View Full Version : Top 250 Babynutz (7spots, all welcome!) - which is Farm Team for Top 50 Deeznuts

06-07-2013, 09:41 AM
If you need a team that will get Top 250 then this is your team. Swords our leader from Deeznuts has moved his acct over to the farm team and wants to prove he can get Top 250 by himself, just for the fun of it. :) So join up, watch the show, or participate if you'd like. Those who do Participate, will be in the voting for who we move up to our top team. (not bad huh?). Only requirement we have is to donate to the team bank.
Send your invites too:
271053582 (long Island Beer) - team name change request hasn't been fulfilled yet :(

For those who choose to be active and be considered for the move up vote, you must download kakao talk and make your ID searchable. PM me your ID and I'll add you.
