View Full Version : How are the "strongest" units selected?

07-08-2013, 11:05 PM
This keeps bugging me. I don't understand how the strongest units that you can use are chosen.
I have 500+ allies, which means I can use 1500 units. I have more than 1500 units, which means that some units will not be used, so the question is how the strongest 1500 units are chosen.

Option 1:
Units are chosen by sum of attack and defense. This would make sense, but it can cause some strange effects. Assume my 1500th unit has 150 attack and 50 defense totaling 200 a/d. I then buy a unit with 100 attack and 120 defense. As this unit has 220 total a/d it would replace my 150/50 unit. But that would result in my total attack being reduced by 50 and my defense to be increased by 70.
Could it be true that purchasing a unit could cause a reduction in either attack or defense?

Option 2:
Depending on whether you are attacking or are being attacked, units are chosen by strongest attack or strongest defense. This could make sense as well, because when you see the top 45 units after a PVP attack, you see your 45 strongest by attack, and your opponents 45 strongest by defense.
This means that your total attack is the sum of the 1500 units with highest attack, and your defense is the sum of the 1500 units with highest defense (plus bonuses).
This way, a new unit would never cause a reduction in either attack or defense, but on the other hand, there will be different "1500 strongest units" depending on whether you are attacking or defending yourself. If this is true, you should have more than 1500 units to make sure you have one subset that gives very high attack, and another subset that gives high defense.

Any ideas?

Mr Painite
07-08-2013, 11:17 PM
It is option 2.

07-09-2013, 12:00 AM
Exactly as Mr Painite said... to see this, just attack a rival and when the win/lose screen pops up, check out your top 45 (arranged by attack stats) and the rival's top 45 (arranged by defense stats)...

07-09-2013, 01:02 AM
Well, I've noticed that in the post attack screen, but wasn't sure whether that was conclusive when it comes to my own total a/d.

But this adds an interesting dimension to units. It can be beneficial to have far more than 1500 units with one subset optimized for attack and another optimized for defense.

It's also interesting to know whether to go for an lte or not to be able to calculate my net gain from the units rewarded.


07-09-2013, 03:52 AM
It is definitely option 2. Back when I had a small number of allies, I used to actually track all of my units and recalculate my Attack and Defense score. Your 45 strongest units when you attack could be completely different from you being attacked. Your attack and defense scores are based on the best units for each category separately. I generally try to focus on units or items that are very good in one category versus average in both. For example, I buy the armor with the best defense score and then purchase the armor with the best attack score since I am essentially able to use both pieces of armor as one.

07-09-2013, 05:43 AM
I did some checks now from the units in current PVE, and to be honest, no numbers added up.

I had ....564 attack and ....435 defense. Got a unit with 158 attack and 345 defense.
My numbers changed to ....636 attack and ....736 defense - an increase of 72 attack and 328 defense. This indicates that the weakest attack unit was 86 attack and weakest defense unit had 17 def.

Next time, I got a unit with 353 attack and 277 defense.
My numbers changed to ....948 attack and ...1009 defense - an increase of 312 attack and 246 defense. This in turn indicates that weakest attack unit was 41 attack and weakest defense unit had 31 defense.

All numbers seem random, but I assume this has to do with a combination of bonuses for different unit types, and as I don't know the type of the units now pushed down, I can't compensate for the bonuses of the new type vs the bonuses of the pushed out units.

I guess you're right, but it's a beotch trying to keep track of these numbers outside the game.

07-09-2013, 08:01 AM
The only way to do it is to spreadsheet every single unit you have. Since nobody has that kinda time, we just assume things that tend to be true.

07-09-2013, 09:24 AM
Octofinger. The reason the numbers don't match up is you replaced one unit with another. If you have 1500 10/10 guys and you add one new 100/100 guy your overall stats would only increase by 90 NOT 100. 100-10 = 90

07-09-2013, 09:40 AM
Well, I've noticed that in the post attack screen, but wasn't sure whether that was conclusive when it comes to my own total a/d.

Here is some more evidence: Your attack and your defense are two totally different numbers, meaning they must be calculated using different numbers. Your profile doesn't list the attack total of all of your units for Attack. Just the ones that will be brought into battle. The same is true of defense.

If the game went with option 1 and added attack and defense together and just used the same units for both attacking and being attacking, then there would be absolutely no purpose to having both attack and defense stats. They only thing it would do would force the game to have more coding an calculations than necessary. It would be easier on the programmers to just have a Battle stat.

But this adds an interesting dimension to units. It can be beneficial to have far more than 1500 units with one subset optimized for attack and another optimized for defense.

If you play the game long enough, you'll have far more than 1,500 units. But your point is accurate. Once I realized early on that this how the game works, I immediately stopped going for units that were balanced and focused on units that had the best attack and units that had the best defense. Of course, this was before LTQs, and scratchers, vaulting more than 330,000 gold.

07-09-2013, 10:49 AM
Ok people this is not rocket science .....

Attack= your top 1500 units or as many as you can bring to battle depending on allies and level.

EX: unit one is 1000/ 1000
unit two is 990 / 2568 if these two units were the last ones to reach the field of battle ...you would take unit one for attack......you would bring unit two for defense...

This is how the game is set up. Soooooo...lets review........

Attack = highest attack per unit for 1500 units
Defense= highest Def per unit for 1500 units

You could have also searched the forum and found that this has been posted numerous times. Thanks!!

07-09-2013, 02:14 PM
The only way to do it is to spreadsheet every single unit you have. Since nobody has that kinda time, we just assume things that tend to be true.

Hahahaha. Mickeytah & I have this spreadsheet. ;)

07-09-2013, 11:54 PM
You could have also searched the forum and found that this has been posted numerous times. Thanks!!

You're starting to sound like Jonny. haha

The only way to do it is to spreadsheet every single unit you have. Since nobody has that kinda time, we just assume things that tend to be true.

It's actually not that hard if you start it early on. Jonny and I first started on ours way back in September back when you gained units at a slow pace. It didn't take too much time to add what we had already. Once the LTQs were introduced you just added the new units at the end of every LTQ.

Then I went ahead and built this in FileMaker in an attempt to learn how to use the program:


Which could easily be transferred to my iPhone:


Any time I got a new unit, I just had to click FUNZIO and add it in. Most of the fields populated automatically.

It took some time to do and maintain, but I did it so that I would know just how many dragons I need to buy to complete my dragon army without going over. Then when the Blackrock Battering Rams came out, I used it for that. I figured I could spend some time maintaining the list or spend even more time buying raiding and collecting gold to buy units I didn't actually need.

Now that I'm not buying units anymore, I haven't updated the information in it. I'm going to be in for a long ride if they ever put out a new unit better than a BBR.

Hahahaha. Mickeytah & I have this spreadsheet. ;)

You + me = nerds, fo' rizzle.


07-10-2013, 01:58 AM
Skyriders, I did search the forums, but didn't actually find a thread that matched my question. Everywhere it says 1500 strongest units, but that's a simplification of sorts. It took me a while to realize that the 1500 strongest units might not be the same units, depending on whether I was attacking or defending.

Mickeytah - I believe you misunderstood me some. The question was whether the strongest units in use were selected on sum of a/d or on either a or d depending on the situation. Even if option 1 was used, you would still have the total attack and the total defense of your units as your player's a/d. This would force you to make a strategic choice in units depending on whether you want to be strong in defense or strong in attack. Just as you can choose where to put your skill points. As option 2 seems to be the option in use, you don't have to make a strategic decision in which units to buy, just buy the units that maximizes both attack and defense.

Krissy - look at post #6. I know that units are replaced.

But never the less, thanks for helping clarifying. I've also kept track of all my units in a spreadsheet including bonuses and all to check my stats and helping me deciding what units to buy. But now with the LTQ units, I've not even bothered to buy any units, so it's kinda lost it's point.
