View Full Version : How close is your faction?

07-12-2013, 01:35 AM
Just wondering how close your faction is? I play another game with family's(just like factions) and I talk and share pictures with them weekly. With my faction I'm lucky to get 5 people involved in planning or talking. Just wonder how other factions are doing? Lively forum? Lots of friends, open thread please give input, stories, whatever

360 Joules
07-12-2013, 03:26 AM
My faction talks non stop...and shares plenty of pics...some NSFW LoL. No topic is off limits. We are all pretty close although none of us has actually met the other. Of course there is always a small number of 'revolving door' types out there that hop from faction to faction but the majority of my group have been there for almost a full year. I'd imagine most other factions are similar?

07-12-2013, 04:26 AM
My faction is pretty close. Of our current full 42 members about half have been with us for well over 6 months (some closer to a year, or whenever MW began factions, including me) and we just the other day managed to randomly grab a group of guys (all co-workers in real life) with great stats who appear to have great attitudes and will hopefully be with us for the long haul as well. Lots of banter and chit-chat. We also have an external website/forum where we post both MW-related topics as well as an "Everything else" area. Our only rule is no foul language. None of us wants it and we have had a few kids in our faction at times. We are slowly getting to know one another, where we live (we have members all across the globe), what we do for a living, hobbies (other games and outside of gaming), families, etc. The social aspect makes the game more enjoyable than ever for us. That's one thing I like about on-line gaming --- you get to "meet" people from all over the world that you otherwise never would. I've made some pretty good "virtual" friends in other games over the years, and I hope to keep them as friends for a long time. And, yes, I do get out. I have plenty of real life buddies locally with whom I actually meet face-to-face. I don't just stare at my phone or PC 24 hours/day ...

07-12-2013, 04:41 AM
I have tried injecting some humour into our threads and forums to no avail. Must be my charming personality.

07-12-2013, 06:27 AM
my faction is close, then again there are a good chunk of members that are actually family. :)

07-12-2013, 06:40 AM
I wake up with 800 unread messages in my faction forum every morning...takes 10 minutes to go through them all.

07-12-2013, 07:18 AM
My faction was close... Then we fought, and I got kicked out and a lot of **** happened. Now am in a new faction and we are happy and close.

07-12-2013, 07:57 AM
My faction talks non stop...and shares plenty of pics...some NSFW LoL. No topic is off limits.

That is putting it mildly....good Lord some days I wake up to read the poopie and Dangle show only to wonder what in the world I am still doing leading a bunch of whack jobs. LMAO. :D

07-12-2013, 08:01 AM
i was in a real great faction, killer tomatoes, very friendly and understanding too. then i moved to another, whom will remain unnamed, who stabbed me in the back because said i may leave after the war (ireland), kicked a day before so i couldnt join any good factions, made my own and scored 38k with 2 others. went back to kt's then left for tdf, nice group of people there :)

Paul Wall
07-12-2013, 11:06 AM
My faction is the best. Showed my guys a picture of me and my newborn a few days ago.

07-12-2013, 01:28 PM
my faction is close, then again there are a good chunk of members that are actually family. :)That pretty cool, tried to get some family to play just couldn't get them into it.

Thanks for all the replies need to work on my factions teamwork