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06-09-2013, 02:29 AM
i know i know, this will most likely never be even heard about by Gree staff members regarding the amount of time and money needed to make this but here it goes.

a lot of players nowadays have a lot of cash and nothing to spend it on. And a lot of us have a lot of **** in our inventries like AUGs. Also a lot of players have no cash to spend anything on. this is why there should be a trading section. here players would be able to earn/lose cash and get rid of the **** items they have tht could benifet the newbies. people can also build up there stats. i know this would decrease the amont of players buying items wih gold but it will benifet you in a much greater way. if this is added crime city will no longer be that type of game where players check upon it every couple of hours, instead there will be some serious players trading through out the day non stop.

let the haters hate!

06-09-2013, 02:34 AM
I would like an auction house, I also would like a function to give money or gold to friends in the game

06-09-2013, 02:42 AM
Also a function to add a mafia directly from their profile, rather the code... And function to send private messages.. And forum sections in the syndicate forum.....

06-09-2013, 02:44 AM
do u buy the LE buildings and upgrade them? i've heard the latest 12 hour building (toy box) requires more than a billion for the 10th level. unless your IPH is more than 10 mil, you seriously don't have enough money to lend to others. but yes, for those useless weapons, something could be done. i'd love to see an option to sell your weapons for half the price or w/e price. but then, there will be those who will accidentally sell their needed weapons (just like ppl sell their buildings mistakenly) and contact support to undo the deleted stuff .. just saying

06-09-2013, 02:47 AM
Also a function to add a mafia directly from their profile, rather the code... And function to send private messages.. And forum sections in the syndicate forum.....

i agree. syndicate forums are not as usefull.

06-09-2013, 02:49 AM
do u buy the LE buildings and upgrade them? i've heard the latest 12 hour building (toy box) requires more than a billion for the 10th level. unless your IPH is more than 10 mil, you seriously don't have enough money to lend to others. but yes, for those useless weapons, something could be done. i'd love to see an option to sell your weapons for half the price or w/e price. but then, there will be those who will accidentally sell their needed weapons (just like ppl sell their buildings mistakenly) and contact support to undo the deleted stuff .. just saying

feedback is always good.
i have played a game with an auction house thing before. And let me tell you. there was a lot of heartless scammers.

06-09-2013, 02:52 AM
I would love to see gree updating the game AND doing events, as for now it seems like they are putting their energy in events. There are so many things to be done to improve the none event game play.

06-09-2013, 02:54 AM
I would love to see gree updating the game AND doing events, as for now it seems like they are putting their energy in events. There are so many things to be done to improve the none event game play.

wish they could do somthing about it. but we all know gree is here to make money, not satisfy there customers.

06-09-2013, 02:59 AM
i feel like starting 10 suggestion threads that can improve the game or the gameplay. so i will write my suggestion in each thread and end it with .. "if gree implements this suggestion it will be nice but will be even better if they combat the cheaters/hackers menace first" :rolleyes:

06-09-2013, 03:05 AM
cheaters will never be kicked. and niether will suggestions be approved. but you got to keep trying until somthing happens.

06-09-2013, 03:12 AM
i feel like starting 10 suggestion threads that can improve the game or the gameplay. so i will write my suggestion in each thread and end it with .. "if gree implements this suggestion it will be nice but will be even better if they combat the cheaters/hackers menace first" :rolleyes:
Go do that and I will be the first to reply with a thumbs up ;)

06-09-2013, 03:17 AM
combating cheaters is indeed a tough job but once again, i fail to understand if they were able to control gold hacking, why they were not able to control respect/cash/etc hacking?

for the suggestions part, it depends how we put it across .. if a suggestion helps gree earn more money, they may think into it.

we wanted limited edition (LE) buildings and here they are! the LE buildings have added a lot more fun into the game. so they did listen to our suggestions. now only if they could allow us to expand our hoods ... *pressing the like button*

earlier, many people posted suggestions over using stamina in the syndicate events. i believe, it will engage people even more and the gold spending will not go down, it will only go up with the "more engaged" gamers. people will definitely use health packs once the stamina is consumed. i hope gree listens to this suggestion and do something about it. at least free players will have something to do in the syndicate wars rather than tossing the phone away after their 4 free attacks ..

sorry, didn't mean to derail your thread but just speaking my mind ...

if gree implements these suggestions it will be nice but will be even better if they combat the cheaters/hackers menace first :rolleyes: :D

06-09-2013, 03:23 AM
Thumbs up !

06-09-2013, 03:27 AM
combating cheaters is indeed a tough job but once again, i fail to understand if they were able to control gold hacking, why they were not able to control respect/cash/etc hacking?

for the suggestions part, it depends how we put it across .. if a suggestion helps gree earn more money, they may think into it.

we wanted limited edition (LE) buildings and here they are! the LE buildings have added a lot more fun into the game. so they did listen to our suggestions. now only if they could allow us to expand our hoods ... *pressing the like button*

earlier, many people posted suggestions over using stamina in the syndicate events. i believe, it will engage people even more and the gold spending will not go down, it will only go up with the "more engaged" gamers. people will definitely use health packs once the stamina is consumed. i hope gree listens to this suggestion and do something about it. at least free players will have something to do in the syndicate wars rather than tossing the phone away after their 4 free attacks ..

sorry, didn't mean to derail your thread but just speaking my mind ...

if gree implements these suggestions it will be nice but will be even better if they combat the cheaters/hackers menace first :rolleyes: :D

since they want money. we could like have to buy 50 bids with 10 gold?

06-09-2013, 03:37 AM
I used to play a game called Gladiatus. They had an auction section and a place where you could give items away like what you're suggesting. It resulted in what is called "pushing." Loads of high level players would sell powerful gear to friends and even their own low level accounts for next to nothing. They could choose to use the gear or sell it for enormous profits. The game was getting flooded with ridiculously overpowered low level players. It takes a lot of work and constant moderation to be able to monitor transactions in a game with that many players, something I doubt is worth GREE's time considering how long it takes to respond to tickets. I can almost guarantee the same thing would happen here.

06-09-2013, 03:50 AM
Could be an auction where only people on the same level had access... Or +- 5, in that way high levels can't give/sell to lower levels...

06-09-2013, 03:51 AM
I used to play a game called Gladiatus. They had an auction section and a place where you could give items away like what you're suggesting. It resulted in what is called "pushing." Loads of high level players would sell powerful gear to friends and even their own low level accounts for next to nothing. They could choose to use the gear or sell it for enormous profits. The game was getting flooded with ridiculously overpowered low level players. It takes a lot of work and constant moderation to be able to monitor transactions in a game with that many players, something I doubt is worth GREE's time considering how long it takes to respond to tickets. I can almost guarantee the same thing would happen here.

This is exactly what I thought of as well. The game is already skewed to benefit strong low level players, and a lot of high level players have their own low level accounts they could sell to. I imagine even with a "blind auction" such a system would still be easily abused.

The fact that people have obsolete items is a fundamental game mechanic. People keep seeming to want to change this, and I don't understand it.

06-09-2013, 04:34 AM
I think being able to sort items would do away with the desire to sell off useless items.

06-09-2013, 04:50 AM
imho .. the best way would be to allow people to sell their weapons just like they're allowed to sell their buildings. auctions and trading and what not, will simply require more support time. even if not selling, i'd just love to "delete" those stupid weapons filling my inventory for nothing ..

06-09-2013, 04:52 AM
I think being able to sort items would do away with the desire to sell off useless items.


06-09-2013, 05:03 AM
ah - welcome troll, all we needed to kill the fun .. or may be add to the fun? plz be nicey nice and add fun :rolleyes:

Ben Weston
06-09-2013, 05:11 AM
short of gaining very very small amounts of cash I don't see the point in selling weapons. if your at the point where you have lots of low level weapons available to sell then their value is so low in comparison to your relative needs its not worth selling them.

06-09-2013, 07:38 AM
it is not about making money off the crap weapons .. it is about cleaning your inventory. we all know we wouldn't make anything out of selling a revolver (stats 1/1) or a shotgun (2/1) .. i have hundreds of these items that don't help anything but fill my inventory and to find any new weapons i may have won, i have to scroll hundreds of weapons. getting my point?

06-09-2013, 08:05 AM
I used to play a game called Gladiatus. They had an auction section and a place where you could give items away like what you're suggesting. It resulted in what is called "pushing." Loads of high level players would sell powerful gear to friends and even their own low level accounts for next to nothing. They could choose to use the gear or sell it for enormous profits. The game was getting flooded with ridiculously overpowered low level players. It takes a lot of work and constant moderation to be able to monitor transactions in a game with that many players, something I doubt is worth GREE's time considering how long it takes to respond to tickets. I can almost guarantee the same thing would happen here.

Yep, everyone would turn into monsters!! No way, I like it the way it is

06-09-2013, 08:30 AM
Yep, everyone would turn into monsters!! No way, I like it the way it is

you all like it the way it is because you guys are pwning the noobs. if you want to keep it that way then you can trade with peopl withing 1-5 levels from you. otherwise keep it the same.

this suggestion would add so much to the game and make it a million time more entertaining

Ben Weston
06-09-2013, 09:25 AM
you sound bitter walsh?

06-09-2013, 09:27 AM
you sound bitter walsh?

do i?
im not.

Ben Weston
06-09-2013, 09:37 AM
fair enough, personally I am fully aware i'm always going to get beaten and robbed in this game, I just have to keep battling on giving out as punishment as I receive.

06-09-2013, 06:12 PM
Seems like a good idea. You could have an auction tab with lists of items and a bid button. You could be limited to one item at a time AND it could cost a small amount of gold similar to "vip status". The later would limit the number of items on auction and keep the quality of items auctioned high. Auctioning one good item for a large amount of cash IS a good trade off for some players. It would the long time players move large amounts of cash out of their banks and obtain top items to optimize their gear, create money revenue for GREE, and help new players move their gear, hoods, and guilds along with much needed cash infusions. Most importantly it would make cash valuable. Honestly has anybody ever been even the slightest bit tempted to buy a vault of cash? I know I haven't.

06-09-2013, 06:20 PM
I completely understand your point, and agree 100%! I can see gree not wanting to place a button to sell/throw away weapons, because of the extra support needed to fix mistakes by players. I also don't want to add any more responsibilities to gree support, seeing as how long it takes to get an issue taken care of right now. Best solution I can think of, is to actually have a HIDE option on inventory. This way a player can choose to hide away all of his useless weapons,which in turn can be put in a separate section(Hidden Inventory), in case player accidentally removes a weapon of use. Hide/Unhide seems like a reasonable request,and shouldn't be that difficult.
good idea. would love a 'hide' button cuz i hate scrolling through hundreds of weapons to find that particular weapon. plus, i don't understand, in what order are the weapons placed in the inventory? not alphabetically .. not by ascending/descending order of the stats. some crappy formula or showing randomly? maybe ..

Seems like a good idea. You could have an auction tab with lists of items and a bid button. You could be limited to one item at a time AND it could cost a small amount of gold similar to "vip status". The later would limit the number of items on auction and keep the quality of items auctioned high. Auctioning one good item for a large amount of cash IS a good trade off for some players. It would the long time players move large amounts of cash out of their banks and obtain top items to optimize their gear, create money revenue for GREE, and help new players move their gear, hoods, and guilds along with much needed cash infusions. Most importantly it would make cash valuable. Honestly has anybody ever been even the slightest bit tempted to buy a vault of cash? I know I haven't.
ask those "muppets" who have zero IPH .. where's doggie now :rolleyes:

06-09-2013, 06:49 PM
good idea. would love a 'hide' button cuz i hate scrolling through hundreds of weapons to find that particular weapon. plus, i don't understand, in what order are the weapons placed in the inventory? not alphabetically .. not by ascending/descending order of the stats. some crappy formula or showing randomly? maybe .

Exactly. I have been getting frustrated,after each event, scrolling thru hundreds of similar looking weapons, trying to make sure it's been placed in my inventory. Another time consuming task.

Seems like a good idea. You could have an auction tab with lists of items and a bid button. You could be limited to one item at a time AND it could cost a small amount of gold similar to "vip status". The later would limit the number of items on auction and keep the quality of items auctioned high. Auctioning one good item for a large amount of cash IS a good trade off for some players. It would the long time players move large amounts of cash out of their banks and obtain top items to optimize their gear, create money revenue for GREE, and help new players move their gear, hoods, and guilds along with much needed cash infusions. Most importantly it would make cash valuable. Honestly has anybody ever been even the slightest bit tempted to buy a vault of cash? I know I haven't.

The idea of players being allowed to auction off inventory, to other players, is just another dumb, thoughtless idea, and hasn't been thought out properly. This is a game, not E-Bay. Why would gree ever want this. It's getting a little annoying seeing posts that have no value, and will never be implemented in-game, and have countless people agree with it! This is not a "Make A Wish" forum, or "Imagine If" area. Let's keep it real.
P.S- Top syndicates all have multiple players, that purchase cash vaults. Actually, lot of players receive high tier bonus cash, because of amount of cash purchases. Not just gold. What seems crazy to you, is not crazy for all. Especially since LE building upgrades are rewarded with good weapons. Cash vaults is based on 120*iph, so just because a cash vault might look really low value for some, it's more than worth it for others.

06-10-2013, 02:47 AM
Short of gaining very very small amounts of cash I don't see the point in selling weapons. If you're at the point where you have lots of low level weapons available to sell, then their value is so low in comparison to your relative needs that it's not worth selling them.

There are two easy fixes to the problem of inventory.

1. A simple Z-A Atk sort button and a Z-A Def sort button

2. The inventory should only keep the items that are used, with a little extra for that time when you get a 5extra mafia bonus. The inventory would always show the top 500 defense guns and the top 500 attack guns... plus a little (25 of each?) wiggle room.

For (horrible) example, ...At lvl100 with full mafia... I ONLY have 500 pistols. I then buy 300 assault rifles. My inventory would now show 250 pistols and 300 assault rifles.

...certain ways of implementing fix 2 could be a problem if GREE ever intends on raising the mafia cap...

06-10-2013, 04:41 AM
He said he wanted some leeway in the event of later modifiers like +X mafia, etc.