View Full Version : Come join the fun! GSF Avengers

05-22-2013, 05:50 AM
We placed top 180 in Greenland & Egypt, but due to inactive players, which have been dropped, we are now rebuilding and have several open spots.

Faction: GSF Avengers
We are part of the Global Strike Force family who has placed top 10 all WD events.

We range from free to med/heavy gold spenders. We use a 3rd party chat app to coordinate attacks during WD events, but mostly just to goof around and have fun. This is a GREAT group of guys and girls who love a good laugh.

Faction Boost:
Health Regen: -26% *maxed
Infantry Defense: +30% *maxed
Ground Defense: +15%
Air Defense: +10%
Infantry Attack: +5%
Building Defense: +20%
Building Output: +15%
Guild Member Increase: +18

We have 1,000,000,000 in the bank right now, so more Attack bonuses coming soon.

We would be interested in a small merger INTO our faction too, PM for details.

05-22-2013, 08:41 PM
We're looking for about 10-12 players to merge with us. We're asking that these players merge with our faction instead of the other way around because of our connection to Global Strike Force, and because we can ensure that our faction bonuses were achieved honestly. Like most factions we have a fantastic group of people who chat daily and we have a great community. We have no requirements for donations or gold spend and as long as you're active and want to be part of the crew you are welcome. We have heavy gold spenders as well as people who just want to have fun for free. No pressure here, and no Nazi leaders keeping up with your stats or donations.

All donations and gold spend in our faction is of your own accord, and consequently your efforts to support our growth and achievement are honestly appreciated by everyone - not expected. There are plenty of top 500 factions being carried by a handful of people, so PM me or Zach if you have a small group of people who want to be part of the GSF family.