View Full Version : I guess boss events weren't making enough money for gree

Ak Killah
05-21-2013, 10:00 PM
Is this the end of the loved boss events, share your thoughts

05-21-2013, 10:14 PM
I think the recent stat inflation may have made the boss events too attainable for too many people. Sure, that would also decrease gold spent on boss events. I would have preferred for them to reset the tiers to balance the overall increased player stats.

05-21-2013, 10:30 PM
Funny thing is, the only event I spent gold in is boss events.

05-21-2013, 10:31 PM
GREE loves to take away what we love. They don't care a about what the players want, they just care about how much money they can take from us in the fastest possible way!

05-21-2013, 10:52 PM
Wow just noticed that there is no obvious boss in this one. Maybe they gonna do the KA thing and align a boss event with another event?

05-21-2013, 11:37 PM
Well at least we are getting good items with boss event you 1 of 3 chance of getting a rare. At least LTQ you can't be disappointed because you know what you are getting :D

panty sniffer
05-21-2013, 11:41 PM
Maybe boss event will be in the next line-up. Seems they will be testing a new type of event with the "paying what you owe event". My guess is that it will be pure PVP as the current one is pure PVE

05-21-2013, 11:45 PM
Would it be nice if one of the Mods response to these questions.just to shed light on players/paying customers.for sure it will prevent more speculations or worse tickets to answer....

05-21-2013, 11:51 PM
Somewhere I was wondering with the last final boss prize - was this a last hurray? The item was better by a big jump, sorta going out in style...

bald zeemer
05-22-2013, 12:50 AM
I'd be very surprised if an average tier 5 player could beat a boss for anywhere near as little gold as is required to finish LTQ. I did it in a couple of hours for less than 2k. Finishing off boss 40 for that requires raw stats around 150k, from memory.

05-22-2013, 12:53 AM
The only money I spent on any events is the Boss event.

It might provide stat inflation, but if anything, they should just scale down the prizes for those. Like upgrading the pagoda/dside mill gives you a dangerously strong item, I would rather the boss event have a weaker item than not have it at all.

otherwise its only the cheap gold buildings like for me.

05-22-2013, 12:59 AM
Wow, they get rid of the boss events after I finally beat the tier 1 boss 40 for free. At least it it gives me a reason to stop levelling up.

05-22-2013, 01:26 AM
I'd be very surprised if an average tier 5 player could beat a boss for anywhere near as little gold as is required to finish LTQ. I did it in a couple of hours for less than 2k. Finishing off boss 40 for that requires raw stats around 150k, from memory.

For Tier 4 or Tier 5? Tier 4 is ~118k. Tier 5 is ~847k.

I can remember these because I've responded to your posts about them before. :rolleyes:

I don't know why they got rid of the boss events (if they even did), but IMO if it was about money, they should fix the tiers to make level 40 attainable for a higher percentage of players (i.e. looking solely at Tier 5). If the goal was to discourage camping, they could even do so by making the Tier 1 boss disproportionately high and the Tier 4-5 boss in reach of the top 10% of players (or whatever percentage of players at the top spend gold). Go ahead and let the FC players be able to do it for free, GREE will get their money from other events anyway. No need to use them as the benchmark for everyone else (IIRC weren't the tiers first set by looking at the stats of the top X% of players?). If I was GREE, I would look at what percentage of top players spend gold, and then put level 40 just out of their reach. It would not be hard at all to figure out what the boss health should be to maximize gold spending. Hell, they could even limit the FC-strength members from abusing the events by making the level 40 boss have a reasonable amount of health (perhaps something like 13 * 300k), but make the level 41+ bosses quickly increase in health, so that people who could crush such a boss (looking at you, 1mil+ attackers) from being able to earn too many free boss loot items after 40.

bald zeemer
05-22-2013, 01:42 AM
For Tier 4 or Tier 5? Tier 4 is ~118k. Tier 5 is ~847k.

I can remember these because I've responded to your posts about them before. :rolleyes:

I don't know why they got rid of the boss events (if they even did), but IMO if it was about money, they should fix the tiers to make level 40 attainable for a higher percentage of players (i.e. looking solely at Tier 5). If the goal was to discourage camping, they could even do so by making the Tier 1 boss disproportionately high and the Tier 4-5 boss in reach of the top 10% of players (or whatever percentage of players at the top spend gold). Go ahead and let the FC players be able to do it for free, GREE will get their money from other events anyway. No need to use them as the benchmark for everyone else (IIRC weren't the tiers first set by looking at the stats of the top X% of players?). If I was GREE, I would look at what percentage of top players spend gold, and then put level 40 just out of their reach. It would not be hard at all to figure out what the boss health should be to maximize gold spending. Hell, they could even limit the FC-strength members from abusing the events by making the level 40 boss have a reasonable amount of health (perhaps something like 13 * 300k), but make the level 41+ bosses quickly increase in health, so that people who could crush such a boss (looking at you, 1mil+ attackers) from being able to earn too many free boss loot items after 40.

I was saying to beat tier 5 for 2000 gold needs those stats (again - estimate, but I'm definitely ballpark). This event can be completed pretty much for free, if you're patient and don't let your energy fill up.

And I definitely agree with you on boss tier 5. There's less than 10 players who can beat it for free. I have 1.15m attackl but my raw stats are still just under 200k short of beating it for free. It is clearly absurd. And they do need to limit that endless-boss killers, because even though they're friends of mine I still think it's crazy that a certain attack allows you to instantly add hundreds and hundreds of boss rares.

I'd say they're just looking to phase bosses and other events around. We didn't have a collect-20 last cycle. These short cycles don't allow for all event types to occur.

where is the problem?? I am at level 150 with stats around 190k..to beat the boss ist 5 times cheaper than this event, and you get only 4000xp points for boss and not 50.000 like this one. Believe me, it not so good as it looks like!!!
I don't know what to say. Either you haven't paid any attention to what you're doing, or you're lying. Assuming that the 190k is your raw attack, not your total attack, you'd need 150 gold to defeat boss 40 (not any of the leadup bosses) at perfect health-pack usage, which is impossible when you use 15 health packs. Realistically it'd be around 300 gold.

For bosses 34-40 [my spreadsheet only includes bosses I spend on - you'd have to pay from boss 25] it'd be 900 gold total - at perfect health pack usage, which isn't possible for any of those bosses. So you're looking around 1500 at least for those 7, plus the other 9 you have to hit. Definitely over 2000 gold. Which, as I stated, is around what I used to finish a 5 day event in 2 hours.

05-22-2013, 04:07 AM
If the goal was to discourage camping, they could even do so by making the Tier 1 boss disproportionately high and the Tier 4-5 boss in reach of the top 10% of players (or whatever percentage of players at the top spend gold).
This ist just one thing that should be changed. The main problem isn't camping per se, but camping that makes lower level players stronger than higher level players in absolute stats. If you don't tier items - like it was at the beginning for all the events - you run into issues. It's obvious.
And things will get worse for the middle range if those low levels get "flushed up" with LTQs.

bald zeemer
05-22-2013, 04:39 AM
Or they could alter the game so that the best way to play is to actually play the game.

05-22-2013, 04:52 AM
What's funny is that everyone complained about not enough events. Then everyone complained about to many crate events. Now you see Gree stepping and giving more events and less crates at that and everyone is still unhappy. Make your own game and play it if you want to control everything they do.

I understand there are some things that need to change but geez, some people will never be happy until Gree personally makes the game based on that one person's wants.

Gree, I'd like 4 boss events, all with items that have modifier's on them. And I'd like all four to be done in between the syndicate wars each time. Since I buy vaults, you must listen to me.

05-22-2013, 06:01 AM
would be really surprised if they were getting rid of the boss. they still have them on modern war and kingdom age, I think they are just trying to mix it around a bit to be more variety in the game and keep it interesting. It seems logical not to have a boss event between each war now they are every 2 weeks its a bit over kill.

05-22-2013, 06:21 AM
would be really surprised if they were getting rid of the boss. they still have them on modern war and kingdom age, I think they are just trying to mix it around a bit to be more variety in the game and keep it interesting. It seems logical not to have a boss event between each war now they are every 2 weeks its a bit over kill.

Boss event are player favourite event so it would mistake for them get rid of it. I think boss events are important for Gree because you gain more experience for every boss you defeat. Personally i think get rid box event and keep boss events.

bald zeemer
05-22-2013, 06:30 AM
Open 10s are the only reliable (ie, constantly occurring) source of modifiers outside of war. Open 20s aren't going away, because leaderboards are a huge money-spinner.

Chosen Pessimist
05-22-2013, 06:51 AM
I was quite pissed off by no boss event either, but then I got to thinking.....boss events were once a calendar month. As we're all other events. You would (since syndicates) never have 2 of the same style event in the same calendar month.

People wanted more events. They have done just that, and rather impressively. I am in no way shape or form defending gree(d) just stating my observations as a long time player.

Syndicate events by far produce the most revenue as most all players spend some quantity of gold on the event whereas other events people pick and choose where to spend gold. This is simply a business move.

I understand not putting a boss event after Chinatown because that would be 2 in 1 month. My only questioning is the lte buildings, and the standing theory is people wanted more buildings, and what better way than to offer rewards that even free players can obtain (to a point).

Pick and choose your events to use gold on. Be thankful we have the option now to choose. Don't complain because your twink isn't getting free loot. And bottom line:


I'm a free player and I approve this message.

05-22-2013, 06:57 AM
maybe the pay what you owe is boss event like on modern war now where it is stacked in levels of 5. Every 5th level of completion gives you special prize other than your normal r,uc, or c ones. I think those are i bigger turn on to everyone as people are more septible to spending to win 2 more levels to get to 20, 25, 30 or whichever it may be then they would to get from 31 to 40 to get prize. So basically every 5 levels you get 6 prizes 5 from 3 categories and 1 for stage complete