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View Full Version : A Sorry Affair

07-03-2013, 02:53 AM
If you blinked you may have missed it... or thought it was another goofed up event. Here are the screenshots if you didn't catch them the first (and only) time they appeared for you.


http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-FNb1i34WaCE/UdPy4dvGN6I/AAAAAAAADqM/wSK_38JTo3I/s320/Black_Powder_Power.png (http://crimecitysyndicate.blogspot.com/2013/07/a-sorry-affair.html)


07-03-2013, 03:01 AM
Is almost 5 days enough time?

07-03-2013, 03:22 AM
watta powerful reward ! lol

sister morphine
07-03-2013, 04:17 AM
watta powerful reward ! lol
Could've been an enhanced bike :cool:

Big Bad Wolf
07-03-2013, 05:07 AM
I'll take it, but was wondering if there would be more to it, lol... I guess if it's a gift for people who log on between now and the fourth of july weekend, it pans out well...

07-03-2013, 05:09 AM
I'll take it, but was wondering if there would be more to it, lol... I guess if it's a gift for people who log on between now and the fourth of july weekend, it pans out well...
Log in?Never log out!

07-03-2013, 05:49 AM
What does it matter getting this item if everyone else gets it? Doesnt that pretty much offset your stat increase in comparison to others?

07-03-2013, 05:52 AM
Well first of all it would help new players far more than strong players... It probably won't even be used by a lot of people. Also, not everyone will get it.

07-03-2013, 08:21 AM
This is an historical event! This may be known as the the only event that did not require gold to complete!

07-03-2013, 08:29 AM
I'm debating on whether or not to complete this event. I don't want to get my stats too bloated and have them cost me battle and syndicate points.

Much harder to win being a whale in the shark tank.

07-03-2013, 08:32 AM
I'm debating on whether or not to complete this event. I don't want to get my stats too bloated and have them cost me battle and syndicate points.

Much harder to win being a whale in the shark tank.

Yeah I bet that is your problem

07-03-2013, 08:51 AM
it's better than nothing

07-03-2013, 09:11 AM
Yeah I bet that is your problem

What is the bet?

07-03-2013, 09:17 AM
[QUOTE=CohibAA;849360]This is an historical event! This may be known as the the only event that did not require gold to complete![/QUOTE
I complete boss events and collect 10 events all the time with no gold.

07-03-2013, 09:17 AM
What is the bet?

Speak English much?
I said " I bet that is your problem " not " ill make a bet that is your problem "

a person, plan of action, etc., considered as being a good alternative; choice: Your best bet is to sell your stocks now.

07-03-2013, 09:41 AM
Speak English much?
I said " I bet that is your problem " not " ill make a bet that is your problem "

I'm going to got out on a limb and assume I hurt you in some way. Look man...it was just PvP and I was blind attacking. If you paid out points I robbed you too. Nothing personal.

Also, you used ill instead of I'll. I stopped reading after that.

I'll make a bet you feel stupid.

07-03-2013, 10:01 AM
I'm going to got out on a limb and assume I hurt you in some way. Look man...it was just PvP and I was blind attacking. If you paid out points I robbed you too. Nothing personal.

Also, you used ill instead of I'll. I stopped reading after that.

I'll make a bet you feel stupid.

First, I don't know who you are nor do I care about being Robbed or attacked, not everyone can beat 400k def but if you can then no harm. Second, I don't feel dumb if auto correct does something strange.

Either way you still can not read or write. Get over it, move on.

Butt Futter
07-03-2013, 10:15 AM
First, I don't know who you are nor do I care about being Robbed or attacked, not everyone can beat 400k def but if you can then no harm. Second, I don't feel dumb if auto correct does something strange.

Either way you still can not read or write. Get over it, move on.

Ignore him. FWD is spineless and never attacks anyone.

07-03-2013, 10:17 AM
Ignore him. FWD is spineless and never attacks anyone.

Which reminds me Futter, thanks for the news feeds riffled with your name. I was happy to see my hood served you well during the PVP tournament. ;)

Butt Futter
07-03-2013, 10:21 AM
Which reminds me Futter, thanks for the news feeds riffled with your name. I was happy to see my hood served you well during the PVP tournament. ;)

Were you one of the ones camping the crap out of mine? Thanks, so I hope we helped each other out at the same time. :)

07-03-2013, 10:24 AM
Were you one of the ones camping the crap out of mine? Thanks, so I hope we helped each other out at the same time. :)

Heavens no Butt, I was working all weekend. I got the 6th prize in the PVP LTQ and quit. I sent you a mafia request, my hood name doesn't match my forum name.

Butt Futter
07-03-2013, 10:27 AM
Heavens no Butt, I was working all weekend. I got the 6th prize in the PVP LTQ and quit. I sent you a mafia request, my hood name doesn't match my forum name.

I don't accept random requests anymore. Resend and I'll accept. I wish I did what you did and worked all weekend. I'll never participate in that mess again. Way too much time for so little.

07-03-2013, 10:31 AM
I don't accept random requests anymore. Resend and I'll accept. I wish I did what you did and worked all weekend. I'll never participate in that mess again. Way too much time for so little.

I would have completed the LTQ PVP if the prizes weren't backwards, but yeah the tournament it self has poor prizes for the effort unless your name is Prime. But even then I would love to hear what he actually thinks if it was a waste of his weekend or not.

07-03-2013, 10:46 AM
Ignore him. FWD is spineless and never attacks anyone.

Yes cowards. Nothing but smoke and mirrors. I heard the player that won the PVP did it playing nothing but defence. <smh>

My apologies to you. I didn't realize Deadwater was yours. Sometimes they just get of the leash and get themselves into trouble. You're training of him seems to be coming along though.

Congrats to you and the Indians.

Butt Futter
07-03-2013, 10:53 AM
Yes cowards. Nothing but smoke and mirrors. I heard the player that won the PVP did it playing nothing but defence. <smh>

My apologies to you. I didn't realize Deadwater was yours. Sometimes they just get of the leash and get themselves into trouble. You're training of him seems to be coming along though.

Congrats to you and the Indians.

My opinion on you and your crew being spineless ha nothing to do with the Indians. But what ever floats your boat. I'll keep refreshing my news feed for FWD attacks, but let's be honest, you guys are too busy trying to not leave links anywhere.

Deadwater is my wife. You back off her. She's not very loyal so I don't need her straying!

07-03-2013, 10:53 AM
Yes cowards. Nothing but smoke and mirrors. I heard the player that won the PVP did it playing nothing but defence. <smh>

My apologies to you. I didn't realize Deadwater was yours. Sometimes they just get of the leash and get themselves into trouble. You're training of him seems to be coming along though.

Congrats to you and the Indians.

Although you may not understand this, but people do have the ability to get along with others in this game. Butt Futter attacked and robbed me blind in game, and I was happy to help. But he also didn't know who I was in game because we only speak here in the forums.
But you are welcome to come find me
Lvl 197 Rick Grimes...I will let you discover my stats

07-03-2013, 10:54 AM
My opinion on you and your crew being spineless ha nothing to do with the Indians. But what ever floats your boat. I'll keep refreshing my news feed for FWD attacks, but let's be honest, you guys are too busy trying to not leave links anywhere.

Deadwater is my wife. You back off her. She's not very loyal so I don't need her straying!

Why you gotta tell the world our problems?

07-03-2013, 11:23 AM
Now we will see a part two for jacking up the mafia list with those of us who have a +5 and can't use it

07-03-2013, 11:24 AM
My opinion on you and your crew being spineless ha nothing to do with the Indians. But what ever floats your boat. I'll keep refreshing my news feed for FWD attacks, but let's be honest, you guys are too busy trying to not leave links anywhere.

Deadwater is my wife. You back off her. She's not very loyal so I don't need her straying!

What aren't you participating in the PVP event anymore? For regular game they just dropped the mafia glitch so finding FwD should be alot easier.

Just to kinda slide this back onto topic...I completed the event for the black powder pistols. Basically that's like seasoning a steak for you all in PVP.

07-04-2013, 12:10 PM
I just now saw this. It did not appear in my goals list - (kindle version) - I just happened to attack someone in my news feed on accident.

Happy Fourth everyone, or is this an apology from the Crime City team for the buggy/glitchy last couple of weeks?

Thanks for the Black Powder Power, CC!

If you blinked you may have missed it... or thought it was another goofed up event. Here are the screenshots if you didn't catch them the first (and only) time they appeared for you.


http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-FNb1i34WaCE/UdPy4dvGN6I/AAAAAAAADqM/wSK_38JTo3I/s320/Black_Powder_Power.png (http://crimecitysyndicate.blogspot.com/2013/07/a-sorry-affair.html)


07-04-2013, 04:40 PM
Although you may not understand this, but people do have the ability to get along with others in this game. Butt Futter attacked and robbed me blind in game, and I was happy to help. But he also didn't know who I was in game because we only speak here in the forums.
But you are welcome to come find me
Lvl 197 Rick Grimes...I will let you discover my stats

Sounds like a trap Guy. Don't walk into that 400K defense lol

07-04-2013, 04:56 PM
.....just kids chatting with kiddos........

07-04-2013, 05:07 PM
Sounds like a trap Guy. Don't walk into that 400K defense lol

Do you believe I'd post my actual stats then challenge someone? Like I said, I let people discover my stats.

Butt Futter
07-05-2013, 04:46 AM
Sounds like a trap Guy. Don't walk into that 400K defense lol

His stats are so bad that MWWM is beggin him to join them.

bald zeemer
07-05-2013, 07:43 AM
Do you believe I'd post my actual stats then challenge someone? Like I said, I let people discover my stats.

Yes, that would be madness. Who in their right mind would post their stats?!

07-05-2013, 09:49 AM
Could've been an enhanced bike :cool:

Or another Nail Bat

07-05-2013, 09:56 AM
I miss the days when the majority of my army was rushing into battle carrying nail bats and wearing boxer shorts with four leaf clovers on it. It made for an interesting mental picture.

NS tasia
07-05-2013, 10:10 AM
I miss the days when the majority of my army was rushing into battle carrying nail bats and wearing boxer shorts with four leaf clovers on it...
LoL, just imagine this... 😂👍

Butt Futter
07-05-2013, 10:15 AM
I miss the days when the majority of my army was rushing into battle carrying nail bats and wearing boxer shorts with four leaf clovers on it. It made for an interesting mental picture.

Did you let your henchmen keep their work attire before Gree laid them off?

07-05-2013, 10:17 AM
Butt Futter, I was talking with FwD and basically your defence is too strong. Attacking you represents a waste of time, stamina or medpacks, lack of intelligence and strategy. Not sure what to tell you? I'm confident you're a better teammate than an opponent.

As for me being spineless and afraid to leave links...I've won 14,000 more fights than you and I'm 25 levels lower. Just saying. Find me in PVP tournament and I'll definitely trade off hits and links.

This demonstrates the point I was getting at about these pistols. If you pump your stats up too much no one will want attack. Gree if you haven't noticed has marginalized atk/def. You can beat me 10-0 or I can rob you with half the stamina and make the same amount of points. Everyone in our clan is focussed on Influence or Battle points. How active are you? Makes no difference to me if you have 10K atk and can put up a million points. All of a sudden those random lvl 8 players making syndicate requests become what ifs. At the very least they're probably fresh and looking to cut their teeth.

This latest tournament (which I think should and will run as full time thing) promotes people clicking buttons. We get a functioning leaderboard that gives teams and individuals goals to strive for. It's glitchy obviously because hey how could a FwD player win it right? Famous Syndicate losing their biggest gold spenders, still needing the final 5% car and gun bonuses and finishing top 10? GLITCH! Just think of us as that not so wealthy clan that uses every bit of what we have and has fun in the process. Spines or no spines. Just be able to tap alot.

If you want to know you can beat 99% of the players in the game you've done it! Kick back and relax. If you want to prove it...get tapping.


07-05-2013, 10:37 AM
Although you may not understand this, but people do have the ability to get along with others in this game. Butt Futter attacked and robbed me blind in game, and I was happy to help. But he also didn't know who I was in game because we only speak here in the forums.
But you are welcome to come find me
Lvl 197 Rick Grimes...I will let you discover my stats

Uh oh guys watch out he's a level 200 with 400k stats!!! Run! Lmao xD

07-05-2013, 11:06 AM
I'm debating on whether or not to complete this event. I don't want to get my stats too bloated and have them cost me battle and syndicate points.

Much harder to win being a whale in the shark tank.jg

what the hell r u talkin about do it and give it to me

07-05-2013, 02:13 PM
Uh oh guys watch out he's a level 200 with 400k stats!!! Run! Lmao xD

How much did you pay for your 100k att account? I know for a fact you are the third owner of the account btw

Once again, I wouldn't post my actual stats...maybe to draw someone in I'd post a random number

07-05-2013, 03:14 PM
How much did you pay for your 100k att account? I know for a fact you are the third owner of the account btw

Once again, I wouldn't post my actual stats...maybe to draw someone in I'd post a random number
Come on, stop teasing. Is it 500K then?
Add me I won't tell anyone.

Don't you wish you could see their faces when they discover your stats? If for no reason but to see the red reflected in their eyes.
Must be awesome!!!!