View Full Version : Android Version 3.6.3 Issues

06-17-2013, 04:29 PM
There are a few topics posted with scattered issues everywhere. Thought it might help GREE if they could see all their mistakes in this latest update in one place. 3.6.2 was horrible, but 3.6.3 isn't much better. These are the issues I'm still having, just add on to the list with your issues:

1) My stats are displaying differently when viewed on my profile and from within the syndicate. This was fixed a while ago but seems it's back again.
2) Rivals also show differing and incorrect stats again. Was also fixed with #1 but is back again as well.
3) Syndicate applicants stats still show all zeros when viewing their profile in the Application menu.
4) Viewing Rival profile from News Feed displays all zeros for stats. When someone posts on your wall, you view News, hit Reply and it takes you to their profile. Hit Stats and it's all zeros, for Rivals and allies alike.
5) Rival levels are inaccurate now as well. I've attacked numerous people who are higher level than what says in Rival list.

I've sent tickets for each of these issues, but not surprisingly I have had no responses yet.

06-17-2013, 06:21 PM

Don't even bother until the forum tells you it's all clear and safe to go for it. Keep auto-update turned off.

06-17-2013, 06:28 PM
this game has and will always be broke. No matter how many complaints gree gets they will not fix it you know why cause WE continue to pay them even tho this "game" is broke. We are the foolish ones that continue to spend thousands of dollars to play grant it this game is free but if your a free player your bait

06-17-2013, 07:16 PM
...and then there is the other option... we stop paying them and they close the whole game down.

06-17-2013, 10:24 PM
I had the handbag ltq and now its gone :-(

06-18-2013, 04:44 AM
I know there are issues with every update. I know you should always wait until you get the all clear on the forum before updating. I made a mistake and updated early this time. My hope is that if enough people report their issues then it will help GREE correct them. If they don't know what all the issues are, how can they fix them? With everything located in one place, I believe it will be much easier for them to see what needs to be fixed. Call me an optimist, I'd like to do all I can in hopes that someone will listen.

06-18-2013, 11:55 AM
ok it came back.

06-18-2013, 09:58 PM
My issues (BlueStacks - not strictly android) with 3.6.3

1. Most of the buildings in my hood don't display, I can click on a spot in the top right to collect them and bring up their dialogue but it's impossible to choose what I'm clicking.

2. Rivals hood will rarely load, and if it does it is displayed similar to how mine is.

3. Cannot load any maps to go do missions.