View Full Version : Don't be stuck outside the top 500 and beyond! Top 250 bound! 5-10 spots available!

07-10-2013, 12:49 PM
We were 470 in Columbia, 314 in Madagascar and 279 in Poland! And we are continuing our march up the WD rankings. Join us now and help our run to the top 250!

Our group is fun, organized and made up of both old and new friends! We are interested in both individuals and small mergers. Players from the western U.S., Australia or other Pacific Ocean based locations are preferred, but all will be considered.

Our faction bonuses are:
Health Regen -26%
Infantry Attack +15%
Infantry Defense +30
Ground Attack +10%
Ground Defense +25%
Air Attack +5%
Air Defense +20%
Sea Defense +20%
Building Defense +25%
Building Output +15%
Guild Increase +26

Potential new members need to:
- Be active in and out of wars
- Be willing to use our communication app
- Be willing to follow our battle plan (it's really not that complicated)
- Be looking for a fun, friendly and competitive faction
- Have RAW stats higher than 100K (below 100K may still be accepted pending level)
- Able to put up 20K WD points over the course of the war (gold use preferred but NOT mandatory)

Questions? Let me know! Message me to join!

- Phoenix

07-11-2013, 04:18 AM
Still looking for members to join!

07-12-2013, 04:18 AM
Still need people who want to help us break into the top 250!

07-12-2013, 09:48 AM
You know what's coming next... Bump!

07-13-2013, 03:06 PM
Still have some spots open. Message me now to join!