody else, I might add, including you. What will become of his account or why you still visit hoods to collect $100 might also remain a mystery forever.

The concept of UDID hackers is not a myth as it is the known reason, or one of the reasons, of SAS disbanding and subsequent Gree warning post about protecting your privacy found here:


How often such a thing happens requires more speculation but to assume Gree now punishes cheaters by wiping out half their hood, with reciprocation payment, and Joey is the sole example of such treatment is so far out of the realm of common sense that I question if you are in full control of your mental faculties.

You want to see something REALLY impressive? Check out BigMoney's posts here "before it gets deleted" :


Now that's how you bust a cheater! If you can come up with anything remotely akin to that with even a fraction of the evidence you will certainly be taken seriously and gain the respect of your peers. Props to BigMoney. I hope his forum account remains intact after that post.

07-21-2013, 10:48 PM
Now that's how you bust a cheater! If you can come up with anything remotely akin to that with even a fraction of the evidence you will certainly be taken seriously and gain the respect of your peers. Props to BigMoney. I hope his forum account remains intact after that post.

If I get banned, I hope there is a revolt in my honor. :rolleyes:

Edit: I sent a link to the post in a ticket to GREE as well. Look for those two players specifically during war, as your syndicate has a lot of low level players that would benefit if those players get banned (i.e. set to "auto-lose" during war) if you get matched with the GoTTis. I keep hitting them, but I'm strong enough that I wouldn't lose anyway, so there's no way for me to tell if they get banned.

07-22-2013, 12:04 AM
I will def rock a free bigmoney sig if that happens enjoy his posts

Joey B.A.N.ana's
07-22-2013, 07:28 AM
Nanner nanner nanner what you say, jelly @$$ cats are comin my way.
Look here's the deal watch my hood everyone watch it close watch my stats check my inventory gaze in awe at my loot. Keep a close eye on Joey B.A.N.ana's cause what i did before rob these people blind I'm going to do it again and im going to constantly build and upgrade my buildings. So when Joey B.A.N.ana's robs your buildings don't get mad just realize you have been hit by the best robber in the entire CC and then know why that my alias is RobB'A'N Hoodz. Wa Watch me Now.

P.S. Tragedy has struck the world of CC a member of our community has passed away and would like to say please understand that we are playing a game and there will be people who don't like one another, or some sort of rivalry or beef. That stuff will happen in competition. On that note please take time to remember THC INDICA420 may he R.I.P.

07-22-2013, 01:31 PM
who needs a home bump no mercs please

07-22-2013, 09:57 PM
BAN on top

07-22-2013, 10:59 PM
Thank you for remembering indica420. RIP.

The Giver
07-22-2013, 11:45 PM
Cheats welcome here.

Rip Indica, Still in my thoughts.......I refused to battle against you....Peace Bro.

07-23-2013, 12:03 AM
Sparty are you still mad we kicked you out of BAN ... Still crying that you had to leave SAS Bbecsuse they wouldn't make you an officer your sad existence as a stay at home drunk truly make me wish you find some peace ... Please provide some proof ... As always thanks for the bump

Note we kicked spartacaus out because he complained too much and he left SAS because they didnt want to make him an officer

The Giver
07-23-2013, 12:04 AM
Come on Dirty Daisy.....Keep this number 1 ......Cheats deserve to be top.......Like ponses.....

panty sniffer
07-23-2013, 12:51 AM
Alll I wonder is how his period key got all sticky.

At .....least it's... not ..........the caps lock... HATE IT WHEN PEEPS DO THAT!

EL bumpo

The Giver
07-23-2013, 01:22 AM
Vito...lie all you want.....Cheat to your hearts content.

I don't Lie, I never Lie. I left SAS for the simple reason, its the Childrens holiday.....so I do not want to sit Glued to a Game.......

I can only give 500,000 points, I will only fight in 6 wars....

As for you throwing me out......Lol.....The only Syndicate Ive been thrown out of with my 3 Devices, is Brewskis second, Great guys and My buddy is there.....

Most of your members know me.......yes IM Spart A cu S......and no Im not a drunk......its a Game, I've developed a persona....

As for Stay at home.....Its true, I run my own Business from Home...Unlike you....I never Lie.....AS for people that will back that up......Lots......As for Cheating......Auto Harvest is still very much Alive......As for the recent PVP....You did Great......lol.

Now stop DISRESPECTING me and move on.


07-23-2013, 01:41 AM
Are you in that much of a denial we kicked you out after one war ... SAS told us you left because they won't make you an officer sad thing is that is why we kicked you out too ... Keep making lies up whether its harvesting or what else you xare to dream hopefully montecores mom will buy you a tiger and you can be cool too... Sad that you have been in over ten syndicates and no one wants to keep you ...

Lol with 500k SAS didn't offer to get you into their jr syndicate ???

The manner in which you conduct yourself makes me truly sad that you have children the very reason I hope they institute an iq test before people have kids ...

Please troll away as always your non sensical sentences make me lol sad thing is you claim not even drunk and you still sound like this

07-23-2013, 01:45 AM
Btw Sparty what top ten team accepted you ??? Heard no one would touch

We all know the only reason SAS ever took you was because it was right after they got caught cheating and were desperate for points

The Giver
07-23-2013, 01:50 AM
Vito...that's funny.....SAs Second wanted me to go in.

I never Lie....I never Ponse, I never Cheat.....I read you booted me because of poor stats.....the story changes I don't....I speak TRUTH only.

I see your main is in FC...that's why you ponse......Alls Good.

As for top 10 that would not touch me......Only Rouges and Fight Club wont......

As for where Ive gone, none of your business.

As for being as Officer, Like I really give a Damn, offered mine up.....just want to have fun with people that don't Cheat....

Dirty Daisy and Bultimore Mike with confirm....As im sure Jeremy would. Peace

panty sniffer
07-23-2013, 01:52 AM
I don't Lie, I never Lie.

Anyone who says that has to be telling the truth. Otherwise it's against the rules. That's it works right? We all know that.

Ummm. yep.

Now stop DISRESPECTING me and move on.

After nine unprovoked posts in our recruitment thread , I think that's a good idea. Thank you for your final post Spartacus and good luck in your new syndicate.

Edit: make that 10. He beat me to it.

07-23-2013, 01:54 AM
Are you in that much of a denial we kicked you out after one war ... SAS told us you left because they won't make you an officer sad thing is that is why we kicked you out too ... Keep making lies up whether its harvesting or what else you xare to dream hopefully montecores mom will buy you a tiger and you can be cool too... Sad that you have been in over ten syndicates and no one wants to keep you ...

Lol with 500k SAS didn't offer to get you into their jr syndicate ???

The manner in which you conduct yourself makes me truly sad that you have children the very reason I hope they institute an iq test before people have kids ...

Please troll away as always your non sensical sentences make me lol sad thing is you claim not even drunk and you still sound like this

Not cool to talk about people's family's.
It's a game. Leave family's out of it.

The Giver
07-23-2013, 02:07 AM
Ragmondo...Just noticed Your from Essex.....Do you Watch Towie.....

Im just down the Road in Sunny Suffolk.....My son is going to play in the Essex league.....

As for Vito bringing my family in to it....you decide....

Proud Dad of 2

Respect to Indica 420.

Lets remember we are all lucky in this world.

07-23-2013, 02:12 AM
I never Lie....I never Ponse, I never Cheat.....I read you booted me because of poor stats.....the story changes I don't....I speak TRUTH only.

I see your main is in FC...that's why you ponse......Alls Good.

As for top 10 that would not touch me......Only Rouges and Fight Club wont......

As for where Ive gone, none of your business.

As for being as Officer, Like I really give a Damn, offered mine up.....just want to have fun with people that don't Cheat....

Dirty Daisy and Bultimore Mike with confirm....As im sure Jeremy would. Peace

where did I say you were kicked out because of your stats... take your pills the voices in your head are making things up again ... btw you just lied right there lol

are you seriously so dense as to not know who vito corleone is and how common of a name it is smh but i love your assumption that i have the time to recruit for a top 25 and be in FC lol... not all of us live in a dark room by the light of a pc ... btw the vito corleone from FC is from sweeden glad your showing off your intelligence AGAIN

Are you seriously in such denial that Grizz kicked you out solely because of your personality nothing more ... do you really need to lie about this to make yourself feel better

afraid to reveal what syndicate let you in because they would realize what scrub you are ... sad that you take all this time to come on here and make lies up but cant even be honest about where you ended up

correct me if im wrong isnt summer havent your kids been out of school for a while or did you just realize that after your dreams of becoming an officer in SAS were denied and finally left your room to see you have children

love the name dropping of people in BAN do you see any of them supporting you glad you take the time to stalk them we all enjoy your posts and are a great source of laughs ... spartacaus has become a verb in BAN chats for anyone who cries like a girl please give us more content we do love it

07-23-2013, 02:14 AM
rag he brought up his family as an excuse for not being able to play ... if you bring something outside of the game up its fair game to be called out upon it ... that being sad i wish his family no ill will and hope that one day they will get to see a sober sparty the deserve a dad thats not an alchoolic wouldnt you agree

07-23-2013, 02:17 AM
Summer holiday in England is just starting. We don't break up as early as the rest of the world. Only get 6 weeks.

I'm in hornchurch, right on the Essex/east London border.
God no I don't watch that awful programme. Puts all of us from Essex in a bad light.

panty sniffer
07-23-2013, 02:17 AM
Respect to Indica 420.

Lets remember we are all lucky in this world.

Something I can agree with. Now lets go rob each other and have fun! :)

The Giver
07-23-2013, 02:23 AM
Yep....School breaks up today....

Dirty Daisy, AKA Panty snifer is tops in my eyes, served with her in Brewskis....Great Crew.

The Giver
07-23-2013, 02:25 AM
As for your dilusion that Grizz Kicked me.....Please....I refuse to be ponsed.

panty sniffer
07-23-2013, 02:32 AM
Naw I'm former App Addicts United ( great syn by the way. Recommended). Top Dawgs for 1 war during attempted merger. Straight to BAN from there.

DirtyDaisy's IP puts me to shame.

The Giver
07-23-2013, 02:35 AM
in which case, I apologise, I made a mistake....Panty Sniffer.....I will Promise......If no more lies come out.....I wont Bump you.....Respect.

07-23-2013, 02:36 AM
As for your dilusion that Grizz Kicked me.....Please....I refuse to be ponsed.

So which was it Sparty did grizz kick you for low stats or not I love it when you start contradicting yourself

I really do feel bad for you ... You were kicked out because of your personality you didn't quit lol you begged us to keep you lol ... As for ponsing we scored 11.8 mill in that war you scored 250k just slightly above the average

07-23-2013, 02:37 AM
Btw delusions is spelled with an e lol you don't have spell check ???

The Giver
07-23-2013, 02:51 AM
I held out a hand.....

Your web site does not lie....www.backalleynetwork.biz

I think you will see I got 341,054, compared to your 94,230.....thanks you bear. Check the spelling.....

The Giver
07-23-2013, 02:54 AM
Chinatown Throwdown....lol

07-23-2013, 02:56 AM
still didnt answer the question were you kicked out or not even after all the scoring ... you come on here call us cheaters when that doesnt work you call us ponses .. then you claim I said you were kicked because of low stats lol ... just get it through your head that you were kicked simply because of who you are ...

I did leave you alone when you made a thread looking for a new syndicate AGAIN ... you were the one who felt you needed to come on here and calls us names ... edit your comments and I will leave you alone

The Giver
07-23-2013, 03:16 AM
Ummm no....Ive found a House....

Ummmmm Your last thread.....you said I was Kicked out for Low Stats, and I WOULD NEVER GET IN SAS.

Ummmm My last Account got BANNED for Ever for pointing out you were CHEATS

Ummmmm......Any spelling Mistakes.....

07-23-2013, 03:28 AM
please show where I said you were kicked out for low stats I have always stated the facts you were kicked out because of who you are nothing more ... you didnt make a spelling typo you didnt know how to spell delusional lol

one second you say you left the other you say it was because of your low stats please dont make this so easy try to make a concrete point ...

this house of yours have a name or are you too embarrassed to admit it :P

07-23-2013, 03:44 AM
I read you booted me because of poor stats.....the story changes I don't....I speak TRUTH only.

As for your dilusion that Grizz Kicked me.....Please....I refuse to be ponsed.

love how you contradict yourself ... waiting for proof of me ever saying you were kicked because of your stats

everyone here is proud of what syndicate they are in except you sparty why is that ... your name is synonymous with drama ... you truly are the drama queen of CC ... It is well documented that you left SAS after they denied you becoming an officer even after scoring 1.3 mill

07-23-2013, 03:57 AM
Guys lets stop it now. It's going round in circles.
Leave it as it is and just move on. It'll be for the best

07-23-2013, 10:02 AM
Bump bump bump

07-23-2013, 10:35 AM
Backalley wants u!!!! Join Now, live longer!

panty sniffer
07-23-2013, 04:15 PM

Oh you really though all I was going to do was bump , huh?
On, the contrary. I do have fun and exciting news for both lurker and poster on our beloved recruitment thread regarding the famed and historical Joey Nanner hood. How about I just show all you fine people without further delay.


No need to apologize, Tommy, for your mistake. As we've stated previously ad infinitum you've been nothing but an asset to our recruitment thread and I doubt anyone was taking you seriously anyway.
I think we've all learned a lesson from Tommy. I now know why Gree might be deleting, banning, whoever makes illegitamate claims on sight yet didn't touch BigMoney or his posts regarding (unmentionable syn) as he stated his case in the profound and legit manner that he did. Gree chooses sides, me thinks. The side of logic and valid evidence. Gree didn't spank you only because we didn't report you Mr. Two Toes. But now we may :)

Members of BAN handled Tommy in the most logical manner possible only for him to go on a smear campaign, spreading ignorance and dragging our name through the mud on other threads as witnessed here:


Here: http://www.funzio.com/forum/showthread.php?61905-All-the-buildings-gone-in-a-neighborhood&p=876206#post876206

and Here:http://www.funzio.com/forum/showthread.php?61500-13th-Ranked-Textbook-Killers&p=876115#post876115

The less intellectually fortunate may have actually believed him and a witch hunt could have ensued. I'll admit that in the back of my mind this did concern me a bit. The madness of crowds.... if only people didn't already know he was a joke.

Joey B.A.N ana's is back!


07-23-2013, 09:52 PM
Back on top

07-24-2013, 01:54 AM
Euro players wanted and wellcome!

panty sniffer
07-24-2013, 10:07 PM
Let's bump this thing! Like we'll bump to rank #10. Ohhhh yeah!

Jax Teller
07-24-2013, 11:05 PM
Bump for V_Corleone

07-25-2013, 12:51 AM
Morning bump

07-25-2013, 01:45 AM
Lets bump this

07-25-2013, 06:52 AM
Last 2 spots!!!

07-25-2013, 12:19 PM
* bump * bump *


Jax Teller
07-25-2013, 01:26 PM
First beer of the night bump.

07-25-2013, 07:21 PM
Long day bump

Joey B.A.N.ana's
07-25-2013, 11:18 PM
Who's there? It's the Back Alley Network the original, and Back Alley Network 2 top 250 syndicate and climbing. Hurry Hurry come check us out. If you want to be apart of a well organized syndicate that's in top twentyfive and headed in a positive direction or if you are looking for the fastest growing mini syndicate come talk to us.

Jax Teller
07-26-2013, 02:32 AM
Just joined this syndicate. It has a very helpfull members. And one of the most active chat's i have ever seen. Apply now, before its to late.

Have a nice day :)

07-26-2013, 02:58 AM
hey i know what uiasdhkasgfas

panty sniffer
07-26-2013, 08:58 AM
Just joined this syndicate. It has a very helpfull members. And one of the most active chat's i have ever seen. Apply now, before its to late.

Have a nice day :)

Glad you like it here Jax. Very true there's always something going on in the chat room and there are always knowledgeable members there to help with any type of question.

07-26-2013, 09:20 AM
A friendly bump for BAN.

07-26-2013, 10:49 AM
Another bump to the top for BAN!

07-26-2013, 03:42 PM
Good evening! I bet you all in game now:) bump anyway.

Jax Teller
07-26-2013, 06:12 PM
Drunk bump

07-27-2013, 01:37 AM
Panty sniffer requires more panties. For sniffing.
Don't ask.

Jax Teller
07-27-2013, 04:55 AM
I dont like xp bump

07-27-2013, 10:58 AM
Morning bump

Jax Teller
07-27-2013, 04:17 PM
Night bump

Jax Teller
07-28-2013, 12:39 AM
I love B'A'N bump

Jax Teller
07-28-2013, 08:08 AM
Join before the battle, and be part of a top 25 syndicate!

07-28-2013, 02:51 PM
Post workout bump

CC Pablo
07-28-2013, 05:26 PM

Bump for you guys! ;)


Jax Teller
07-28-2013, 07:29 PM
Thanks, for the bump!

Have a nice day :)

Jax Teller
07-29-2013, 03:54 AM
Bet everybody is doing pvp. Bump anyway

07-29-2013, 09:38 AM
Back on top

07-29-2013, 02:47 PM
Ate a good lunch bump

Jax Teller
07-29-2013, 05:29 PM
What did you have for lunch VC?

07-29-2013, 11:32 PM
Steak and fries my favorite ... Euro morning bump

Jax Teller
07-30-2013, 02:45 AM
Sunny day bump

07-30-2013, 10:36 AM
Why isn't it lunch yet bump

07-30-2013, 05:47 PM
Long day bump

Jax Teller
07-30-2013, 11:20 PM
Gree hate my user bump

07-31-2013, 12:29 AM
Free bump for BAN, good fun team.

Jax Teller
07-31-2013, 04:41 AM
just had lunch bump

07-31-2013, 10:06 AM
2 days to go! Spots limited!

Jax Teller
07-31-2013, 03:16 PM
good night bump

07-31-2013, 08:21 PM
Back on top

Jax Teller
07-31-2013, 11:54 PM
good day bump

08-01-2013, 04:01 AM
Good morning America bump.

Jax Teller
08-01-2013, 07:07 AM
Good morning, and thanks for the bump

08-01-2013, 09:46 AM
Lazy morning bump

08-01-2013, 02:30 PM
Want to take a nap bump

08-01-2013, 03:17 PM
@corleone your inbox is full:

interested in BANII if you still have room.

Jax Teller
08-02-2013, 02:41 AM
First battle day bump

Jax Teller
08-02-2013, 02:59 AM
[QUOTE]@corleone your inbox is full:

interested in BANII if you still have room.[QUOTE]

I sendt you a pm

Jax Teller
08-02-2013, 06:45 AM
You still have time to apply before the battle begins!

Jax Teller
08-02-2013, 09:55 AM
Last bump before the battle!