View Full Version : Addictive Faction: Join District 13

06-19-2013, 01:06 PM
Join District 13!
175th in Egypt , 201 in Madagascar… when the prizes are good we all go together for the top 250, and until now we always reached it !
We have 2 new openings to fill now !!!
We are faction District13.
You need to be a daily player, and ready to donate 3 million a day to the faction. (most of us donate more….)
You will enjoy all the boosts we have gathered so far:
Health Recovery time - 28%
Infantery Defense +30% Attack +10%
Ground Defense +20% Attack.+5%
Air Defense +15%
Sea Defense +15%
Building Defense +30%
Buiding Output +20%
Guild Members +24 (so 44 in total)

We have North American, European, Australian members
Join to our faction ... we like to have fun.... contribute... and gain power!!!

Also 90 % of our members are loyal :In it from the beginning, or once entered, then never left!!
Disclaimer : Faction 13 can not be liable for « significant other » complaints or addictive signs, such as considering Neighbours as Rivals….
Take this unique chance : First 2 good player that come get in !
District13 Invite code : 914106229