View Full Version : Looking for faction- LVL 186

07-07-2013, 01:32 PM
I am a semi active non-gold player Lvl 186- ATK-140k Def-145K IPH- 1 mil plus. I am just looking for a faction to chill with. I can be active but, if its btwn work and the faction. guess what wins, but I will at least give advanced notice of availability. Its kinda hard playing modern war in meetings or in hearings.....

07-07-2013, 01:35 PM
Hackensackheroes ID 722-326-715, Finished in top 959 in Poland. We are merging with a faction and picked up some strong new folks for a push in the rankings. We could use some more help...

-19% Health Regen
+5% Infantry Attack
+20% Infantry Defense
+15% Ground Defense
+10% Air Defense
+5% Sea Defense
+15% Building Defense
+10% Building Output
+16 Guild and looking

Col Mustard
07-07-2013, 01:39 PM
Join us, we are constantly moving at least a rank tier each war. we only have a few spots left as were getting more active players so less to drop! Were laid back, buy also competitive. We like to have fun!
Top 1500 Columbia, Top 1000 Madagascar, Top 750 (656) Poland and looking for Top 500 in Australia. PM me if interested. Come join us and enjoy our bonuses

Health regen -25%
Infantry attack 5%
Ground attacl 5%
Inantry defense 20%
Ground defense 15%
Air defense 10%
Sea defnse 5%
Building defense 20%
Building output 5% (next purchase, 453M/600M)
Guild increase +20


07-07-2013, 01:54 PM
First, a little about ourselves..we are a very organised, close knit faction with great members and top participation in the events and forum. we have a top quality leader and defence leader who are efficient, fair and are always on hand to assist, the officers are promoted based on their forum participation, world domination participation and donations and are always active and helpful, you not only get the bonuses and rewards for being in a top 500 faction but you get support and mentoring*.

This is only ENS' second war, the first, Madagascar, the faction had 9 members and scored 552152 points which ranked at 836. WITH 9 MEMBERS ONLY.
*The faction expanded and with 24 active members during Poland, we scored 947923 ranking us at 486. Currently we have 32 members, all hand picked from the finest and with your help we aim to shoot for top 250 during Australia.

What we require from you.A/D over 70k although this is negotiable.
Active participation in the faction forum, this is very important, we have zero tolerance on ghost players except if you tell us you will be inactive for a while.
Full participation during world domination, do not hesitate to power attack defence leader or take out the wall when called on, take one for the team.
We have no minimum donations set but every thing you can give helps

Health Regen time -20%
Infantry Attack 5%
Infantry Defence 25%
Ground Defence 15%
Air Defence 10%
Sea Defence 5%
Building Defense 20%
Building Output 5%
as i said, this is a relatively new faction so bonuses are in the process of being improved.if you are interested, send me a message or comment, i will get back to you soon as i can.

07-07-2013, 02:13 PM
we are a top 750 faction, which is currently looking for good and active members to bolster our ranks. We think the game is meant to be fun, with just a bit of a serious undertone:)
what we ask:
-Minimum donation of 3000 cash per level per day
-Donation of all concrete-Registration on an external forum and participation
-Registration in GroupMe for chat communication, especially important during wars
-Steadily improvement to your alliance attack, alliance defense and IPH-Recruitment of new members
-Participation in WD eventsWhat you get:

Health Regen Time -20%
Infantry Defense +15%
Grondstoffen Defense +5%
Building Defense +10%
Guild Member Increase +10
Building output +5%

And of course a faction filled with nice guys:)
Our faction is called IZ Raiders with invitation code 466-684-423

07-07-2013, 03:10 PM
Faction Code: 910482393

FYI, most of my members are professionals, juggling between work and MW. We still manage to have good fun and do well fairly well in all events.
I hope you consider my offer - you have my code above.
Let me know if you have any further questions.

Faction Bonuses:
- Health Regen: -23%
- Ground Attack: +5%
- Infantry Attack: +10%
- Infantry Defense: +30%(max)
- Ground Defense: +30%(max)
- Air Defense: +15%
- Sea Defense: +15%
- Building Defense: +25%
- Building Output: +10%
- Guild: +22 (42 members)

Past rankings
- Poland 316
- Madagascar 315
- Colombia 366
- Ireland 277
- China 364
- Egypt 430
- Greenland 390