View Full Version : Faction Recruitment

06-08-2013, 06:54 AM
Ratas del Desierto is recruiting after Madagascar to be a strong faction. We are currently top 4000 in Madagascar with 18 members, most who aren't active. We are the twin faction with Celestial Soldiers, top 150 faction. We are looking to fill our faction with strong, active, contributing members to help get to top 1500 or better in next WD. We have pretty good bonuses. Requirements are low leveled players, preferably under level 40 with about 10k stats. Now, the 10k stats doesn't have to be 10k as long as you are active and contributing. Roles will be given out and need to be followed. If you can do these simple things, you should join at 108-534-197. Also we require the use of the Glassboard App. The website is www.glassboard.com or you can get the app for Iphone. Join or not to join is up to you!

06-08-2013, 07:15 AM
Bump to the top.

06-08-2013, 04:57 PM
Bumpity, bump, bump.

I am a cow
06-09-2013, 04:06 AM

06-09-2013, 06:30 AM
Hello cow.

Munday munday
06-09-2013, 10:25 AM
FUN FUN FUN and Mad Ass battling during war

Madagaskar coming to an end.. We are placed comfortably in top 500, but would prefer being much closer to 250!!!

So time to weed out the few inactive players we have, and replace them with some new hungry assassins..

We have a mixture of gold and free players, lots of 100-200k players and a few players around the 70k mark working towards the 100..

3 key facts about us... We got jokes flying out of ur arses between wars, we all super active and serious during war, fighting strategically and we all donate 6xIph to get even more great bonusses..

We expect minimum 70k stats.. Iph is second priority..

PM me to secure your spot..
4-6 openings, depends if we get applicants worth a guild increase.

Bonusses atm:
Health regen. 18%
infantry defe. 20%
ground defen. 20%
Air defense.... 15%
Sea defense... 15%
Building outp.. 10%
members currently 38

I am a cow
06-09-2013, 05:16 PM
FUN FUN FUN and Mad Ass battling during war

Madagaskar coming to an end.. We are placed comfortably in top 500, but would prefer being much closer to 250!!!

So time to weed out the few inactive players we have, and replace them with some new hungry assassins..

We have a mixture of gold and free players, lots of 100-200k players and a few players around the 70k mark working towards the 100..

3 key facts about us... We got jokes flying out of ur arses between wars, we all super active and serious during war, fighting strategically and we all donate 6xIph to get even more great bonusses..

We expect minimum 70k stats.. Iph is second priority..

PM me to secure your spot..
4-6 openings, depends if we get applicants worth a guild increase.

Bonusses atm:
Health regen. 18%
infantry defe. 20%
ground defen. 20%
Air defense.... 15%
Sea defense... 15%
Building outp.. 10%
members currently 38

go find anothr thread to jack not our feeder faction thread

06-10-2013, 05:30 PM
Guys if anyone wants to join, now is the time. We have 18 spots open and scored about 72k WD points to be top 4000 in Madagascar. If we fill out our spots, I can promise top 1500 or better in Poland. The code is 108-534-197.

06-10-2013, 05:42 PM

Top 50 faction (finished 37) looking to fill 4 newly opened spots. Serious players please jump in 11621571

I am a cow
06-11-2013, 10:55 PM
Top 50 faction (finished 37) looking to fill 4 newly opened spots. Serious players please jump in 11621571

F off stop jacking this thread

06-11-2013, 11:02 PM
F off stop jacking this thread

Its called counter-intel. Embrace it! Free bump