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View Full Version : Looking for a guild.

06-10-2013, 12:21 AM
I am low level (17) only got the game 3 days ago but levelling daily. Leave a comment or shoot me a pm.

P.S willing to buy gems.

06-10-2013, 08:33 AM
Check out centurions post

06-10-2013, 06:14 PM
Guild:Freaks of Nature
Level 30+Only
Guild level: 5
Base element: Fire
Member levels: 30+
Current Team : 3/15

Knight name: Arthur


Search for "Freaks of Nature" in the guild menu and request to join.

Grow together, stay active, and Thrive!

06-11-2013, 06:07 PM
I am the High Commander of F.U.N. and I want to invite you to our guild.

Guild lvl. 22
22/23 Members
Bonus Elements
Fire 6%
Water 6%
Spirit 5%
Air 5%
Earth 4%

Guild Master: Wonderboy lvl 102
Guild Sentinel: Amalric lvl 123
Guild Champion: Rabrupo lvl 120
High Commander: SolarFlare lvl 80
High Commander: Calibor lvl 112
High Commander: Streeke lvl 54
High Commander: Awesomeguy lvl 52

We have alot of active members from different time zones. We are leveling up at a fast rate. We have Line for better communication and a group board for hints and tips. Looking for people who are active an love competition. If you want to join us search for Forum United Nation. Add me or Wonderboy as a friend and I will invite you XBB-GND-HWW/XBB CMF WRF. I have a few friend spots left. Or you can message me your code in a pm on here or on Line. My Line username is Solarflare3.

06-18-2013, 07:42 AM
Join The ArchAngels

Join our excellent guild, The ArchAngels. We are active daily and are now on level 5 ... we need members

Name: The ArchAngels
Element: Air
Guild Master is Asher Lvl 137 code: XBB-CMV-MGC
Level requirement: 30+
Members: 2/15

We have 13 open places in our guild, please apply now by searching us with our name "The ArchAngels" in the guild screen.

06-19-2013, 08:53 AM
Search for my guild, Youllneverwalkalone

Name: YoullNeverWalkAlone
Element: Fire
Members: 18/22

We have active players.

06-19-2013, 04:41 PM
Relentless Assault

Level 6
Air and Water bonuses
4/15 but with very active members

Search for Relentless Assault or friend request the Guildmaster:

Leadership Roles Still Available

~We Chat~
We will teach you which armors to invest in, and how to maximize your time

06-20-2013, 01:21 PM
Join Legendary Sages. We have level 100+ players and we are daily active players.

06-21-2013, 08:31 AM
Join Awaken
We are a level 6 guild with only 3/15 members so we have plenty of room for new recruits.

06-21-2013, 08:35 AM
Join THE MIGHTY DRAGONZ, high in level, super active, daily players and moving up in numbers fast

06-21-2013, 09:29 AM
http://www.siglaunch.com/sigs/any/2/0/2/6/0/5520260tKjjV.png (http://www.siglaunch.com/sigs/index.php)

Scrub Busters
Recruitment is OPEN!!
Come Join be friendly and lets kick some Scrubs in the butt!!
Active Guild Chat and Helpful Leadership!!

As of RIGHT Now we are working hard to keep this going!! to be the BEST

06-30-2013, 12:29 AM
i been checking on forum and other place, but the code people leave here were all not for android version, is it android version havent have guild yet??

can anyone tell me? kinda new here, need guild and friends to kill epic boss, need help, thanks !!

Lv 33 (current), daily player, rushing lv 40 tonight


Thanks !

06-30-2013, 04:18 PM
Any active and strong players that are looking for a strong guild, see below:

Guild Name: Dark Prince Alliance
Level: 35

Earth: +6%
Wind: +6%
Fire: +6%
Spirit: +6%
Air: +6%

Currently have one open spot. If you notice the spot is filled, send me a message with your profile and I can make room for you.

07-03-2013, 06:59 PM
hrmm where to post for lfg

08-04-2013, 06:45 AM
To anybody looking for a guild : (btw it looks like koyo copied the layout of our recruitment post)

Evolve is a high level, active and friendly guild with a dedicated group of members. The guild is growing incredibly fast and we strongly believe it will be one of the main players in the upcoming guild wars. Not only is Evolve a powerful clan but it is also a very social clan. All members are very friendly and will be more than happy to help you with queries, strategies and tips on the game in general, and also the weekly epic bosses via Line or in game.


Clan name: Evolve
Clan lvl: 40
Members: 29/30
Base element: Fire
Earth - 7%
Fire - 6%
Spirit - 6%
Water - 6%
Air - 6%
Guardians: 36/70 - Several maxed out.
Communication: Line

What are we looking for?

We are looking for level 90+ active members who want to help push the guild to be the number 1 on Knights & Dragons. You must be active on the weekly bosses, and help contribute towards the guild bank.

If you are interested in joining you can apply several ways.

2: Private message me here on the forums.
3: Search Evolve in the guild search list and apply directly.
4: Add BMA85 on LINE.

We look forward to welcoming all new recruits in our journey to be the best!

08-04-2013, 09:59 AM

01-12-2014, 05:51 PM
Domi Nation would love to have you! we are level 20 and looking for active members we were ranked 352 last war which was our first war! message on Line if interested, jordanizkool.

01-12-2014, 06:00 PM
Domi Nation would love to have you! we are level 20 and looking for active members we were ranked 352 last war which was our first war! message on Line if interested, jordanizkool.

WHY IN THE WORLD did you resurrect this old post for? you did see the date right? hell the guy above you hadn't posted since august...