View Full Version : Top750/500 faction needing a few more. Easy top 500-400 with a few more active.

07-05-2013, 11:58 AM
if you're looking for a laid back faction. no daily donation requirement. we have finished top 750 every war and top 500 in Madagascar. need a few more active players for a top 500 run. lots of bonuses let me know if you need more info or would like to join. Badass inc. invite code 536444748

40/42 members
-23% health regen
+5% ground attack
+10% infantry attack
+30% infantry defense
+20% ground defense
+15% air defense
+15% sea defense
+30% building defense
+10% cash from building
+22 guild increase

We ask your active in the forum so we know your with us. Donate what you can. And a minimum of 5000 wd points.