View Full Version : What happens when factions merge?

06-06-2013, 05:48 PM
What happens when factions merge? Do the members of the lesser faction quit their faction and what happens to the empty faction and the bonuses and money?

06-06-2013, 05:52 PM
The members of the lesser faction leave to join the other one. All bonuses and money are essentially lost upon doing so. If a faction knows they may be merging and are in the faction that will be joining the other one, the members should stop donating cash and concrete so they can donate it to the new faction.

06-06-2013, 06:09 PM
The members of the lesser faction leave to join the other one. All bonuses and money are essentially lost upon doing so. If a faction knows they may be merging and are in the faction that will be joining the other one, the members should stop donating cash and concrete so they can donate it to the new faction.

You can have one person join and take over your bonuses, including all the wonderful bricks.

06-06-2013, 06:11 PM
What happens when you do 1 thread with related questions instead of 2 separate threads?

06-06-2013, 06:34 PM
I think it allows us to post twice and reach 100 posts faster, so that we can then start a thread about how I just posted my 100th.

Jammed Up
06-06-2013, 06:40 PM
Well, when a Mommy Faction and a Daddy Faction love each other very, very much....

06-06-2013, 07:39 PM
everyone is quitting MW after this weekend

06-06-2013, 08:58 PM
I saw the answer your looking for in another thread.http://www.funzio.com/forum/showthread.php?57327-What-happens-when-the-faction-leader-leaves

06-07-2013, 12:01 AM
People should stop talking about "merger". Technically it's not. It's more like an Acquisition: the players of one faction move to another faction. That's it.

It's basically a group recruitment.

06-11-2013, 10:03 AM
Our group is very dedicated to at least placing in the top 250, and we have placed above 250 in every battle but the last one. We barely placed outside of 250 in the last event due to lack of participation, so we cut the majority of loads. We have a decent number of spaces available for active players, and we would love to incorporate a group of people that already work together well. I am not the syndicate leader, but I am one of the officers, so I would have to run it past the other officers if you are interested.

About us:
We are a friendly group of people, mostly adults. We are interested in people that like the social as well as competitive aspect of the game. We realize people have lives outside of the game, but we expect a certain degree of activity to support the group. I have played many online games, and this group is one of the most enjoyable in terms of the social aspect. We would love to find a group that shares our goals to merge with us.

My code: 979 245 250
Syndicate code: 984 961 665

06-11-2013, 11:08 AM
I saw the answer your looking for in another thread.http://www.funzio.com/forum/showthread.php?57327-What-happens-when-the-faction-leader-leaves
Lol funny, I fell for that one