View Full Version : Why we will get a better Kindle version

06-19-2013, 08:17 AM
I believe that we will get an improved MW app for the Kindle. I wrote an extremely detailed and well thought out email to Jeff Bezos explaining exactly what was missing and how we were at a competitive disadvantage. I am a very good customer of Amazon dropping many thousands of dollars there. I invited him to look at my account to verify. I also explained why I had not made any gold purchases for my Kindle even though I had been playing it for 5 months longer that my IOS and that I had made numerous gold purchases on the Apple Store and Amazon was missing out on revenue and the Kindle was not considered a gaming machine since the apps were substandard even though the hardware (particularly the Kindle HD) was quite good. I went further and said I had purchased 2 Nexus 7's for my daughter and brother in law and a new Ipad mini for myself instead of considering a Kindle HD. It seems to have got something going since we are now without our app. I am hoping (and praying) that we will finally have parity with IOS and Android.

06-19-2013, 04:12 PM
I wrote Howard Shultz last year to bring back the tribute blend. Few weeks later, voila